15. The showdown

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Rick, Jonathan and Ardeth Ray come down a ravine in the volcano and look out over Hamunaptra. "What the hell happend? There's a whole God damn city down there now!" Rick looked to Ardeth for answers, but the man had none. " Okay, well back to focus.now what the hell does this Horus guy look like?" He asked Jonathan."He's a big fellow with pointy ears and a face like a falcon." "Got it."
Carrying torches, Rick, Jonathan and Ardeth make their way down a long, winding, narrow staircase. Heading into the bowels of the necropolis. A passageway to hell.
Meanwhile Evy and Amerath follow Imhotep into the underground cemetery. Evy stops at the sight of all the big hairy rats scurrying through the mausoleums and over the gravestones. Beni shoves his rifle into her back and pushes her forward. "Keep moving." Evy gives him a look. "You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself, always get their comeuppance. " Her voice drips with Malice. Beni suddenly looks worried,"Oh yea?" Evy smirks at his froght, "Oh yes, always." Beni looks even more worried, he nervously starts chewing on his lip. All four of them walk over the bridge crossing the disgusting moat. Evy looks down at it, horrified. When Amerath stops, however she can feel it calling. She can hear her infant son crying, when she reaches down to touch it, a infants hand bubbles out reaching back to her. Imotwph stops and grabs her by the waist, "it's not him. It's a trick, leave it be." He leads Amerath back towards their destination, ignoring the tears down her face.
Rick and Ardeth Ray are busy digging out a collapsed doorway. Jonathan notices an scareb on the far wall. "I say, look at that." He walks over and tries to jiggle it free. It comes loose in his hand. He looks at the scarab in his palm. It starts to glow. And then something inside it starts to wiggle. "Say, gents! You should come have a look at this." He shouts to the other two, who ignore him still trying to clear the passage. The wiggling continues; and then the scarab breaks out of it's cocoon and instantly burrows into Jonathan's palm. Jonathan starts to freak out and screams. Rick runs up and rips the arm off Jonathan's shirt. The scarab is now moving up through the skin, its body a steady bubble underneath. Rick whips out his butterfly-knife, snaps it open and grabs Jonathan's arm. Jonathan's eyes widen in terror as the knife passes in front of his face. Jonathan screams grow louder obviously at the thought of being cut open. Rick hand flicks something away. The scarab hits the floor and immediately starts scurrying back towards Jonathan, wanting to finish the job. Rick pulls out his gun and blows it away, -- BLAM!
The sound of the gunshot echoes into the cemetery as Imhotep, Evelyn and Beni step-up to the strange altar, where four thousand years ago Imhotep tried to bring Anck-su-namun back to life. Amerath stands back, her arms tucked around her as she stares at the moat. Imhotep scowls at the sound and angrily reaches into a canopic jar. He pulls out the crusted remains of Anck-su-namun's heart, crushes it to dust in his hand and starts reading from The Book Of The Dead. As he does, Amerath starts wondering back to the moat. Imoteph blows the dust against a mausoleum wall, -- The wall begains to move with life. Evelyn and Beni stare at the wall, both of them wide-eyed. Two forms emerge from the mausoleum's wall. Horrific-looking mummified CORPSES. Two of Imhotep's long dead Priests. They bow to Imhotep, one turns and move off down a passageway, the other grabs Amerath and keeps her firmly in place. Rick helps Ardeth  mend Jonathan's wound. Rick's pissed at the ideal that a grown man can't keep his hands to himself. "From now on, don't touch anything. Not a damn thing. Keep your hands off the furniture, got it?" Jonathan swallows hard and nods vigorously.
Imhotep prepares the altar while speaking in hebrew. Beni holds his gun on Evy, translating: "Prince Imhotep wants your heart." Evy blushes, feeling complimented by the handsome prince. "Tell him, I'm truly flattered... but that it's already taken." Imhotep continues chanting while laying the four jewel encrusted canopic jars next to the shattered one. Beni scoffs at the blush, "He wants your heart and your brain, your liver, your kidneys ...and how do you say? Those slimy things, in your stomach?" Evy pales, "Intestines." Beni smirks at her drained face,"Yeah! Them." Evelyn can't believe it, she furiously turns to Imhotep."You only want me for my organs?!" Imhotep looks at her and grins, then backhands her -- WAP! Evelyn goes down for the count. Imhotep stares at her, cold, malevolent, then he turns and walks off to Amerath. "How can that foolish woman think I would want her for anything else?" He asks Amerath, not aware that her mind is still on the moat, on their son. Beni nervously glances around, then quickly scurries away.
Meanwhile, Rick squeezes through a small crevice in a wall and drops to the floor of a dark chamber. He picks up his gunnysack and scans the darkness. Something Glittters. Jonathan and Ardeth crawl in behind him. Rick notices a beam of light, high above him, shooting through a small hole in the ceiling and stopping against a wall next to one of those mirror disks. Rick aims his gun. "Bam!". The bullet STRIKES the disk's pedestal, spinning the mirror into the shaft of light, -- And the beams bounce off each other filling the room with light. It's an enormous treasure chamber. Filled to overflowing. Everything sparkles and shines. The wealth of Egypt. Rick, Jonathan and Ardeth are speechless. That's when a mummified Priest-mummies walk in. "Who the hell are these guys?" Rick yells out. Ardeth pulls his sword, "Priests. Imhotep's priests." Rick pulls the elephant gun out of his gunny-sack.  They fight their way to the statue of Horus, finding the book of the living.

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