This is what you wanted

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You mean it?! I asked overjoyed. Edward laughs. I mean it. We made a promise, that I would do it myself. And I got to turn Bella just like I promised however since it was under different circumstances Bella couldn't feel me turn her. You would. But I'm already partly like you, it won't hurt the same way if at all since I'm not human. I still don't want to hurt you or put you in pain. I need something first go lay down.

Edward? I questioned. Trust me. This is what you wanted remember? He goes to go get an interjection from Carlisle's office. What's that? The same kind of thing I gave Bella. Sorta. It's got my venom in it. I will bite you, but this will help you not feel any of the pain. Go lay down close your eyes the stuff will quickly put you to sleep, and then once its in you won't feel a thing I'll bite you and then you'll awaken as quickly as you fell asleep.

I nod my head, and do as I'm told no questions asked. Then it happens. Exactly what I've been waiting for. And it all happens faster than I expect. I wake up, and Bella wakes up. He gives me his hand to help me up. I think I've got it. I try to get up, but I get dizzy and start to stumble. Whoa be careful. He chuckles. What? Looks like we'll have to start all over again. No I whine.

The last time you were like this was 10 years ago. When I was 8 years old. That's right. When I was first discovering my powers. Right again. I don't want to go through it all over again. We turn to Bella who looks around at everything. Then turns to us and smiles at us. She elopes us both into a group hug. Bella you're much stronger than me now, its your turn not to break me Edward tells her. I scuff.

I love you guys. Farrah, you look different. I do? Then she reaches out to me. We're all the same temp now. You smell good. What do I smell like? I giggle. IDK but it smells good. Her signature scent. Edward teases. But I'm not a hybrid anymore I don't have any more blood in me. You always smell good and you taste delightful he teases playing with my hair. I think the only real difference I see is your eyes I guess.

You smell like me Bella you don't smell like a human anymore. We're finally one of them. I squeal taking my sisters hands as I jump her up and down with me. Girls this isn't some sorority welcoming party. Wow you are very good at changing the mood of things. I suddenly feel hyper. Sorry. I giggle. She giggles back. This is so fun. I cheer. Calm down Edward chuckles resting a hand on my shoulder.

Renesmee Bella mumbles starting to kiss Edward. She's fine. Edward tells her. Where is she I wanna see her. Let's get you both something to drink first to help control your thirst. No you're one of us fully now, it might be different. Your eyes are currently red. But.... Go hunt you need it. Come with me. Both of you. We go into the forest. Wait where's Jack is he still hanging around somewhere?

Food first. I'm not gonna hurt him E he's my boyfriend. He's already immortal. But he has blood still in him. Fine. We go to the forest. Close your eyes girls. Listen. We do as we're told. Hi guys. I hear Jack say. Jack. I call with excitement. I open my eyes and go to him. Whoa he calls. What's the matter? That was much easier for you than normal is there something different about you? New hair cut new uh outfit new something? I shake my head.

No then what is it? He asks circling me like a hawk poking at me. I turn my head and watch him in curiosity. Something smells really good. I suddenly say. Then get back. Edward tells me. What why? Jack step back too. Edward? What's the matter?! I said something smells good not like blood! I growl my eyes going from their usually brown color to a taupe color.

Its probably me Jack says. I told you E I'm not gonna hurt him he's already immortal. I'd never drink his blood. I sure hope not. Oh I get it. You've been turned. How does it feel? It feels amazing I say jumping up into the air as if I just kind of float there. I twirl around the air like cyclone giggling. As I hover above the ground. Hm.... I thought you could just learn powers from us and transformation with the wolves? Edward asked.

But here Jack is flying and hovered above the ground and here you are hovered above the ground almost like you're flying. That's so cool. I don't suppose I can also do the creating winter part? I question. No all spirits have their own special power that they are gifted you can only do these cloning ability things because that's your gift but creating winter is my gift.

Oh well I shrug. But still this is so cool! Bella I see you're alive and have also been turned as well. Good for you. Thank you. However you might not want to be around me just yet. Why not you've been here the whole time and I haven't tried to eat you? She teases. I smell something though. What? I ask. Get a good strong sniff of that air Farr's. I smell a squirrel, and I hear and owl and smell a.... My eyes fly back open. Yep she smells the deer.

They both do. Wait! I smell uh oh. I open my eyes and Bella is gone. Bella. I call after her she smells it too a man on a cliff that just got cut is now bleeding. Girls wait! Edward calls after us. Jack go after her. Bella stop. Before Bella can sink her teeth into him she stops herself. And I'm not in a frenzy. We get away from there. Edward and Jack after us. Bella Farrah I'm sorry I didn't know anyone would be up this high. He warns us.

But that was so good Bella you resisted blood on your first hunt. And Snow you - you're exactly the way you were before I guess you don't need a do over of training after all. Instead Bella and I attack a lion. We see Jake come out of the house. Bella is happy to see that he is still here. I'm worried about Jake's safety. Since the whole imprinted on her daughter thing. MT: Jake I'd get back if I were you. I warn. JT: I'll be fine.

I turn into my wolf form and tear apart the rest of the lion like a dog. What's the smell? Bella asks. You're about to find out Edward laughs. You're still here? Yep and so are you, man Bella I didn't expect you to still be so well you. She smiles at him her red eyes shinning. Ok all but your creepy red eyes. Jake I'd keep my distance. I think its better for the baby to see how you do with me first. He tells her.

Why do you care so much about Renesmee? She questions him. MT: Uh oh! JT: It's fine. Uh oh what? She questions. Bella you don't have my mind reading powers. No but maybe now that we're the same that our twin mind reading power is actually working now. What's the matter?! The guys look at each other. I transform back. Well take a big sniff Bella. Jake teases. Wow Jake I see what everyone's been talking about you really do stink.

I smell it all over you too Farrah. That's from my wolf transformation. You still smell mixed I think though. We go back inside the house for Bella to meet her daughter. Here she is you look great Bella. Our family tells her. Rose hands the baby to Bella who looks already a couple months old vs new born. But I was never like that. How come I never grew this fast? Because there were two of you.

How do you know that's why? I was always just like her, until now. She puts her hand to Bella's cheek and shows her, her first memory of her mother. What was that? Edward explains. Showed me how? How does Farrah clone powers how do I read minds how does Alice see the future she's gifted just like the rest of us. Wow. I think that's enough experimenting for one day Jake says taking Nessie back into his arms.

Jacob she's doing fine. Let's not go overboard. Let's stop while we're ahead. What is your problem? Bella asks him. Edward takes the baby and gives her to me. Bella its a - a wolf thing. He starts getting nervous. What is? You knew this was gonna happen.... Oh go on do tell her Jacob. Rose teases. We have no control over these things Jake goes on. But I promise you its not what you think.

Get Renesmee out of here now! Bella tells Edward. She pulls Jake outside and is furious with him. That she's only held her once and now the imprint seems to think just because of that means he's got some kind of wolfy claim on her. Bella its not like that do you think Edward would let me live if it was?! He'd debate about it but I wouldn't let him. I told him. Leah tries to protect him from Bella. She's mine Jacob!

You're gonna stay away from her! You know I can't do that! I don't have a choice! Esme tells Edward to stop her. But Edward thinks he's doing fine on his own he's loving this, Jake is not his problem anymore and if nothing else Bella will murder him for him so that Edward wouldn't have to. I roll my eyes. Edward bad! I scold him. Bella do you remember how 3 days you wanted me around, that feeling is gone now isn't it?

Long gone she growls. Because it was Nessie that wanted me. Bella gets more angry that he called her that. Seth gets in the way she accidently hurts Seth she apologizes for that part. Look Bella nothing ever made sense with us but that's because it was all because of this now because of Ness.... Of Renesmee. Look all I want is for her to be happy just like you both do. Now everything about us makes sense now it all makes sense. He's right I mumble. Look Bella he's your best friend do you really think if it were up to him he'd imprint on her vs on you?

Now that we've both made our point. Jacob is now asleep on the couch inside of the house. The others come back. Rose comes in and holds Renesmee in her arms. You know as mad at Jake as I was for calling her Nessie its not really as bad as I think it is. Renesmee Jade. Nessie Jade. Both have a nice ring to it. Don't you think? Farrah Jade? Huh? I ask rubbing my eyes.

How are you still tired? You're a full vampire now! IDK maybe I'll always be like this. Maybe she says stroking my hair. I nuzzle up against her touch. Keep petting I mumble she laughs and keeps playing with my hair. As you wish. You can sleep little sister. She calls kissing my forehead. Now that Bella is a mother its like she's more motherly. Technically if Bella and I were still aging we'd be officially 19 today. It's our birthday again.

Jake wakes up. Jacob listen I'm - I'm sorry about before. Now you're not but it's ok. He shrugs. She's asleep? He asks looking over to me. Vampires don't sleep. He questions. She's a special case. Edward suddenly yawns. Darn her. Anyone who's around her when she gets tired usually also makes them feel tired too. When she turned 18 she stopped making the rest of us do that but now she's a full vampire and its a side effect for hopefully a short time. But I'm sure that we'll still follow that rule because of her.

So where does she sleep? Bella asks Rose. In my arms or Edward's or Esme's or Farrah's. At least for now. Happy birthday Alice calls to us both. Alice we both tell her as I rub my eyes. We stopped aging 3 days ago. I yawn. Oh hush both you. She hands myself and Bella a key. Alice we still hate surprises that hasn't changed. Where are we going? I ask her. Not far I promise. And I promise you both will like this surprise. Welcome home!

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