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While Soo Man was busy filing paperwork, he had asked me to tour Kyuhyun around, since I knew the building better than he did. I was hesitant at first- I knew I'd have to take him to the dorms, where Hyukjae was- but still I did it. I needed to talk to him anyway.

I spent most of the time walking around with Kyuhyun thinking about how to approach Hyukjae again. He basically told me to leave. He wouldn't want me back, would he? And what about Donghae? He was basically best friends with Hyukjae again, and he hadn't expressed any of his feelings to me in what seemed like weeks. So there was such a big possibility of him not wanting me back either.

Plus, if they really didn't want me to stay, and Kyuhyun would be living with them, I'd be on the streets again.

We passed the recording studios, where I told him he'd spend a lot of time with Jongwoon and Ryeowook. On the way down that hallway, we came across one of the dancing rooms. I told him unless he could dance, he'd spend even more time there with Hyukjae and Donghee.

All that was left on this so-called 'tour' was the Super Junior dorms- where I dreaded visiting.

We got in the north elevator and made our way up to the 14th floor. I couldn't do this.

"Knock, Kyuhyun," I told him when we got to the door. "They might not answer if they know it's me," I continued as if to answer the confused look he gave me.

Jungsu answered and bowed at the unfamiliar face. I appeared from behind the door and his smile vanished. He told us to both enter, and we did so, Kyuhyun without hesitation.

Jungsu sat down on the couch while everyone else was rehearsing or in their rooms.

"Hello, Rebekah. Who's your friend?"

"Super Junior's 13th member."

Jungsu's eyes bulged, and threatened to pop right out of his sockets. "That must be a mistake, our manager hasn't even considered adding another man to our group, plus we didn't even talk abou-"

"I talked with him. He really likes Kyuhyun here."

"Well, I'll have to go tell everyone else. Will you do me a favor?" Jungsu asked.


"Go get Hyukjae from our dancing room, please."


"Is he the only one not here?" I asked.



"I'll be leaving then. Don't wait up."


It seems like after one day, I can't even find my way to the dancing studio. It was on the 5th floor, right? No, it was on the 8th floor. Or maybe on the main floor, in hallway five? Yes, that was it. I was sure of it.

The sign said 'Super Junior', so I knew I was in the right place. But that didn't explain why Hyukjae was nowhere to be found. I walked up to the secretary Kyuhyun and I had talked with earlier.

"Oh, hello Rebekah!" she greeted in that shrill voice of hers.

"Hello. Could you possibly tell me where Lee Hyukjae is?"

"Oh, it seems he's occupying a secret choreography room on floor 15. Room 154 to be exact,"

"Thanks so much, I'll get going then."

She handed me a key. "You'll need this to get in."

I turned around, ready to finally face Hyukjae again.

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