The evening of the ball had officially arrived. You couldn't believe you had even come so far.
Your life really felt like one wild journey up to this point..
You were nervous in every sense.
You felt your heart beat through your chest as you let your mother guide you closer for the elegant halls.
Your arm was linked elegantly in hers as the two of you carefully made your way up the steps. Many butlers were there to greet you as they opened the grand doors granting you both passage.
You were instantly hit with a euphoric feeling just seeing the setting for this evening's celebration..
Everything fanciful had been brought out to decorate the halls from floor to ceiling. The crystal chandeliers and decorations everywhere really set a tone.
It had been quite a while since you last attended a Ball in Warwick. They all paled in comparison to how substantial Midland's celebration of tonight were.
It felt as though every person of means were in attendance.
Guests were dressed to the nines as they drank their expensive champagnes and sampled the fineries that the kitchen's and cellars had to offer.
You were done up quite fancifully yourself in accordance to tonight's festivities.
Your dress had soft rosy accents and a sweetheart neckline.
Your makeup and hair were done to look radiant and romantic.
Your mother smiled to herself as she caught people staring your way.
"Of course they'd admire my own kin, for she is the most beautiful woman I've had the pleasure of raising" she smiled.
Her compliment made you blush.
You felt at peace having her here to support you; your relationship had at last been mended.
"I have you to thank for it, mother" you smiled back.
Many of those present bowed and whispered amongst each other upon noticing your mother's presence. She was held with high esteem here; being the Queen of Warwick who always leant aid to Midland in times of battle.
Perhaps a little too much aid though.. seeing as her own daughter found her way to the front lines.. though nobody knew that part.
She heaved a sigh still feeling slight disbelief over the fact such a thing happened, but at least she knew you were done taking part in such reckless activities.
You had given her your promise.
Now she could look forward to a potential marriage and pass the torch down to what was long overdue.
She gave your arm a gentle squeeze, excusing herself to go chat amongst the guests and to give you a chance to achieve what you came for.

BERSERK x Reader Short Stories
FanfictionA collection of reader insert stories and one-shots of various characters from Berserk. Fluff, smut, lemons. Pre and post eclipse!! Artwork and characters do not belong to me