Guts x Reader Part 2 (The Thief)

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The ride was lengthy.
Whoever the pursuers were had long lost the trail thanks to this dark man..

Guts were his name.

He appeared quite tired as the hours of the day passed.

You realized he hadn't slept all night and was now pushing through a second day. Gently you took the reigns from his tired hands.

You felt him move making you nervous but nothing happened.

Slowly exhaling you took on the responsibility of guiding the horse. You had a general idea of where he were going.

After a while you felt his weight slump into you. It startled you but you didn't mind especially in this brisk weather. His body was radiating with heat.

He caught himself after a while and moved back quietly.

There was silence yet you could sense he were now awake.

It's funny how easily he could make you nervous. You worried he'd be mad with you or say something harsh for taking the reins from him.

Puck scared the life out of you whizzing past your ear.

"I see the next town!" He perked up with excitement.

You followed Puck's gaze when Guts took the reins back and directed the horse for it.


Upon arriving you couldn't stop glancing around. You'd never travelled this far from home so it was a whole new experience.

Guts abruptly stopped the horse near a cavern and hopped off leaving you there.

He went straight for food and you hesitantly followed after struggling off the horse.

You found him seated at a table with his arms propped on their elbows and hands folded.

His one eyed glare was menacing as your breath caught in your throat.

If it weren't for Puck nudging you to move you would've been too afraid to go near him.

The waiter shortly brought him a plate of food which he began to eat.

He watched your eyes dance along his plate and grunted.

"What. Was what you stole from me not enough?"

"..Those people, they took it all away from me." You fidgeted trying not to eye his food.

He watched you momentarily then took another huge bite as though unfazed. He didn't care.

He looked like a wolf downing its meal while ready to fend off scavengers if need be.

"What was the deal with those people anyway?" He finally questioned.

"They used me to steal for them. That man with the bow.. he taught me how in exchange for cuts of my profit.. very big cuts.." you drifted.

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