Griffith x Reader The Unyielding Princess (Part 4)

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The rest of the week felt so hollow and undecided as you found yourself at a standstill. The war with Tudor were only a few days approaching. The Band of the Hawk had already moved flank and were now stationed more closely to the battle ground in preparation.

That feeling which kept telling you something bad were going to happen were eating away at you from the inside. You wanted to do something about it but the only thing which kept coming to mind involved great revolt against your role as a Princess.. 

You were still residing at the Midland Castle with Charlotte and each time you overheard the smallest mention regarding the war you were set on edge. 

You walked down one of the many elaborate hallways where a row of windows lit the place. Silver armour caught the light in special ways as you found yourself staring down a row of knights. The armour were empty of course and used for a unique display but it certainly kept the wheels of your mind turning.

You weren't going to mention the details to Charlotte but you'd slightly made up your mind. You knew how to wield a sword quite impressively from all the years of your rebellion.. perhaps you could do something to make sure Griffith returned home safe.

You'd be taking quite the risk.. but at least you'd know you were doing everything in your power instead of sitting by and waiting for it to happen.

Besides, the idea of actually taking part in combat had always been an interest to you.. 

Maybe this would be your chance.

You made a promise to yourself and your family name that this would be the final act.

The last dangerous task you'd ever enact upon.. from there on you'd be the woman your mother always wanted you to become. You'd take over the thrown and ensue the role she wished to pass on down to you as the Queen of Warwick; entrusted ally to that of Midland.


You borrowed a house coat with a hood and dressed yourself down to not stand out amongst the crowds. You intended to go into town to locate the finest blacksmith and purchase a trustworthy sword. Fortunately you had wealth on your side and could afford a top tier weapon.

 Your favoured swords still lie about in your home castle but they would unfortunately need to be replaced. You would require something stronger and more dependable..

As you were approaching the front doors to leave you halted when they suddenly opened revealing the last person you expected to see here.

The breath hitched in your throat and your spine stiffened.


Why, what impeccable timing. Daughter  

She wore a soft smile, though it still held the smallest hint of disappointment. The events that nearly caused your death were still fresh in her mind despite the time that had passed. 

When that man in armour had brought you back to her all bloodied and cold she felt it were something she'd never forget. Her only daughter and only single extension of the bloodline. The one responsible to carry out the future.

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