7.Back to Cairo

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We rode all night, the sand seemed to welcome us on our journey back to civilization. Needing to be alone with my thoughts, I opted for my own room this time. Something about this man...or mummy intreged me. I recognized my name, even from the lips of a stranger. I decided to go check on Evy, I wanted to know how she was handling being called a name that is not her own. When I walked into a room, A steamer trunk landed on the floor and it's top thrown open. Rick is emptying her belongings into it. As he grabbed bundles of clothes, Evy calmly took them out neatly folding them and placing them into a dresser. Rick turned to her with an angry glare. "I  thought you didn't believe in this stuff!?" His voice on the edge of despiration. " Having an encounter with a four thousand year old walking-talking corpse tends to convert one." I almost wanted to clap at the tone in her voice. She was so cal. Even as Rick tore apart her room. "Forget it, we're out the door down the hall and gone. You take your brother and I'll take Amerath. The way it should be."
I was impressed until Evy did the worst thing she could with a man like Rick. "No, we are not." "Oh yes we are." "No." "Yes." They went on like children until I spoke up. "Rick, listen to her. She has a point." Evy smiled at me, her hands trimbling as she spoke."We woke him up, and we must try and stop him." I smacked my forehead, oh my ra out of everything she could have said, she chose that? Ricks eyes blazed with a challenge, "We?! What we?! You didn't read that book. I told you not to play around with that thing." Evy let out a sigh, sending pleading eyes to me, I shook my head no. I wasn't stepping into this. Evy cleared her throat and straightened her back. "Alright then, Me, I, ...I read the book, I woke him up and I intend to stop him." When Rick grabbed a bra, and started pulling it between each hand, I decided I had enough. I went down to the bar, needed a drink to help numb my meddled mind. 

Third Person's P.O.V

Rick wandered away from Evy's room, frustrated that the English woman wouldn't listen. He was coming up to a path where a man walked in heavy robes. The hood was up and he wore a decorative mask.  When Rick saw someone he didn't think still walked the earth as the living. "Beni, ya little stinkweed. Now where did you sneak off to?" Beni's face grew red as he glared at Rick, the anger radiating off of him. "YOU! You left me to rot in the desert." His scrawny fingers threatening Rick. "Oh yea, I guess you know how it feels now huh? Sorry about THAT." Rick stated back sarcastically, before gesturing to the hooded man. "Now, Who's this guy?" The figure had stopped at the end of the path, his or her back facing them. It was obvious they where waiting on Beni.  "This is Prince Imhotep, High Priest of Osiris." Rick stuck his hand out, to which Imhotep instantly recoils.  Beni reaches out to move Ricks hand, "The Prince does not like to be touched by other humans. A Silly eastern superstition, I'm afraid. He has come to help Mister Burns Somehow I feel responsible." Rick scoffed, "Bullshit Beni. You've never had any morals." "Well do you know where I can steal some?" Rick acted as if he was going to punch Beni, instead he raised his hand and patted his back. "See ya around, Padre." 

Amerath's P.O.V. 

It was dim, the smell of alcohol filled my senses as I sat next to Johnathan. He was sitting by an older man, his mustache reminded me of a walrus. His voice, loud and boastful, was almost identical to the animal's cry.  As soon as I ordered my drink he turned to me, " Winston Havlock. I'm the last of the Royal Force still stationed here, you know? All the other laddies died in the air and were buried in the sand...I..." He broke into hiccups, I had no interest in letting him continue, so I ordered a second drink and went to check on Evy.  As i was walking out with both drinks in hand, Rick was walking in. "Leaving so soon? OH you bought me a drink, how sweet. " I glared at him when he attempted to reach for. "It's for Evy, touch it and ill make you loose a finger." He gulped, pulling his hand back. "First that Imhotep guy and now my own sister. Why can't I touch anything?!?" That name... it brought music to my ears and a boil to my blood. "Who?" Rick looked up from his hands, "Oh Imhotep...some priest Beni was with." The drinks in my hands fell, gracing the floor with a shatter. That name... I know that name.  

" I would like you to meet our new Priest of Osiris, Imhotep." We both lifted our heads to great the new priest. When my eyes met his brown ones, I felt like my chest tightened. My mouth turned to ash and my heartbeat uncontrollably. This man... did something dangerous to me, he Intrigued me...My last recall of a past life, one I had when my father introduced me. I moved on from this flashback, being pushed into another.  I was standing in front of a carving; a pure white dress graced my body. I leaned down, placing fresh Lotus flowers in the water basin.  I looked up, "I take you, Iris, goddess of the moon to protect those around me. Protect the weak and the strong, the dying and the living. Keep the magic of life alive..."  I stayed there; my head bowed at her feet when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Imhotep, the priest. One of my father's most trusted advisors. "Come, you've been out here for hours love. We wed tomorrow, and I have no doubt that Osiris and Iris will bless us." I looked up at him, leaning into his touch. "Yes love, By the time the world breaks into light you and I shall be husband and wife."  We went our separate ways, and I entered my own corridors. Nefertiti awaited me. "Amunet, I had this made for you. The finest silk for you to wear when you wed Imhotep." It was a simple sleek white dress, but beautiful. I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek. "Thank you, I cannot wait!" I smiled when I looked upon my empty chambers, everything had been moved into Imhotep's chambers.  My father had given us a section of the temple, for us to bond our life, valuables and time together."

The next morning, I stood outside the threshold of our chambers, my father's arm in mine. As Imhotep opened the door, he smiled. Nodding to my father while holding his hand out to my own.  "Let us live our life together, My Amunet." I placed my hand in his, walking over the threshold and marrying the man I loved.

"Amerath? Amerath can you hear me? Johnathan, help me take her to her room." I could hear Rick; I just didn't have the strength to look at him. I felt him pick me up, Johnathan opening the appropriate doors. I was placed in bed and embraced by sleep. My mind going blank. 

Rick's P.O.V

 I left Amerath to her sleep, hopping it was just a dizzy spell. "Thank you, I'll buy you a shot. Let's get back to the bar."  I ordered a shot of vodka for the both of us, as we went to knock back our drinks a taste of copper filled my mouth. I spit it on the floor, the clear liquid now red. "Sweet Jesus! That tasted just like, .... like..." Henderson stuttered over his words, "Blood" I yelled in a whisper.  Johnathan looked to his glass, "And the rivers and waters of Egypt went red and were as blood." My face goes pale, a sickening feeling swirled in my stomach. "Shit...He's here." Johnathan looked confused, "Uh...Who?" "The Mummy."  

Third Person's P.O.V. 

The sky grew dark, lights flickered, and a storm raged on as  Rick races across the city,
knocking several people out of his way, panic stricken. "EVY! AMERATH!!!!" After a few miles he finds Evy.  Evy calmly steps into a courtyard carrying a handful of books. A blast of thunder and the light from the lightening scares her, and she drops half the books. A hand reaches out to grab her, she screams and drops the rest of the books. It's Rick, breathing hard from running. "We got problems, big ones." And that's when a barrage of hail and fire slams into thecourtyard. O'Connell and Evelyn jump back. A water fountainbursts into steam, the heat to much for the water.  A wooden trellis catches fire. As they Run, Rick shouts to her, " He's here! I saw him! That thing is here! "The creature!? Are you sure!?O'Connell gives her an incredulous look and gestures at their surroundings. "Ya, I'm pretty Sure."

Amerath's P.O.V. 

I wake up to the city screaming, crying out for help. I stand at the window, looking at the horrors that lay waste to the city. A hand touches my shoulder, pulling me to turn around. "Amunet...I found you." I glared at him, "Imhotep..." I whispered. He was whole, and I didn't want to think about how he regenerated. He hugged me, before reaching in his pocket and pulling out a pile of sand, blowing it gently in my face I heard him chant.  He was putting me to sleep, for how long I don't know. I am at his disposal, as I once was so long ago.

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