They return now what?!

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In the following morning we pack up and head out, we can see Aro and his clan and his own witnesses coming up over the horizon.

We have met up on a snow covered field. With both sides large in amount of our own witnesses. We hope we won't have to fight, we hope I won't get corrupted and turned evil or it would be all over.

Garrett turns to Kate and tells her that if we live through this that he'd follow her anywhere. Now was probably either the worse time to tell her that or would be the best time and would motivate her to fight that much harder.

The Volturi got closer and closer, as we all stood together. It is clear that Aro's team is larger than ours. But with love on our side no matter what happened we had something to fight for and we knew somehow we'd win. Even if some of us would get hurt or worse may even get killed.

The only thing we didn't want happening was me turning evil. Just like they'd been saying for the last couple days. But I knew that would never happen, I wouldn't let it. Aro is looking for Alice Edward tells Bella. I nod agreeing with him.

The wolves join our side. Jake comes to stand by us. As he leads the group. Before anything bad can happen Carlisle wishes to speak with Aro in a civilized manner like they used to. Fair words Carlisle however out of place with the group you have formed intended for battle.

That was never my intent, he tells Aro. Aw, Renee it's good to see you again. My you look so young, as if you haven't aged a bit. I thought you had your powers taken away? He questions. I did, but they were still once apart of me, I won't age and will live forever just like the others.

No laws have been broken Carlisle continues. We see the child do not treat us like fools Caius yells in offense. She is not an immortal child! Carlisle raises his voice for all to hear. These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can see for yourself, the flush of human blood in her cheeks.

Aro says he will get every facet of the truth, turns to Edward, and knows that by seeing that his daughter is clinging tightly to Bella that he's been involved and wishes to get the story directly from him. I'd ask to hear it from Farrah, she's a more reliable source than any of you but unfortunately none of our powers effect her or sister

When Edward begins to approach Aro Bella and I use our shield power in order to protect him. Not only that but you worry that if she's any closer to me that you're worried she'll be corrupted. That she will turn against you and to turn evil. Like how her boyfriend was for a brief moment turned.

However, against my better judgment to tell you this, but that's not a possibility with her powers, she can over power any of us. She can't be corrupted. Good for you bad for us. I see all, you can't hide anything from me. You know that friend. I'd like to meet the girl.

At that myself, Jacob, Nessie, Bella and Emmett come closer to Aro. Awe Bella immorality becomes you. As Nessie gets closer Aro shrieks with laughter being able to hear Nessie's strange heart, Nessie is careful to approach Aro and puts her hand to his cheek to allow him to see what our witnesses have also seen.

He sees the truth. I see, she's a hybrid conceived and carried by this newborn while she was still human. Impossible Caius yells. Do you think they have tricked me brother? Aro asks him. Besides this isn't the first. Farrah? He calls me. Come here dear. I get closer. It's ok Jack whispers.

I nod and come to Aro's side. The only difference between herself and this child here is that the Swan sisters mother was a vampire when she had the twins. Other than that the only other difference is that she grows faster than Farrah did. Bring the accuser forward. Irina comes forward as told. Is this the child you saw?

Irina looks at her, then back to us and then to her sisters. I'm not sure, that child has grown since I saw her last. The Cullen's are in fact innocent. I've made a mistake, I take full responsibility. I'm sorry. Caius don't! Edward calls in warning and in anger. Felix hits her and rips her head off. Her sisters are upset and scream out for her. They rip the rest of her apart and then set her on fire. Irina is dead.

When Kate and Tanya run off to attempt to attack, Garret grabs Kate but she electrocutes him. Edward makes Zafrina blind them. We must attack! Tanya says. No, that's exactly what they want us to do, we can't. Zafrina stops blinding them, and they stop their attack.

Jane then uses her powers on Edward, and Bella and I use ours to protect him. It's working Edward says. He's not affected by Jane now as he returns to us. But the question still remains what will come of the child if we don't fight today will we then die tomorrow? They are afraid of the unknown, afraid of what the child will become. And if she will threaten our existence, but no laws have been broken.

Then Alice and Jasper return to us and slowly approach. Aro is glad to see her. But guards stop her, until she says that she has evidence that the girl won't be a threat to us. To not to fear her. Let me show you she says extending her hand. Aro how many more different ways do we have to prove to you that hybrids aren't a danger to our kind?! I confidently speak up against him showing no fear.

Come again? He questions before taking Alice's hand. Farrah stop it. Alice scolds. You know that I used to be a hybrid. My mother gave birth to both of us and I was born a hybrid I wasn't turned until recent. I'm not dangerous, far from it. I don't even like hunting or killing things. I never have, I can survive on both blood and human food even now after being turned.

You know me Aro. I'm no threat. Ah, see that's where you are wrong Farrah Cullen. You know that with your powers that you are all anyone would need for an army if only there were more of you, that you can either end all evil or destroy the world. You are my biggest threat evil or not. That's why I need you on my side, but that won't happen as long as your coven is still alive. I'd rather die than join you even if it were just me.

You don't know what you're talking about Edward reminds me. Shut up Edward, I growl at him. Aro smirks. No, you're no treat at all. In fact you're perfect. Far from it actually. I admit. You're too humble my dear. Everyone can plainly see that. I look around at all my friends and family, as they nod along side him.

He reaches for Alice's hand. It doesn't matter what I show you, even when you see you'll never change your decision! Now! Alice yells to the rest of us.

TTT part 5Where stories live. Discover now