14. (Mature)

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Imoteph stared at Amerath, she said she remembered everything. However, he needed to ensure she did. He placed Beni and the other woman in a cell, then he lead Amerath to their chambers. She paused at the door, the emblems of Iris and Osiris tangled with each other on the wood. "This is..." She stopped him, "Our chambers." She pushed the doors open walking in, not a speak of sand anywhere. She rembered it, down to Abraxus's basket in the corner. Grasping at her chest she wept. "How can I love you so much when I lost everything because of you?" Imoteph opened his mouth, "I.." but Amerath shushed him. " I want to look upon you with hatred, I want to glare a hole in your head, but yet all I feel is my heart race and the dampness between my legs. How is this fair? How can you still do this to me?" Imoteph stayed still, watching as her gaze went to the basket. "That us where our sweet child laid his head. Where innocence and love surrounded him.." Imoteph had enough, " I made a mistake and I've been condemned for thousands of years for it. Please, Amunet. My Amunet, My Amerath. Let me love you as before, let me show you I still love you." He placed his hand under her chin, tilting her lips to him. She didn't speak, she allowed him to do this. He sealed the deal by pressing his lips to hers. It started of slow, slow mews of pleasure escaped her lips. Her body melted into his, he layer his hand on her hips and pulled her forward. Her body bucked, begging to be closer to him. When she placed her hands to his chest again he pulled her tighter, in a airless whispy breathe he spoke. "You don't get to push me away again. I will make you remember my touch, the way you feel when I make love to you. Remember." He leaned her back on the bed positioning his self over her. Sliding his hands down her thighs, she shuddered under his touch. He kept her passionate lips busy, trailing her panties. She was wet for him, her breathe strained as he teased her. He slid them over to the side and trailed her with one finger, lightly putting pressure on her clit. She let out a deep moan, her body begging for more. Watching her wiggle against him he slowly slid in. Pulling down her top he kissed her breast, pulling a nipple into his mouth as he added another finger in and slid the two digits in and out. Ameraths body was on fire. Every nibble, every stroke she could feel his love. He was working her body in a way only Amunet remembered. As her walls begain to clench, her orgasm coming to light he pulled them out. Placing them in his mouth in a slow tease. "Tell me what you want...is it truly me?" He questioned her. Amersth reached down and felt the hard length pushing against her, his cock throbbed in her hand. "Only you, my priest." The slow gentle Imoteph was gone, as he ripped her clothes off and took in her body. Her pussy glistened with moisture, her body layer out in front of him and her nipples as hard as ice. Amerath had let go, Amunet and her desires had come forth. Amerath trailed her hand down her chest, relaxing above her pussy as she eyed Imoteph. She swirled her digets inside, flicking her clit with her thumb. Imoteph pulled down his cloth, unleashing his cock from its sheith. He positioned himself in front of her, grabbing both wrists and holding them over her head. An animalistic growl came from his throat as he shoved himself into her tight walls. He started with slow pumps, watching the woman he loved wiggle underneath him in please. Her back arched as he pumped in and out of her. "Who's are you?" He growled out, picking her up, still buried in her pussy, placing each leg onto his hips. She moaned and raked her hands down his back, " yours my priest. Only yours." Imoteph pressed her against the wall, digging his hands into her lower back as he went harder. The pressure rising for both of them, as Amerath sunk her teeth into his shoulder and let go. Her juices covering his cock and legs from dripping down. With a few more strokes Imoteph filled her with his seed. When he pulled out he let her go gently, sinking to her knees she took his dick in her mouth, cleaning him off.  Imoteph picked her up and placed her on the bed. " I love you, and only you. You are the only one in all the planets to have my heart. Amerath or Amunet no matter which one you wish to be called you are mine." He then placed a kiss on her head and left to prepare for his revenge.
Amerath wasn't sure to process what just happend. She had craved him like a need for oxygen, and she had given in. The relief she felt was amazing, but the guilt of what she had done had settled in her heart.

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