Chapter 16 - Ellion

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A young boy was reading by the window in the hospital room, an IV tube attached to him but a smile on his face nonetheless. "Hey, kiddo, what book did you choose to hoard now?" you leant against the doorway.

"(Different name)?" The young boy, Ellion, shuts his book, carefully rushing to you for a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"What? Can't I see my favourite pain in the neck?" you chuckle, "everyone else in the playroom?"

"Mhm," he nods to confirm. "Did you bring something?"

"I don't know, did I?" You kneel down, open the small bag and pulling out a book trilogy, neatly wrapped with a bow. "How does three new books sound?"

"You are amazing!" He hugs you tight, "this is so cool! Thank you!"

"Anytime, kiddo," you ruffle his hair, "now let's go to the others, okay?"


"No? Really?" You over-exaggerate your jaw dropping at a little girl's story of how she thinks one of the nurses is a witch. "I'll be sure to keep a lookout!"

"(Different name)! I made something!" Another little boy rushes to you with a picture of a dog he drew. It was adorable, crayon flowers, green hills and and a bright sun on a blue sky, he put it in your hand, "it's for you," he says shyly.

"Aw, thank you, Cameron," pinching his cheek gently, you hand it to Anna who walks up, placing it in a folder, "I'm going to frame it just like your others, I promise,"

"Oh! Can I choose the frame?" Ellion, gives a small pleading tone.

"Finish your lunch and I will," you point to his sandwich.

"I'm not hungry!" he pouts making you walk to his side, kneeling down, "it tastes weird... I want a chocolate sandwich," he didn't want to complain, but he couldn't help it.

"How about you finish your fruit and then I can talk to the doctor about chocolate, okay?"

"Promise?" he whispers, holding his pinky up.

"I promise," you agree, laughing when he nearly tackles you with a hug, "how about we ask now?"

"I'll keep watch," Anna assures, letting a little girl braid her hair.


"Now, where is that doctor?" you had Ellion on your back, without the IV drip it was easier to do this. "Choose a direction, Captain!"

"Left!" he points forward making you charge forward quickly for a second before slowing down. "Doctor Theo!" Ellion calls out.

"Hey, Rose," you look to one of the nurses, "know where Doctor Theo is?"

"Down the hall," they point to the Doctor talking to someone hidden down the hall on the right.

"Thanks," you adjust Ellion and your grip on him, "come on, Captain, let's get your sandwich!"

"Doctor Theo!" Ellion calls, your pace hurrying until you spin a little on the way, the boy laughing brightly. "I'm seeing sandwiches," he grabs his head with a grin.

"Are they all chocolate?" you slow down, seeing the doctor focus attention to you. "Hey, doc, E here wants a chocolate sandwich, is it okay if he- Sherlock?"

The detective stayed silent, staring blankly at your while John felt his throat dry, stomach dropping. "Oh, that's fine..." he then sees you eyeing Sherlock, "Mr Holmes here is helping out with a case and needs some to talk to one of the nurses," Dr. Theo explains.


"That's a weird name," Ellion whisper into your ear, a smile spreading on your face as you swing him around into your arms.

"Alright, Captain chaos," you put him down, "go ask Nurse Rose for that sandwich okay?"

"Aw man," he crosses his arms, "I don't want to leave you,"

"Listen here, kiddo, if you behave I'll bring you a book from two levels above your current reading level,"

"Please!" He pouts.

Rummaging in your pocket, you take out your wallet, "I'll give you five quid,"

"Deal!" he snatches the money, giving you a hug and running off.

"Slow down or I'm making you a healthy sandwich instead!" calling after was no use as he slides down the hall. "Thanks, doc, that kid was going to drive me insane if you said no,"

"You have such a soft spot for those kids, (Different name)," the doctor pats your shoulder, "thank you again for the donation,"

"It's no trouble," nodding to him as he leaves, you ignore the duo behind you.

"(Different name)?" John says in disbelief, "what's going on? Using sick kids to hide all the horrible things you do?"

"Keep your voice down before I cut your tongue out, John," you seethe, finally turning, "I may be cruel but I'm not heartless," eye contact was avoided with the taller man. He bore his eyes into you, reading you like a semi-open book, unlike everyone else around.

"Sure," John scoffs.

"Y/n volunteers here because she lost someone when she was younger." Talk about semi-closed.

"What?" John looks to Sherlock as you refused to confirm, tightening a hold on any possible tears.

"Like I said, I'm not heartless," you remind, taking leave as fast as you could. Combing through the wig a little, you see Ellion rush back, "what happened to the sandwich?"

"Nurse Rose is going to get it but I wanted to see if you were okay," he reaches up to be carried which you comply to. "Are you in trouble?"

"No, no," you glance back to the duo who were listening in. "Come on, lead the way Captain,"

"This way," he leans towards the end of the hall, your body stumbling with his weight.

"Woah! Careful," you laugh, hugging him close, conversation kept up.

"That has to be a bluff, right?" John asks Sherlock who simply turns away. "Shit," the blogger was almost lost for words at such a change.


I'm so tired writing this on the bus

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I'm so tired writing this on the bus

- Anna ❤️

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