Chapter 21 - Heist

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"Anna, how's it looking so far?" You call into the ear piece.

"Pretty okay," they continue to munch on their happy meal, squealing when they see the toy. "Oh hell yes, I don't have this one yet,"

"Seriously? The biggest heist of the century and you decide to have McDonald's??"

"Hey! I'm a collector," they bite into the apple slices before typing away, "Hydra agent down the left corridor,"

"Got it- Are you seriously using Marvel references during our heist?" You whisper-shout into the ear piece.

"Sorry, did you want me to be bored to death??"

"Honey, I'm home!"

"Is that- did you invite Moriarty over?!" Hiding around the corner, you see the flash light scan down the hall again. "Oh you are so not getting that raise!"

"Hello, my darling," he peppers a few kisses on Anna's cheek before doing a double take, "what's this?" Moriarty picks up a spare earpiece, "you really should try the vents, worked for Barton and Romanoff,"

"This is why I'm dating you," Anna properly kisses him, but you heard all too much.

"I swear you two make me sick," using a small rope, you hoist yourself up above the hall while the guard passed under. "Seriously, you'd think they'd choose not to listen to music while protecting priceless items,"

"So what are you stealing?" Moriarty pops a bit of gum into his mouth, looking over Anna's notebook.

"The Hope diamond," you whisper dramatically but gained no reaction, "seriously? I hate you both."

"Oh, shit that was my cue," Anna clears their throat before gasping dramatically, "how was that, boss?"

"Fine... I guess," landing back on the ground, you make a run for the main room but past one that makes your eyes widen. "Hey, Anna?"

They throw a magazine at Jim who tried to look through your files, "yeah?"

"How much space do we have in the truck?" you enter the room, gazing over the sleek finish of the vintage car.

"Uh, not sure... maybe enough for one car worth of shit?"

"Hm... perfect," you take out your phone, calling in the people you had appointed for certain tasks.


"The Hope Diamond, a necklace on tour here through the British Museum in correlation with other royal jewels from other countries," Lestrade explains to Sherlock and John who examined the room they stood in. Decked out in other exhibitions of jewels, the Hope Diamond case was the only one shattered. "Luckily the crown jewels are fine," he points shows CCTV from the tower.

"Wouldn't want another Moriarty," John mutters, walking around the glass.

"Well, we checked every other high stake facility with any sort of jewel," Lestrade goes on, "nothing missing,"

"One necklace and that's all? Wouldn't you want to steal the whole thing?" John watches Sherlock pace around, leaping from spot to spot without care of those who stared.

"Worth a bloody lot, that thing, besides it may be easier to get away with one necklace,"

"Whoever it is a woman, late 20s, size (shoe size) shoes, (weight)kg, expert in-" Sherlock stops himself to realise what he said. "This was Y/n,"

"Y/n?" John blinks nervously.

"Y/n?" Lestrade scoffs, "as in the one who Sherlock was in love- I mean... didn't hate?" he covers up quickly as Sherlock glared his way.

"Yes, that Y/n," John confirms, "she's apparently... well she pulled a Jim from IT..."

"She's one of Moriarty's rivals in the criminal world," Sherlock then looks at the missing diamonds, "thieving magpie,"

"So what do we do? We can't prove it- hell, do you even know where she is??"

"I will," he walks from the crime scene with only one thing in mind and that was putting you behind bars. No matter the charity you did, the Good Samaritan deeds, solving the case would mean you in cuffs facing a jury.


"Hm," you watch Sherlock through the CCTV hacked. His hand traced along different items, checking them... not close enough though. "I wonder if he'll ever figure it out," tracing your finger along the screen, it zooms in on him.

It was like watching a work of art in progress. Technique and style of his deductions caught your every attention, like a perfect melody mid tune. Fast paced, constant until every on-beat stop to observe more.

"Hm..." nothing much was left to say as your attention moved from action to figure. His posture and curls, sharp cheekbones and narrowed eyes.

"Someone sold me a fake Funko!" Anna burst into the room making you shut down the CCTV monitors. "I'll need a day off and your jet, please, boss,"

"Uh... yeah sure," scrambling over files, you neaten things up to look more professional. "Yeah, I'll be busy designing for the gala," you wave them off but they stood there with a shit-eating grin.

"You were watching him weren't you?~" They drag on smugly.

"I was seeing how stupid he really was! You make me sound creepy,"

"Yeah, staring at secret camera video of a man you knew for a few months isn't creepy at all," they walk off, ducking just as you threw a blade where their head would have been, "see ya!"


Sherlock stared at his wall. Bored out his mind, all he focused on was the painting you gifted. Something about your work threw him off. A feeling grew in his chest at the thought of you; it suffocated him, restrained him from forming words. He lacked a remark when he saw you, trying to find a way to decipher the code which was simply... you. An enigma he was yet to crack, tormenting him with spinning cogs wracking his brain.

He steps out from his room, walking up to the flat which you once called home. Maybe you never did...

Pushing the door open, he ventures to your old painting room. Nothing was left except plastic which stopped any paint to splatter on the walls or floor. Surely a clue had been left here. Surely you had thought to do so.

"There has to be something,"

"Afraid not," your voice rung out from your old kitchen, trailing down into the hall.


Sorry I didn't update- I fell asleep after work so now it's 4am and I haven't had dinner

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Sorry I didn't update- I fell asleep after work so now it's 4am and I haven't had dinner

- Anna ❤️

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