Chapter 4

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His words stayed with me all the way down the pathways of the gardens and back through the castle’s front oak doors. I passed by the great hall which was empty and walked up the staircase to the first landing. At the top of the steps, Father’s guards saluted me.

‘Your Highness, his Majesty is expecting you,’ one of the guards said, bowing his head.

I nodded and stepped quietly towards the library. The door had been left ajar and I could hear voices from within. I recognised Alzbeta’s high chatter and my father’s low tones. With them, another voice sounded, calm, warm and pleasant. It came back to me from long ago, and my heart beat faster.

‘Ah, there she is!’ Father exclaimed.

I had not meant to enter, but the voice had drawn me closer and I did not realise I had revealed myself.

‘Come, daughter, come inside,’ the King gestured impatiently.

I obeyed quickly, not wishing to provide Father with yet another reason to be displeased with me. As I stepped over the threshold, I saw the King sitting at his mahogany desk. Beside him, Alzbeta was perched on the left armrest of his high chair. And in front of the desk stood the Lord Commander, a tall slender man, with long dark hair and vivid green eyes. Constantin was right. He had not aged one day.

Overcome with nerves, I did not dare walk any further but stood in the doorway, all too aware of my untidy attire. Alzbeta was quick to notice immediately, and an expression of indignation skewered her features.

‘What’s the meaning of this, Irena?’ she burst affected. ‘Is this how you see fit to present yourself before your august father and our noble guest? Your face is dirty and your nails are black. I’m surprised you aren’t carrying earth worms in your pockets.’

I felt my cheeks on fire and looked down mortified. In my eagerness to see Lord Halvard again, I had forgotten all etiquette. I should have had the sense to change my dress at least.

‘Leave her be, Alzbeta. It’s too late for that anyway,’ Father commented, a shadow of disappointment in his voice. ‘Damian, you remember my daughter, of course.’

Lord Halvard turned fully towards me then. A smile bloomed on his handsome face and he took a courteous bow.

‘Of course, how could I forget?’ he said, his warm voice now even more melodious. ‘Princess Irena, it gives me great pleasure to see you again.’

I blushed profusely and attempted a curtsey.

‘Thank you, your Lordship,’ I murmured shyly.

‘You will excuse our daughter, my Lord,’ the Queen chirped, her hand settling on Father’s shoulder possessively. ‘Her education is somewhat lacking. Until now, even I have been unable to make the slightest impression on her headstrong nature.’

I felt my cheeks burn hotter still, and my nails dug into my palms painfully. With her words, Alzbeta was ruining every dream of friendship I had secretly nourished. I could feel Lord Halvard’s penetrating stare on me, but I did not have the courage to return it. No doubt, I had made a terrible impression, and Alzbeta’s acid commentary was making it all worse.

‘Yes, this is one of the reasons we thought to have you come back to us, Damian,’ Father said then, his hand patting Alzbeta’s. ‘It is our wish that you should put your vast academic knowledge to good use and relieve poor Mr. Havel of his burden.’

I lifted my head, staring bewildered first at my father, then at Lord Halvard.

‘Yes, daughter. As you have undoubtedly guessed, his Lordship will take on the task of your education, a challenge that has so far posed considerable difficulties for everyone else.’

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