6. He has risen

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Third person P.O.V

You could hear it before you could see it. The hundreds of locusts filling the desert sky with the only aim of obliterating what was in front of them. Rick grabbed me and Evie dragging us to the original crack to the tunnels. Before we entered a pained and ferocious roar sounded throughout the city. "Rick that didn't sound good." "I know. But it's either the threat out here or the threat inside..."

Rick, Evelyn, Amerath and Jonathan race down the labyrinth, slapping at themselves and picking locusts out of their hair. Amerath stayed quiet, silently picking out the bugs. Jonathan broke the silence that hung in the air, "Did you see that!? Grasshoppers! Billions of grasshoppers!" Rick growled out pulling one from his shirt, "That's one of the plagues, right? The grasshopper plague!" Evy rolled her eyes, "This is not a plague. It's generational. Every so many years the locusts of Egypt have a population explosion and they all take flight..." Her voice trailed off as a noticeable 'Squish' echoed the hall. She aimed her torch down, There by her feet were hundreds of frogs.  "So how do explain that Evy?" Amerath asked, her eyes wide.  "Um... they heard the dinner bell?" Evy chuckled nervously.  We turn the corner, where hundreds of Scarab beetles meet us. As if awoken by our Prescence, they start making there way to us, hungry after so many years of laying dormant. Rick turns to each of, letting out a high pitch scream, "RUN!"

On the other side of the forgotten city

The Americans, Beni and the Diggers race into a passageway. Burns is knocked down, his bifocals skitter across the ground, they get CRUSHED in the stampede. Burns staggers to his feet, squinting. His friends blurred figures vanish into the darkness. "Daniels! Henderson!" He yells out, but only his voice awakens the quiet within the passage. Burns staggers down a passageway, squinting, his hands out in front of him, groping, trying not to bump into anything. The man is completely blind without his glasses. Then ten feet in front of him, a dark, blurry figure steps out. He wearily yells out, "Henderson? Daniels? O'Connell?" At this point the man doesn't care who it is, he just wishes for help. Burns trips, stumbling forward he hits the figure's legs. Using the figures body, he uses it to reach up. "Please, I..." His voice goes quiet as he becomes aware of the goo on his hands. He looks down at them, his hands look like he had dug into an apple pie. Flesh and rot covered his hands. He fearfully steps back, when his wrist are grabbed and the figure roars in his face. When he starts to yell, A skeletal hand silences his pleas. 

Rick, Evelyn, Amerath and Jonathan race up the staircase, just barely ahead of the mass of hungry scarabs.   Rick leaps onto a pedestal with Evy, Jonathan jumping with them. Amerath saw the size of the pedestal. Doubting she could make herself fit, she opts for a grotto on the other side. As she leans back to take a breather, the wall moves. She can hear her group calling for her.  They watch as she disappears into an unknown part of the corridor. She is left to darkness. Amerath checks for her weapons. The room she was transported to was pitch black. Moving her hands across the wall she uses it to guide her. When she rounds the corner, she enters a room lit up with moonlight. A figure stands in the middle of the room, she can recognize him by the silhouette. "Oh, thank the stars. Burns, are you ok?" She reaches out to touch his shoulder, when he turns to her, he stares through her with vacant sockets. His eyes where gone, he attempted to speak but it came out garbled. An ear piercing scream rips through her throat, its getting hard for her to breathe. Amerath is hyperventilating as she steps back, bumping into a solid figure. She turns around, seeing a freshly awakened mummy with Burn's brown eyes staring at her.  

Imhotep's P.O.V

"Anck-su-namun? La...Amunet?" His fresh new eyes widen... It was his love. The mother of his child... "keef halik hanal?" (How are you here?)  his voice was raspy. But he was sure it was her. His soul pulled towards her, his heart felt empty when she didn't recognize him.  I step forward, willing the sand around me to do my bidding. It starts swirling and dancing at my fingertips, I was going to hide Amunet while I dealt with those trespassing in my city. Amunet's eyes go blank as I start my chant, calling out to her. When a hand touched my bicep, it was the imbecilic I took my eyes and tongue from.  He calls out to my love. "Please..hep me." His words garbled. I grab him and throw him, getting ready to take the rest of his flesh so I can reform my body.  I started to say the spell, When three figures ran in. "Amerath, Stop fucking around, we-" The male went quiet at her gaze. 

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