1. In the Beggining

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Third person's P.O.V
"It's time, my love. Our child's almost here!" Imoteph could hear Amunet's cries as the water trickled down her legs. Her hands
clutched at her belly as Nefertiri took her hand. " I need a priest of Sekhmet, tell them the child is to be born!" Nefertiri tried to calm Amunet, as Imoteph rushed over to help his wife lay down. He prayed that this would be a easy birth, that the child would pass into the gateway of life unharmed. As the priest of Sekhemet rushed by him, he was ushered out into the hall. The birth could not be tainted with a priest of the underworld in the room.
As Imoteph paced, The Pharohs concubine
Anck Su Namun stopped him. "My, My, My aren't you worried?" He glared at her, his body tensed and eyes tiresome. "Go, Anck Su Namun. I have no time to give you." The concubine glanced among the hall,noticing it was clear she trailed her hands along his chest. "That's not what you were saying last night, or every night this week for that matter." Her hands trailed his peck, and he could feel his self get hard. Grabbing her wrists, he backed her up against the wall. "That was a weak state of mind. I worry for my Wife, my child." Anck Su Namun smirked at him, standing on her tip toes to reach his ear, "That is what you said the first night, but after the third time you forgot your excuses." She leaned her lips against his, breathing him in before he shoved her back. "Go Anck Su Namun, before a servant sees you and I loose all that I have worked for." She kissed him one last time before walking away, swaying her hips with his full attention.
As Imoteph slid down the wall, head in his hands he prayed, he prayed he would never have a moment of weakness when it came to the concubine. He sat waiting on his wife and child for hours, contemplating how he could break his and Amunet's sacred bond. He concerned himself that he was lonely, his wife had been ill and irritated while pregnant. She had no sexual drive while the concubine had plenty. Every scenario blamed his wife, as in his head the only fault he had was if she found out.
Nefertiri came to the door, seeing Imoteph with his hands on his head and sunk to the floor. "Come, brother. All is well." Imoteph stood, and walked into the room. His wife played in bed, clean and holding a soft blue blanket. The silk wrapped the child so softly and his heart skipped a beat when he saw his wife. Her hair was measly from labor, tiny sweat drops plastered her brow, even with the cool air from the balcony. She held the child to her breast, where he greedily drank from. Imoteph sat by his wife, and kissed her on the temple. " The gender of the child...?" His voice quivered slightly when he spoke. A girl is a bad omen for a first born, but being royalty she would live. A boy was a sign of a warrior, someone to protect the weak. " A boy. His name is Abraxus." Amunet stated, handing the child to his father. The moment he wrapped his finger around Imoteph's, something changed in the priest. His body slumped in relaxation, being so strained with fear. "Abraxus, the aware."

Three weeks later
With Amunet caring for the baby and healing her body, Imoteph still took pleasure in the concubines body. Amunet remained unaware of Imoteph and Anck Su Namun's relationship. When one night in the court as the Pharoh Seti I, held his grandson with Amunet seated beside him, Imoteph firmly behind her. He requested a fight between Ank Su Namun and Nefertiri. While the woman fought, the Pharoh insisted it was to see if Nefertiri had gotten far on her training. As in the case they where ever alone and attacked, they would win against their attacker. Amunet, being the oldest was well trained and could defeat any foe against her. At a young age she had taken a interest in the swords and combat moves taught to her by the Medjai.
As Ank Su Namun and Nefertiri danced around in combat, Amunet watched her father with Abraxus. His first grandson had him wrapped around his finger, and the Pharoh was oblivious.
When Ank Su Namun pinned Nefertiri down, a dagger to her throat, Seti I announced her as the winner. "This, this is the woman who will be my new queen. With her by my side I will not be harmed." The whole room cheered, all but three people. Nefertiri grimiced at her sister, who returned the facial expression. When her eyes went to Imoteph, she felt rage fire up from her heart. He was looking at Ank Su Namun, and at that moment her suspicions bloomed. There was something there, and she was going to figure out what.
Little did Nefertiri know, but Ank Su Namun had noticed the princesses gaze on her beloved. Knowing the child was smart, she knew actions must be taken. Imoteph would never be hers with his wife and child in the way.
That's the night the world came crashing for Nefertiri. While Amunet carried little Abraxus to their room, Imoteph followed her. Giving them both a kiss on the forehead, he explained that the Pharoh had wished to see him after the match. Amunet nodded and smiled, kissing him back. She held the young babe close, requesting a bath to be drawn for the both of them. As the princess slid in the bath she held onto Abraxus, letting him eat as she relaxed. With a full belly and warm relaxation of the water, he fell asleep. Amunet called for a servant to take him as she washed up. Stepping out she went took her sweet boy, wrapping him in her arms as they laid down to rest.
The door to Imoteph and Amunet's chamber opened, a silent movement throughout the room. The figure of Ank Su Namun crept from the darkness, a dagger in her hand. She crept forward, seeing how the mother and child where asleep, she slit their throats with one fluid motion. Amunet could not make a sound, but she could see her murderer clearly. Ank Su Namun smiled, bending over to whisper in the women's ear. "Without you and your spawn, he will forever be mine."
  Imoteph went to Ank Su Namuns chambers after speaking with the Pharoh, his fingers acheing to touch her. The two embraced in a passionate kiss, Imoteph not knowing that the woman before him had killed his wife and son. The couple did not know, was that Nefertiri was standing on the balcony and had watched the kiss. Her chest tightened with anger, as she stood and fetched her father. After alerting him and the Medjai, Nefertiri went to wake her sister. Even with drastic news, she should know immediately. When Nefertiri entered the room, her hand went to her sisters shoulder. When she pulled it back after finding a thick liquid, her eyes adjusting to the dark, she could see that the two of them where no longer living. Panic rushed her, was it Imoteph? Did he kill them for Ank Su Namun?? She ran to the chamber, as she watched Imoteph stab her father with a royal sword. The Medjai grabbed Imoteph, while Ank Su Namun grabbed the dagger and screamed for Imoteph to revive her. To bring her back into the world for their love.  Her blood spilled the floor, combining only in death with her father's.
While the Medjai took Imoteph, Nefertiri told them of her sister and Abraxus's murder. They determined that Imoteph was the murderer, and induced the Hom- Dai. That night in all her grief, Nefertiri stumbled over a balcony, landing in the Nile River. Crocodiles ripped apart the princess, leaving no bloodline of Pharoh Set I to take power. The city name died in history, and only the city of Hamunaptra lived on.

Unknown to the world of the living, the only souls to pass through the gate of the underworld that night was the Pharoh and his grandson, While Ank Su Namun and Imoteph where damned to be forever restless, Nefertiri and Amunet where to be recarnated, to help the world when the wrath of Imoteph begins.

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