✦𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 24

148 6 2

🄰🅄🅃🄷🄾🅁 : Good morning, afternoon, and evening to you guys... ❥ ❥ ❥



Takemitchy " Draken-kun... Luna-nee what do you think heaven is like? " Mitchy ask them, bearly on his feet.
Draken stand up along with tamitchy, now he was spotting nonsence about hell and heaven which is funny, draken laughs and thought that he was glad to meet mitchy before he die's

Draken " Ahh? hahaha" He smiled and  laugh lowly " Youll go straight down to hell."  He walks to his side while holding my woud.

Takemitchy " heh, But I dint do anything bad"

Luna " Are you sure about that bambochy?" Luna scoff. And Draken laugh more.

Draken " Bambochy??!! HAHAHAHA, what a cute lil nickname ya got there mitchy~" he teased and they all laugh.

Kimamasa underlings " Oh, look theyre getting all fired up " "They piss me off"

'I cant feel his left hand. and I cant even lift a finger on my right hand' michy thought.

Draken " You look like someone could topple you with just one finger, Takemitchy"

Luna " Dont be so confident now, draken~ I can just push you with a finger and you'll fall for sure ain't that right mitchy~ "

Takemitchi " hahahaha, Luna-nee right, the same goes for you draken-kun"

Kiyomasa's Underlings " End them "

The three of them joke and luagh, ready to fight when, they heard a scream and that was non other than the mizo 5 takemitchis friends. Akkun punch the guy, wow hehe, and the others come out too and they even made funny poses.

Being ready to  fight those damn ass when we heard someone talking behind the tries all of us look at it and heard a very scary-creepie laugh with a threatening voice.

Leo " HAHAHAHA, Now this is more like it! How can ya guys have fun without even inviting your nee-chan HAAA!??" the red hair girl said with a creepie grin on her face, Puching her fists.

Fio " Lets get this over with" The silver haird girl said with a emotionless face.

Luna " GUYSSS!!!! Ya made itttt!!!! " Luna jump then, stop holding his her chest,

Leo " Oi stop that ya pup, do you want to stay in the Hospital again. "
The three girls talk a little, catching up, when there where done, they let out a very dangerous, aura that made Mitchy, draken and the others back up.

Takemitchy " ONEE-CHANSS????? " Takemitchy yelled rather surprised. Nit expecting them to be here.

Mizo5 " Leo-nee" Luna-nee" Fio-nee" Our saviors!"

Draken " Leo and Fio right? "

Takemitchy " yap, and the three of them are childhood bestfriends "

Draken looks at them, and damn he can tell that they are fucking gorgeous. He was blushing a little.

Luna " alright mitchy, Draken" she called and both of them looks at her, waiting " I want the both of you to back off, and let us handle this,"

Takemitchi " But Luna-nee your still hurt"

Luna l thank for worrying mitchy~ but I can manage"

Leo " Oi luna, come on already am so inching to beat them all down, oh hey there lass, ya too draken" She whine at Luna And said hi to mitchy and draken.
they ready there stance draken and the boys watch them in silince waiting for what was about to come.

Leo " Shit its been so LONG! , are ya all ready to die in the hands of the crimson Lion?, Grrrr"

She run to the boys, leo punch the guy, in the jaw he was knock out dead but, she did stop and grab his arm wrist, turning beside him kick him down the floor and break his arm, " AHHHHHH!!!!!!"  Draken look at her terrified, And she didnt stop but smile " HAHAHAH, come on now dont chicken out thugs, This is the only begining of your visit in hell!" she said then running off to another victim. She knee kuck his stomach for him to scoff blood she was now holding his neck, a punch was flying its way to her face but she caught it with her bare hands, she squez it turning it around, the guy went to his knees screaming in pain, " GRAHHhhhh, Sob, ARTTHNnn"

The boys then Look at the other-side to look at the silver haird girl that I think was named Fio,  she walk with grace and elegance,"well?, arent you to coming to me, well do it fast then, So I can go off and plan to how I can kill my ex lover and his Fucking bitch " the two guys started to punch her but cant, she dodge with ease. when she had enough, she grab the one guy by his jaw, and leads it to the ground and heard a crack, then the other was about to hit her with a bat, but she startch her legs and he strip and hit the other guy in th stomach instead.

" OH boy thats gatta hurt" akkun said.

And Draken looks at Mitchys sister the last one, she walk to kiyomasa slowly wow, she walk like modeling with a slow space the wind was even goin wither flow, her hair infying damn. He thought.

Luna " you shoud have never touch my Brother and his friends, Wrong decision my friend'"

She said and kick him, just like mikeys signature kick, I watch in awe but she dint stop and grab his hair punching his face for about I think sixtimes, then she grab his arm tossing him to the other sid his disfigured face, facing the ground,
"Man, Just how strong is she?" draken ask. Looking at Mitchy, who was looking at her sister in amazement too.

luna step at his back, while holding his arm, and breaks it just like what Leo-san did, Draken look at her with wide-eyes and open mouth not believing what Im just seeing, She move to the back, also breaking one of his legs...

" NO mercy" leo-san said with a big grin, watching her friend with proud eyes.

" well of couse thats there Punishment for even messing with the Hanagaki Family"  Fio-san said crossing her arms making her way to Leo-san Who is sitting down at the 3bodies full of blood with broken bones.

Luna " Well that should finish it, what do you think guys?" She said smiling while there was still blood in her face.

Leo " Dont, stress yourself out, remember your still in your healing process."

Draken " They are crazily insane!..." he look at them terrified well, his not the only one all of us are. they where still in gaze not realizing that emma-chan and hina-chan was already here with the ambulace.

Emma " Draken!! right her Sire AHHhHhhh!!!" She was scotching down to help me, when look at the side view and sceam scared of the sight, I mean who woundnt be. even I was terrified. Draken thought.

Hina " Wai-wait Luna-nee? Leo-nee, Fio-nee?" She ask but still scared close to mitchy.

Luna/ Leo / Fio " Hina-chan~ / Yo hina! / konbanwa Hina"

Luna " well what are ya guys waiting for go now, quickly you two need, medical treatment now" she said and we move to out.

Leo " you come with them too Pup, I'll go back to the fight and see what happen next"

Fio " Shes right Im coming with her, I feel like will see Lala there"
Leo-san and Fio-san run back to where toman is fighting. I look at mitchy.

Draken was being drage by the nurses to the ambulance when he told mitchy.
Draken " Yo! mitchy, ya have one awesome big sisters!"

Takemitchy " Your Not wrong!"

Luna " Off to the hospital quick!"


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