29: Moving Away From Him

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"So, this is the last of my things."

He nods, going back to his computer and I sigh.

This was childish, he couldn't even look at me for more than 5 minutes.

"Thank you again, for letting me stay here in the first place. I'm very grateful."

I say to Theo, trying to lighten the mood but he replies, "Someone grateful wouldn't have gotten a new place."

He grunts and I roll my eyes.

"Theo, I just didn't want to be a burden to you. To anyone. With the way we are now, living together isn't the best idea anyway."

Him coming out of the shower was way more uncomfortable after that night at the Gala.

This was the best option for both of us.

"Whatever, leave if you're leaving."

I take my bag off the floor turning around and heading to the door, leaving my key to the apartment on the counter.

It had only been 5 days after that night and the both of us had pretended that we weren't affected but we were.

Our friendship was no longer that and it was tension every time we came near one another.

He didn't understand that I wasn't ready to be in a relationship with him.

Theo wasn't some guy I met at a bar or school orientation or bumped into him in the hallway.

He had been apart of my life for 10 years now and that scared the shit out of me.

He knows everything about me, every feeling, every like and dislike and if I was being honest I wasn't secure enough with myself to be with him romantically.

You know when you're with your friends and you let them see a side of you that you wouldn't show a significant other, well he's seen it all.

Not only that but the idea of us being together and then breaking up or getting into fights wasn't something I look forward to.

What if we go out and realize it was all a mistake and can't get our normal friendship back.

Well... it's not like we have one now.

Hazel thinks I should just go for it and take the risk but I'm not her.

She's never afraid to do anything whereas I'm scared to do lots of things.

But that night, when he was kissing and touching me, I felt like a whole different person.

His lips were so smooth and his kisses better than anyone I've ever kissed.

If I closed my eyes, I could still feel him, holding me close to him as my hands explored his body.

My phone had rung and it was only then that I realize I had closed my eyes in the complex hallway.

It was Mrs. Robertson calling and while it wasn't unusual, it felt strange.

"Hi, Mrs. Robertson."

"Isabella, darling. I'm so glad I got you on the phone."

I walked down to the elevator pressing the button repeatedly, bag on my shoulder.

"Uh, what's this about?"

"Well Leo told me I should stay out of it but frankly I don't see how that's possible when the people I care about seem so distraught and upset."

"I'm fine, really. There's no need for this."

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