11. From Gooey to Flesh

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Rick, Henderson and Jonathan look out the window. They watch as people run away, clearing the view to show they are running from the shriveled, frail body of the Egyptologist. A hooded figure stands beside him, a boney hand  reaches down and takes the sacred canopic jar out of the Egyptologist's shriveled hand. It's Imhotep, having regenerated even further. He looks up and catches eyes with Rick. Imhotep grins, then UNHINGES; his jaw, his mouth stretches to an inhuman size, and then a huge swarm of flies comes out of his mouth and race straight up at the three. They slam the shutters. The flies slam into the closed window, the weak wood not standing a chance and immediately spread throughout the bazaar. Sending people screaming and running in a mass panic.

Amerath's P.O.V.
The thoughts of the past surrounded me like a gentle breeze. While I slumbered I could feel my body become whole. Amunt shared her feelings, her love for Imoteph and her family. But the biggest thing she shared with me was Abraxas, our son.  "He was not meant for this world. He was to pure, to beautiful." As she whispered things of the past to me, a figure appeared. It was Iris, the goddess who blessed me. "Amerath, your brother is in danger. You need to awake." Those words felt like they stopped my heart. I ran to the door, my fingers pressed against the hard wood. I could feel myself falling, falling into reality.
Third P.O.V
Daniels was dead, Henderson was alive but the world had other plans. Currently the remaining group where all at the museum.The moon is full as a pale green mist floats through the city.The people begin to choke, as if being hit by a severe sickness --but it's already too late. Imhotep strolls through the sickened mob, his face half rotted off, his deformed mouth grinning happily, in his arms is a sleeping Amerath. Beni is at his side, looking very nervous. And then, one-by-one, the people silently begin to follow Imhotep, their skin now covered in disgustingly hideous boils wnd sores. MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES - NIGHT Rick, Jonathan, Henderson, the Curator and Ardeth follow Evy as she strides through the museum. Her fingers trail the books in thought ,"Last month I came across an inscription that mentioned The Book Of The Dead." Henderson stood at the window, watching the people become frighfully ill. "That book we found at Hamunaptra?" "Yes. I dismissed it, because it talked about bringing people back from the dead. A notion I was unwilling to believe." Rick scoffed, "Believe it, sister. That's what brought our buddy back to life." Johnathan nervously plays with his shirt, "And now he's going to use it to bring his wife and his girlfriend back"  "And if he succeeds, there is no telling how this ends. They could provide peace if he choices his wife, but if he chooses Anck-su-namun...the world will be consumed in a apocalypse with no ending." The Curator joins Evelyn at her side as she heads up the stairs, everyone else in hot pursuit. He stops at a section, hand under his chin."The plagues we have seen so far, are merely Imhotep flexing his muscles. Only at the moment of Anck-su-namun's resurrection will he be truly invincible. If he chooses Amunet...he will be unstoppable. Tell me, Rick, about your sister." They reach the display cases. As Evy looks Rick sits down, "She's stubborn and kind. She has a heart of gold but she can be ruthless. Ever since she turned 21, she's been having dreams. Visions of a life as an Egyptian. She knows things without studying or practicing. She-" Ardeth held his hand open, shushing Rick. "She knows egyptian? Hebrew? Languages without studying?" Rick nods, "Yes. She just woke up and it came to her." Ardeth nodded, pulling the curator from his search. They spoke in hushed whispers. The curator walks to Rick, "If we are correct he wont kill your sister. From what you said, she is Amunet's recarnation." Rick stayed quiet, processing this information. Evy then spoke,"I'm thinking that if the black Book Of The Dead can bring people back to life -- "The curators eyes went wide, "then perhaps, the golden Book Of The Living can return them to the underworld." Evy nods "Exactly!"
Henderson looks at the window, his eyes going wide as he looks at the crowd, "Anck-su-namun. Anck-su-namun." They yelled out, their voiced dead and zombie like. The group skiddalded, Evy reading as they ran. Finding out that they needed to go back to the city of the dead.
When the plagued citizens busted through the door, they ran after the group. All except Johnathan who snuck away finding a abandoned convertible, the keys in the ignition. The convertible slowly motors down the narrow alleys. The group scattered in the car across the hood of the car from Jonathan to Evelyn to Rick, Ardeth, Henderson and the Curator are still in the back. All of them staring out the front windshield. Bodies bump the car, smearing blood and pus across the windows. Everybody In the vehicle screams when a burly man stood in front of them, Jonathan hits the gas, loses control, the car slams into a wall. Rick grabs Evy. "C'mon! C'mon! Let's go! Let's go!" They all leap out of the car. But the angry, festering mob quickly surrounds them. Rick quickly reaches into his gunny-sack, pulls out a stick of dynamite, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a match. He looks around for a way to light it, then reaches over and strikes it across Ardeth Ray's stubbly face. Ardeth yelps. O'Connell holds the lit match near the fuse. The crazed mob gives Rick a wide berth, staring at him and the others with insane, bloodshot eyes. And then Imhotep steps through, -- having fully regenerated, he now looks as young and handsome and muscular as he did the day he was buried alive. Evelyn stares at him. Evy holds her breathe,"He's gorgeous." Rick gives her a look, the match burns his fingers. He yelpw and throws it down, grabs another match and strikes it across Ardeth Ray's face again. Ardeth  gives O'Connell a look to kill. The Curator shakes his head. "He has consummated the curse, now all he need do is raise Anck-su-namun from the dead, then it will be the end of us, and the beginning for them. He already has your sister." He motions to behind Imoteph, where Amerath laid in Benis arms. "AMERATH!" Rick and Henderson yell, and Imhotep moves forward, heading right for them. Rick stands in front of Evy, lighting the fuse. Imhotep steps up to O'Connell and stops, watching the fuse burn down. it's a game of chicken. The tension mounts. The fuse is about to vanish inside the stick of dynamite, blowing it up, -- when Evelyn leans forward and blows it out. Rick exhales, but keeps his eyes on Imhotep, who extends his hand to Evelyn. " Koontash dai na." Beni steps through the swarming mass, translating. Beni stepped forward, Amerath in his arms. "Take his hand and he will spare the others." Evelyn hesitates, looks around at the huge, bloodthirsty crowd surrounding them, holding axes, picks and scimitars, waiting to pounce, then she looks at Imhotep, confident, powerful, invincible. As she begins to speak a moan is heard.

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