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- I guess a world famous boy band has time to do random, petty crimes...

- The good girl will move in with the bad boy's family and the parents are just fine with this. They've only known his parents for two days and are completely trusting of his drunken mother and abusive father.

Because her parents are coool ;)

- They bump in the hallway at school.

- Meeting at the supermarket or the movie theater isn't an option for writing a teen fiction.

- 90% of teen fiction involves a bad boy and a good girl.

I know right...

- If you don't have a six pack, play on a sports team, or have sex with multiple girls, you're an official geek.

Sorry, but being an average teenage boy ain't cuttin it on Wattpad.

- The girl has the perfect body and perfect life yet she describes herself as a hobo who lives in a pizza box.

- "You're going to stay at Vincent's house for a few days,"

*Three weeks pass and they fall in love*

- Showering is described in a 600 word, double spaced college essay.

- Everything the boy does, he says, "You're mine." After it.

• He took a bite of my cereal and have me a wide smirk. He leaned in close and kissed the tip of my ear lightly, breathing, "You're mine."

• He stopped to tie his shoe and whispered, "You're mine."

• He waved hello to his friend and snapped his attention towards me. I never expected him to say the words he was about to mutter next...

"You're mine."

- Please, don't have any other hairstyle besides long and curly because 99.9% of the world has curly and wavy hair.

- Outfits that match perfectly.

- All the boys have eyes of God. They're either sparkling blue, dark midnight green, an ocean of pudding brown.

The ocean has now turned into brown. Did the oil spill really do that much damage...?

- The town they live in is small, only small. No businesses or movie theaters, but everyone can fan girl over the Hunger Games and One Direction...

Okay. That's real.

- Rules never apply to the bad boy but when the good girl talks back to the teacher, she'll get stuck in detention for days. But of course, Reece will be right there waiting ;)

- Who fan girls' over One Direction and 5sos? You can fan girl over the cutest boy in school like he's a successful millionaire.

When I see a cute random boy, remind me to scream and stare at him until he falls for me.

- I slipped into the shower.

Did you fall?

- I danced into my clothes.

Wow, are you the girl from that Sia video?

- I brushed my teeth carefully.

Again with the tutorial...

- My whole outfit matched perfectly.

Me: Green sweat pants, purple T-shirt, black and white Converse, a tribal print book bag.

Voila !

- The lunch room is where all the information gets processed about Hunter and Vincent.

- *boy calls her ugly* *makes him cry in 5 seconds*

*girl calls her stupid*

*takes five years to come with a comeback*

- Mom and Dad's will give her breakfast during the first chapter and disappear and are never seen again.

That happened to me once. Dad went to get milk but never came back...

That was fifteen years ago, though.

- Rain, snow, and hail aren't apart of the weather forecast. Sunshine is the only thing this town goes through.

- 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, and all the other world disasters that the Earth has encountered, the town she lives in had never experienced any kind of natural disaster.

No small, minor earthquake. No major crime. Only Heaven.

- The description will end in a question that we all know the answer to.

Will Haley fall for the bad boy?


- Hair is beautiful in the world of teen fiction. Having split ends is a horrible crime punishable by dating a bad boy.

- Being rich was really common in a small town with no major companies. I could see you being rich in New York or California, but you live in the middle of nowhere like Courage the Cowardly Dog...




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