Guts x Reader Part 3 (The Thief)

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That morning you yawned awake hearing as footsteps came up.

Guts had returned.

He always went off in the nights to keep the shadows at bay. By morning he'd return for rest.

It never ceased to amaze you each time he came back to you.

Everytime he wordlessly disappeared in the night you'd assume it would be the last time you'd ever see him.

You suspected he'd one day desert you..

You hated to admit it but he weren't wrong about your little crush.. you'd grown to admire him for quite some time and dreaded the day you'd part ways..

You yawned awake as he sat with a huge clunk by the dying fire.

You sat up quite urgently realizing he were bleeding quite bad.

You hurried over getting on your knees in front of him as you rummaged through your satchel for bandages and ointment.

He watched quietly as you began to fret.

His strong hand suddenly stopped you. You looked up in shock.

"You worry too much. My wounds are never fatal." he muttered looking off to the side.

You simply brushed his hand away and leaned in close to dab at his temple where there were a clear gash.

Chh.. needn't worry my ass.. you thought as you further inspected his body. There were times he practically slipped into comas after certain battles.

You noticed him looking at you the whole time that you tended to him. You took his arms as well wrapping them up lastly.

You sighed in relief having finished your work only to notice how he just stared wordlessly.

Your eyes widened. You were nearly in his lap and dared to lift his arms about so freely..

You practically jumped back out of embarrassment.

Your face went red as you got up and tended to breakfast or.. dinner in his case...

You purposefully kept your back to him.

"Where's Puck?" You asked without turning.

"He's gone to look for more food" his deep voice came directly behind you.

You jumped from that and nearly fell into the fire when his hand quickly caught your waist steadying you.

"Guts.." you stuttered nervously looking up at him. He was intimidatingly huge.

Your heart was pounding through your chest.

"Should be more careful." he mentioned tiredly with that one-eyed gaze.

"You missed one. Under my shirt" he stated.

At first you didn't know what he were talking about. You shook your head to clear the inappropriate thoughts. He meant another wound y/n!!

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