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Donghae insisted I forget about that night, but it was difficult. Especially when thoughts of what could've happened rushed through my head at night. Some nights I'd jerk awake in a sweat, tears threatening to spill along the flush of my cheeks. I knew it was alright though, because Hyukjae would always be there, holding me, protecting me, and promising me that in time things would get better.

Whatever fate has in store for me would be 'better' according to him. And in that moment as I lay wrapped in his arms, I believed him.


Six months went by. Spring was ending, and summer was just around the corner. Kyuhyun ended up sharing a room with Kibum and they became real close friends. Jongwoon and Ryeowook were still the sappy lovebirds they always were. Siwon still tried convincing Heechul to change his religious views, but was told that 'If you try to convert me into this cult of yours one more time, you're gonna need a lot more than Jesus's prayers or whatever to save you.'

Jungsu strived to end arguments between the members and listened to every side before deciding who was in the wrong. It was nice, I had to admit. He treated everyone like family, and that's something I loved about Super Junior.

Donghae still stayed silent most of the time. When there were important performances, award ceremonies, interviews, or variety shows, he put on a charade and acted happy and carefree.

I knew it was all a lie.

A lot of things started changing around me while I stayed at the dorms, including Hyukjae's relationship with me. We stayed together, but it seemed like we didn't have as much time alone as we used to. That was okay with me though; he was an idol now, his schedule was busy, and I wasn't about to interfere with it.

Every two weeks or so, he'd surprise me with a 'homemade dinner,' or in other words, Ryeowook cooked. He'd always make sure all the members were gone, or busy with schedules. I'd walk in to find the lights dimmed, candles burning, and the table made, with a bouquet of roses in the center. It was like it came straight from a chick flick, not that I minded.

The little things like that reminded me that Hyukjae still loved me, and that nothing could come between us. Because we were stronger than ever.

Literally. In the past few months, Hyukjae started working out more, and I started seeing a therapist to help with my nightmares. Both ended up a success.

Everyone changed for the better, except Donghae who stayed in the dark. Maybe he felt that the members secretly despised him for what he did, but that wasn't true. Because of his actions, we all became better people. He was convinced otherwise.


There was one day though, where he came back to the dorm overly excited, to the shock of everyone else.

"Why are you so happy?" Hyukjae asked. He finally started to talk to Donghae two months after the incident. Sure, their friendship wasn't completely repaired, but it was a start.

"I met her. The girl who's meant to be in my life forever."


Since that conversation, Donghae pursued a relationship with his 'dream girl,' Sun Mi. Little by little, I saw her interacting with Donghae and allowing him to open up- more than he ever has when we tried.

In just two short months, Donghae proposed to Sun Mi, which she happily agreed to.


I sat next to Hyukjae at the wedding. "You know," he began. "Soo Man is letting us take a break because of the wedding. Do you wanna go on a real date? Like, with a chef's cooking and not Ryeowook's?"

"Hey!" Ryeowook whispered back as he hit the side of Hyukjae's bicep. "My cooking's very good!"

Hyukjae playfully rolled his eyes, ignoring him. "So what do you say, Rebekah? Would you like that?"

I didn't have to think twice. Hyukjae and I haven't been on an actual date in months. It was time to break the mold. "You know I'd love to."

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