Chapter 33 - Daffodils

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"Sherlock!" Your yell was mixed with a laugh as you skipped a few steps, jumping down the stairs and through the kitchen to the back door.

He catches sight of you grabbing your shoes, slipping them on mid run which he did as well, "oh no you don't!"

"What are you two- woah!" Mrs Holmes was spun around a bit as you dash past her left and Sherlock passed her right.

"No, no, no!" You jump the fence towards the large field scattered with daffodils.

"You're not getting away that easy, L/n!" He jumps the fence as well, catching up easily to you.

"Sherlock, don't you fucking dare!" You knew his plan from that mischievous spark in his eyes. "Don't you- dare!" Due to the thick, high blades of grass, it was hard to tell the leveling of the field, so what you thought was flat turned out to be a small dip causing you fall along with Sherlock.

It seemed he didn't see or observe this outcome.

Tumbling through the grass, you hit a few daffodils, Sherlock pummelling through a few more than you. The bottom of the hill wasn't too far, your body stopping on levelled grass and dirt with a small grunt, Sherlock hitting you soon with a groan.

"Ow..." you mutter under your breath.

"Gotcha," he tugs at your sleeve.

"Hurrah," giving a sarcastic cheer the dirt rubs from your cheek as the detective groans to roll on top of you, "Sherlock- get off!" Yet again you yell his name, wriggling away best you could until he lay you on top of him. "You idiot,"

"You did fall first," he counters, facing you with a delicate gaze.

"You're the idiot for following," using your sleeve, you wipe his forehead of a soft spec of muck. From that, your fingers graze down along his skin, holding his face gently, just as he held you every time. "Dammit, Sherlock, what are we doing?"

"I think laying in a field of daffodils," he purses his lips in a taunting ponder.

"You know what I mean," pushing his face away with the tips of your fingers, he only tilts it back to face your wandering eyes.

"Not sure..." he admits, pushing back loose ends of your hair, "I'm not exactly 100% confident in this field of..."

"Daffodils?" You scoff playfully.


A sigh leaves your lips as you tussle his hair gently. "Neither am I,"

This struck him dumbfounded, "you're not??"

"Taking over the criminal underworld bit by bit doesn't give you time to do all- whatever this shit is,"

"Would you want to?"

Uncertainty started to brew at this point. Would you want to? You enjoyed this life. Maybe not when it doesn't go as planned, but normal didn't suit you. Normal was too... normal.

"I don't know how to," you watch him shrug in agreement, understanding and... disappointment. "Doesn't mean I don't want to,"

You would never let this memory of him go; how his eyes lit up like an excited puppy, an involuntary smile on his lips.

"You're adorable," hesitancy washes away when you initiate the kiss. A flutter rings through his chest, fingers twitching to hold you tighter after the subtle chuckle shared.

"Does that mean I get to call you princess?"

"I will still shoot you," you glare at his amusement.

"Darling?" His voice seemed to drop a little, a rapid wave of butterflies filling your body. "We have a good reaction, everyone,"

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