38: Is He...

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"Say it again. What's my name?", I whisper to him.

His eyes were still closed and I had begun to think that maybe I imagined him speaking.

Maybe I was sleep-deprived...

I reached for his cheek, brushing my fingers against the small stubble growing on his chin.

"Come back to me Theo", I whispered and sighed.


He blinked his eyes before they opened wide to show his piercing green eyes.

"Are you...you're really awake. Oh, thank God."

He tries to speak but I stop him, grabbing the water next to him.

I place the straw near his mouth, "Here, try to drink."

He nods slowly, sipping the water.

"Thank you", Theo whispers, and my eyes were filled with tears but they're happy tears.

He could talk, he's okay.

"Where am I? What happened?"

His eyes scan the room around him, adjusting to the hospital room.

"You're at the hospital. You were injured on the soccer field and they took you to Mercy Hospital. You've been here for 3 days. Oh, I have to call somebody. A nurse or a doctor."

"No, not yet. Just stay with me."

I look at him, full of concern, but he tugs on my arm, pulling me back to him.


"I want you to tell me again. I heard you say something but I'm not sure."

He says, and I'm confused about what he means until it clicks.

"Oh...I didn't know you heard me."

I look up at him and he gives me a small smile, squeezing my hand.

"Pretend I didn't, say what you want to tell me."

I chuckled, moving my body to press my forehead against his.

"Theo, you are my favorite person in the world and for some time I never thought that you could also be the person I'd fall in love with. I never thought that my best friend who been beside me through...everything, would be someone I'd see romantically. But I realized, I've never loved anyone more than I love you. I've been in love with you for longer than I can remember and I'm sorry it took so long for me to say it but it's true."

"You don't know how much I wanted to hear you say that. I love you too Isa."

Theo replies and I grin at him, pressing my lips against his.

I pull away, smiling softly at him, my hand smoothing his cheek as I look into his eyes.

"I'm so in love with you, Theodore Hani Robertson."

He chuckles, kissing my lips and I kiss his back.

"You know I hate when you say, Theodore."

I chuckle, kissing his cheek, "Yeah I know. But I want to make sure you understand. I'm undoubtedly, madly in love with you."

"I love you too Isa. More than you know."


"He's awake! Theo's awake!"

I shout and Ivey looks up from her magazine.

I don't know where Will and my mom came from but they look up at me, shocked expressions across their face.

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