Untitled Part 1

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‘’Miss Adams? Could you please pay more attention to what I’m saying please?'' Miss Parker scowled 

I gave her a shy smile and a brief head nod ‘’Sorry''

She looked at me with disdain and continued. I rolled my eyes and thought what a stuck-up ass.

The bell suddenly rang and I was the first to leave class. Miss ''ASS'' Parker had already put me in a sour mood.  It was time for lunch and I really wasn’t in the mood to talk to anybody. I quickly hurried to the cafeteria before Scarlett, My closest but not best friend saw me and started chatting away. I got a Chickwhizz Sandwich and went to the library to eat. After eating half of the sandwich I went to the ladies room and then.... 


I know I know I’m not proud of it but I was addicted. People say that we are all addicted to something that takes the pain away. I had tried and fought often times to stop being bulimic but no matter how hard I tried, I always kept going back. It's like when you love somebody and you just keep going back to them it’s like every rational thought just lies off your head. That’s how addiction was. It’s like you become fucked when you’re addicted. Being bulimic isn’t what I’m proud of but hey it takes the pain away. Although it always left me feeling dirty

After doing this I started crying. I always locked the toilet before doing this. I went outside and saw myself in the mirror. My mascara ruined and I just explain the way I felt. Suddenly I heard a LOUD knock on the door. I was confused and opened it. I saw something I didn’t quite except. At least that was a rare sighting in the ladies' room. I saw a tall, lean and raven haired boy with piercing green eyes that saw right through your soul and a nose which was crooked probably from one too many fights but it was still perfect. He locked the door quickly and turned to face me staring at him in all of his glory. I was speechless, dumbfounded and I couldn’t even muster enough saliva to ask 'what are you doing here’ Like everything stopped as we stared at each other. And his eyeliner was perfect and thick and dark under his eye. I was just so asdfghjkl. I was speechless and that was a rare occurrence. As rare as seeing a comet. 

''Hey'' Beautiful, scratch that gorgeous emo stranger said. 

''Mm...H..'' I couldn’t even make any coherent thought as I stared at him. I finally settled with a nod which I think looked like I was wrestling with an attacker that was strangling me. I managed a little wave and smiled and I left right after unlocking the door. That was too unhealthy I thought to myself. Finally able to get Oxygen into my lungs,  I quickly texted Scarlett saying ''Meet me at the school parking lot ASAP'' We were going to have a lot to talk about. I was even too tired to continue with school and I really couldn’t handle seeing my beautiful emo stranger again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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