Chapter 24 - Getting away with it

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Among clouds of burnt rubber were sprawling goldfish and a single car. Sleek finish, the 1963 Ferrari GTO's silver finish reflected the blinding photography lights. Not exactly your kind of car but oh, the price tag on this thing made it all the more impressive.

"Aw, sorry I'm late!" You step out, security holding up hardly-lethal weapons to you. "This is the thanks I get? After feeling the moral need to return your precious diamond?"

"The diamond!" A few gasp, pointing to your neck. The brilliant blue matched your dress which slipped along your body and flowed out like ocean waves. Complimenting and perfectly expressing you, your personality, most stood shocked in their spot, almost at awe.

"Who are you?" A reporter shouts.

"The one who's gonna show the world what true power looks like," you roll out a small device. Round metal clicking the shoot out strings of electricity to electrocute the security guards until they fell unconscious. "Oh? And I suppose you didn't notice?" Circling around to the trunk, it pops open to show other jewels from the museum, "that wasn't the only jewel I stole- don't worry, they're perfectly fine,"

"Did we know those were missing?" The co-director asks around.

"No, because your hackable security cameras showed that none of you noticed the gems were replicas made of a very... cheap plastic," you walk up the steps.

"Police are on their way," the director glares just as Sherlock descends the steps towards the ruckus.

"Oh, if Jim Moriarty could get off with a small slap to the wrist what makes you think I can't?" You grin, hands behind your back smugly. "I applaud you for having Sherlock on the case, too bad he failed,"

Sirens blast from every possible exit. All you do is keep your eyes locked on the detective, his stoic frown contrasting with your smug grin.

"Hands above your head!" Dozens of officers raise guns, almost every rank in Scotland Yard on stand by and even Lestrade was stood by their cars.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you," you sing out, spinning around. "I go down, you all go up in flames," hundreds of snipers made themselves known with dots of red. "I go down or those jewels get moved and my men will not hesitate to shoot,"

"What do you want?" A negotiator beside Lestrade asks.

"Many things!" You lift your arms in the air, stepping down with such malice it made those around you tremble. "England was my little sandbox," you gesture down to the ground, "but now I'm bored... and I hate being bored,"

"Y/n, let these people go, we can negotiate this indoors," Sherlock took a step forward making every red dot turn to him.

You look around, the cowering figures huddled together, soft sniffles and prayers. Not like they were needed. "I'll give you five minutes to evacuate these civilians," clicking your fingers, it seemed all the dots disappeared. "No one touches the jewels, got it?"

It was exhilarating to see everyone leave. True chaos in its purest form. Panic and fear swirled like a perfect storm to create clashes of terrified pleads for help. As this came then went, the snipers were back in place, every officer on high alert as well.

"I've sacrificed a lot to get to where I am, you know?" you unclasp the necklace. "Moriarty and I may be colleagues now, but we do often compete for clients," tossing it to Lestrade, it felt nice to have the weight lifted off your chest, "how else to draw in the masses by out-smarting one of England's best?" you look over your shoulder to Sherlock, a wink given to fluster him a little.

"You think you're just going to get away with this?" obviously this was Lestrade's superior.

"Well... yes, wasn't that obvious?" your patience was wearing thin, so the next step was executed, "I have no use for these, so go ahead and place them back," you point to the car, "I think I've made myself known enough,"

"Miss L/n," one of your many guards pushes past to provide you with your coat. "The car is waiting down the road,"

"Alright," you shoo him away, "I honestly expected more chaos,"

How you spoke too soon. A small round object dropped from the sky, unlocking to send out a big burst of smoke. Your first thought was the snipers, "hold fire!" You yell, "you idiots won't be able to see me!"

"Y/n!" Sherlock yelled over the crowd, Lestrade and John doing the same. Though your focus was on getting yourself out of there as soon as possible.

Taking your phone out, you dial Anna's number through the thick smoke, which turned from beige to a heavy dull green. "Anna-" you cough rapidly, "what the fuck is-"

"Oh, Y/n," a voice rung out. "You think you'd get away that easily? After you screwed us over?"

"Shit." You did do everything to get where you were, sacrificed a lot.

Including your likeliness to live after a certain incident.

Many years ago, you did somewhat help England, providing pricey information on the black market which would benefit the crown. It was a threat on many lives, lives saved by a few words and yours easily benefited.

"You think all these years you'd be free? Oh, you naive little bitch," he scoffs. Who was this? Andre... well, last names don't matter, most would only say his first before being shot between the eyes. Talk about anonymity.

"Finally found me, huh?" you drop to your knees behind a column. "Took you long enough, you bastard,"

"You made it very easy... just waited for the right time to take you down- just when you finally thought you won. Do say your goodbyes because I'll kill everyone you ever loved... starting with this stupid assistant of yours,"

Your face drops at the sound of Anna sobbing, crying out in pain when, you could only assume, Andres kicking them. "Y/n! Get out of here!" They whimper, begging for your life to be spared while theirs was on the line.

Just as you were about to speak, "Andre wai-" a loud gunshot was heard on the other side of the phone, the line going silent after a few seconds.



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- Anna ❤️

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