Griffith x Reader The Unyielding Princess (Part 3)

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When you awoke you noticed Charlotte at the bedside running her fingers through your hair. 

"What happened" you questioned weakly sitting up. You could vaguely feel the beginnings of a headache as you focused on her.

"Griffith told us you fainted."

You faintly recalled how tight that corset had been. No wonder you fainted, your lungs were completely restricted and that man kept making it difficult for you to breath.

 "He was kind enough to bring you back here." Charlotte added. You were a little surprised but also struck with that sense of dejavu. It weren't the first time Griffith had rescued you. 

For some reason though you caught on that something else were wrong. Charlotte behaved like something were bothering her.

"What is it?" you furrowed your brows worriedly.

"Did something happen?" You questioned.

"I wasn't there to see it.. but apparently on Griffith's way back from the castle ..someone tried to assassinate him" she hesitated to inform you incase it might upset you.

"What?!" You suddenly sat up completely.

 Charlotte studied you.

She grasped your hand in hers.

"He's alright from what I can tell. The arrow didn't make it past his armour. His men took him back after that. My father was quite concerned and already has people looking into it." 

You were relieved to hear the news however you felt a little guilty for some reason. Perhaps you could have been a little kinder to him.. He almost got killed..

But why exactly would someone want him dead? Griffith were a mysterious man that's for sure. You sensed that he held as many secrets as you had when you two first met.

Charlotte fiddled with her hands a little before slowly looking back up at you.

 "He seemed to be more concerned about you than anything else" she shyly added that last part with rosy cheeks. The idea of a man showing interest in you always had her excited though she wondered if you'd show any interest this time. You were known to deny suitors.

"If you'd like we can go visit him in the morning, my father says he's staying in the Domus Dei for the week. His men are all stationed there as well." she proposed the idea shyly wondering if you'd be interested.

You liked the idea of going to check on his wellbeing. Even if he hadn't been hurt you still wondered if maybe he were feeling distressed.. though that were a little hard to imagine of a man of his character. He always seemed to be so calm and proud; never a hint of concern.

"So tell me y/n." She began hesitantly while you were both on the subject.

 "How is it that you know Griffith? My father seems to have a close relationship with him as of late.. he trusts him more than I've seen him trust anyone" she fiddled with her dress a little as she spoke.

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