Sample of Hate To Love You

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Here's the summary of my new book: Hate To Love You

"The flowers aren't necessary but appreciated."

Aviana says as she come into his office.

She doesn't dare make eye contact with him.

Afraid that his eyes would uncover some kind of truth.

"You deserve flowers. Every day, you should get flowers."

Her eyes slowly look up, Marco was already looking at her.

A kind smile on his face that almost made Aviana breathless.

"Stop it", she whispered and he looked at her confused.

He wasn't aware he was doing anything but talking.

"Stop what?"

He places his elbows on the desk, leaning in.

"I know this game. You'll do small things to make me feel like I can trust you and eventually catch feelings for you. Then, when I do, you'll get what you want or better yet hurt me all over again."

He nods, realizing what she means.

"Know this Aviana, I have no attention of hurting you. I know what I've done in the past is unforgivable. I know you won't trust me that easily but I would like to try to be on normal terms with you."


"Why not?"


Hate is a strong word.

That's usually what people say.

That you shouldn't tell people you hate them.

Aviana believes it's the only accurate way to describe how she feels about Marco.

Someone who she felt was unforgivable.

Love is also a strong word.

To fall in love with someone is a big thing.

Even if it was someone you hadn't seen in years.

Marco believes he's beginning to fall for Aviana or that maybe he was always in love with her.

Their past doesn't help Marco or Aviana when years later, their paths cross and they find themselves having to work with each other.

They'll have to figure out which emotion is stronger.

Is it better to love or to hate...

Warning: sexual scenes and explicit language

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