The Denali's

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Ok, so let me make myself clear, my aunt and uncle went up to London EJ, Bella, Nessie, and myself all got into the car and went to the Denali's house which was much closer. We would need all the help we could get. When we got there, Edward and I got out of the car while the others waited for us.

Edward, Farrah what seems to be the problem? At the house there was Tanya who asked about our coming wondering why we had came and didn't tell them. There was Carmen who was asking if we'd heard from Irina, which was partly why we'd came in the first place. There was Eleazar who asked about Bella wondering why she was in the car waiting and then there was Kate who was suspicious of our bringing of Jacob along with us.

Please, we need your help, our family is in danger. Edward starts. All we ask right now is for you to be open minded, its very hard to explain, until you see for yourself and listen to our story. You know that when I became a part of the family that I was a hybrid. Where is this going? I turn my head to the car, and motion for Bella and Jake and Nessie to come out of the car.

Inside the car Bella tries to encourage her daughter to come meet some new people. But she's scared. Jacob reminds her that they just need to get to know her first and then they won't be afraid of her. When they don't come out of the car, I go to the car myself. With the door opened, I reach in and unbuckle her.... Come 'ere baby girl. I have her come to me and take her out of the car as I hold her.

The cousins jump back scared. They were sure that Aro and his clan would surly come for us all. That they had committed a crime. The girls lunged at Edward to attack. But I wouldn't him or Bella get hurt. I closed my eyes, while holding my niece in one hand I was able to shield them both. Stop, enough! She is not what she seems. She is just like me before I was turned.

I'm not an immortal child nor was I ever. Everyone has met me, they knew what I was, Aro and his clan know about me, this has happened once before, with myself and my own mother, I was about my niece's age when I came to the Cullen house, she grows everyday I've seen it. Myself and my family are a witness to this, if she was a newborn as an immortal child she'd still be a baby, the only difference between her and me is that she grows like a vampire child I was growing like a human, but she's also not a twin.

This shouldn't be such a big deal, this isn't something new to our family, it's rare, especially to happen twice in the same "family" but here I am. We are one in the same. She still has blood in her and warmth in her. She is just like me just a human with powers. You can see that her cheeks have blood, I'm sure you can smell it, and hear her heartbeat. There is air in her lungs, she's more human than she is vampire. She's a hybrid. My biological sister Bella is her mother and my brother Edward her father, she had her when she was human. It was the opposite with my family, and my father didn't know about any of it, my mother used to be a vampire, she's human now but will live forever young, since its in her blood.

I was born a hybrid, Bella was born a human. This is impossible! You know what's impossible? Our life style being vampires and werewolves, but yet here we are. Nothing is impossible. She will show you if you let her. Jacob comes closer to me, closer to her. He takes her out of my arms and sets her down into the snow. Please Tanya you owe us this much we are under a death sentence because Irina didn't let us explain. Edward pleads with her. Go ahead sweetie I encourage her. Yes aunt Snow. She nods and walks up to her and places her hand onto Tanya's cheek.

Don't be alarmed this is how she communicates. Tanya sees our proof, declaring that she is in fact not immortal. But this would be the rest of our families fear. And the rest of us not understanding why. Perhaps because some of them haven't even seen me in about 11 or less years close to about the same age Nessie is now. It would've been harder to prove if she was really still a baby.

In Egypt Carlisle comes across the same problem. His friend Amun at first refuses to try and help him, but his son Benjamin blocks the door way with his own powers by bringing the water out of the pool of their house creating a barrier. He wishes to hear about what is going on, that he wants to help us, that his father keeps him hidden away, but Carlisle can't imagine why.

Once we return to Forks Benjamin is there also as Renesmee uses her powers on him. He makes a tiny tornado in the palm of her hand from his own power. We introduce ourselves. I tell him how I was just like her. He's a cousin I've never met before, and Bella is also meeting them all for the first time. I tell him about my own powers, then copy his own to prove it. He seems very impressed by me.

He's not scared like the others when he meets her. His power is influencing the elements. When we see a fast movement in the forest more family has arrived. Bella asks who they are. My eyes light up recognizing them right away. It's Senna and Zafrina from the Amazon. I'm quick to introduce Nessie to them both, while we are here Rose and Emmett are finding one of our most unlikely of ally's a friend of Carlisle's that fought with him on the battle of Yorktown.

They were all won over, each was made to see. Carlisle even had his friends from Ireland make the journey, however it might prove to be slightly difficult with their thirst for human blood. Rose and Emmett even brought in some Nomads which would prove to be unpredictable even one of Jasper's friends from his newborn days Peter had came to help us. Many of these cousins whom I'd even met only once before when I was Renesmee's age. Whom all had made comments to me about how grown up I was now.

But where had now opened our home up to 18 vampires, Jake was still standing by us, which we were glad about. However, it was proving to be difficult for him. There were so many vampires here. They had promised to not hunt on the land but they'd need to feed somewhere. I'd stayed by his side to keep him company, to make sure he would stay calm during all of this. Out of the corner of my eye I could almost see his eyes getting all shifty, his body trembling as he licked his lips. Hey it was in his blood.

Jacob? I giggled coming closer to him. He jumped. You alright? Fine, he said nervously thumping his leg shifting his weight in the chair he was sitting in. No you're not. I shook my head. There's just a lot of vampires here. Making my senses go crazy, some of the new ones will be turning soon. I knew he meant the wolves, some new members of the pack, whether he was a part of it still or not it was still in his blood in his nature.

Yet between all of this we hadn't heard anything from Alice. Our most difficult would probably prove to be Alistair since he wasn't a people person. He said he wouldn't fight. But we hoped it wouldn't come to that. He said he was going up to the attic, which was close to my own room. (In one of them I talk about my room being in the "attic" room but it looks nothing like an attic I just can't remember if its in TTT or DVG)

Well, I suddenly say rubbing a hand behind my neck nervously as I look out at the sea of red eyes of all the vampires, I bite my lip nervously. Hm.... Stay right here, I'll be right back. I zoom off to Carlisle.... Uncle Carlisle? I call to him.... Yes Snow? I explain the situation, and ask if Jake and I can go over to Cora's and get something to eat, asking if there was anything he'd like for us to bring back.

No thank you, you two go on ahead, just be careful alright sweetheart? He asks kissing my forehead. Yes Carlisle. Go on now. That sounds like a great idea. Thank you. Next time just go on ahead you don't to ask just tell me where you're going and you can go. Love you. Love you too.

Hey you, I say coming back Jacob.... You look happy. You got your motorcycle here? Yeah why he shrugs? Perfect. Come on let's go. Go where? Anywhere but here. Or wolf land. So, shared land? You got it. Cora's? Yep. Ok. We turn to leave, when I feel someone tug at my arm. Where are you going? My brother asks a worried look on his face his eyes sparkling. They're so clear I can see my reflection in them. Cora's. I tell him not breaking the contact. Carlisle gave me permission. Want anything while we're there?

A steak would be great, but if I asked for one everyone else is gonna want one. Hm.... Vampire catering it is. Don't worry I'll take care of everything. They will eat the food right? If it's meat maybe. Then this house will be covered top to bottom in the sickening scent of that meat smell you all like so much. If it were blood you wouldn't be complaining.

Jake real food or meat food? Real food is fine. We take off to Cora's. Hey Cora.... Well, well, well look who it is? Haven't seen you in a hot min little Cullen. How's it going? Glad that humans aren't around right now I say rubbing a crease on my forehead. I don't suppose you'd do some vampire catering for me would you? What's going on? We have 18 vampires at our house. Sounds like ya'll are having some kind of party sweetie pie. Something like that.

You alright sugar plum? Fine. I mumble, just hungry. For real food or vampire food? She questions. There's something different about you. I was turned but I can still eat normal food. Bella was turned now too. Ooh girl give me all the juicy details. We explain what's gone on since the wedding. Oh my, my, my. She tisks. Haven't heard of seen anything like that since you were born.

Yeah. And I'm guessing that those wolf senses of yours are kicking into high gear aren't they Jacob Black? You could say that. Jacob you're starving. No one's been hunting it what feels like forever. I'm fine. You say that now, but if we didn't get you away from that house you might have eaten me. I tease. I would not have. He says rolling his eyes. You're still "both" even if you're officially full.

And your still my best friend. Jacob look me in the eye and tell me that I don't smell heavenly that you don't want to sink your teeth into me if we weren't friends. He licks his lips. Mm.... I rub between my eyes with my thumb and fore finger then pinch the bridge of my nose. Jacob? I call out to him. His eyes are all wolf like suddenly. I can tell he was trying to hold back, but just like a vampire without hunting and being in a house full of vampires it was a good thing we came out here.

Jacob? I call frightened. Cora we better get some food into him. He has this smirk on his face as he comes closer and pins me up against the wall. Cora I whimper. I close my eyes, and my breath hitches in my throat. When my neck feels something wet and slimy roll over it. Hey?! I giggle. As I start pushing him away. G-D Jacob I hate when you do things like that. I playfully scold.

Farrah, I'd never hurt you. Vampire, wolf, hybrid, human or something in between, you're still Farrah. You still smell exactly the same as you did before even when you're a full vampire now. I was only playing. Why do you love scaring the crap out of me?! I whine. You still taste good. He shrugs. *Ug* the I whine taking a napkin and wiping the salvia off of my neck. The last time anyone tasted me was when Edward was pretending to be his hungry evil self like the time that I lost my powers and he'd tried to hunt me down.

I remember that. He shrugs. You're lucky we're friends he teases ruffling my hair. So, Cora can you? Vampire cater? Sure can. Do you yourself want your usual? Sure. Alright then, one grilled cheese, fruit bowl, and Oreo milkshake coming right up babe. And I'll cook anything and everything meat wise with extra blood. Sounds great. How much? Aw honey not a penny, the only thing you have to pay for yourself is your own food. Are you sure? I frown.

Its for a worthy cause, helping people is something I do, there is no cost to be kind. True that. Want anything Jake? Aside from sister alamode? I tease. He rolls his eyes. I'll just share with you. Have it your way. I shrug. I myself am not to terribly hungry, but I feel like I haven't had my usual in what feels like forever. Baby girl you come in still every Wednesday to get your usual, and I always drop in some blood and some bones have that brother of yours come down and get a steak when he gets the chance.

I'll remind him. Steak all medium rare? It's the bloodiest of all steaks. Chicken, ribs, lamb, steak, duck roast beef ribeye turkey fish whatever meat you want and what we have it's all there. If it's meat its there, drizzled with extra blood for all to share. Got anything fresh? You want some of that O+? Yes ma'am. How much? We can put it in a punch bowl and bring extra if we need it. If there was a way to get drunk off of blood this would be the way. She teases.

Well I think we'll eat here, while we wait. Sounds good to me. When I'm done I'll you know shouldn't take me long privilege of also being a vampire myself after all. Try explaining it that way to Edward. I tease. Mm, mm that boy she shakes her head hands on her hips. When's he gonna learn? You're asking the wrong person Cora. Thanks again. Jake and I sit down to eat. Hm.... Cora? Can we get one more of everything I'm eating to go, I think I'll offer it to Renesmee. Sure thing. Coming right up. Thank you.

Once we finish up, and Cora is done, we get onto Jake's motorcycle and head back to the house. Where have you two been I was starting to get worried?! Bella asks us. Edward and Carlisle knew where we were we got their permission. Hey have you been able to get a hold of mom? Do you think she can come? Does she smell like a human? I'm not sure. I don't think so even if she fully one. Despite living forever.

She might be some use to us. I'll call her. There's a knock at the door. Whose that? Nessie? I call to her. Yes aunt Snow? I hold up a finger.... Hi mommy. I call sweetly into the phone. Hey baby what's the matter is everything alright? That might need a better explanation is Phil around? No, not this moment. Why? We need to talk vampire terms. Just give me one sec.... I hear her run upstairs to a room and close and lock the door.

I tell her all the events that have gone on since the wedding. Farrah? I hear Edward call for me. I jump.... That's his playful I'm gonna kill you older brother voice I knew it the moment I heard it. I close and lock my door disappearing into my closet. I've done too much. But I was just trying to help. Jake's up here with me. I hide him in my closet with me. Uh, bottom line mom is that.... Say no more, you want me to be a witness, lucky for you all that I smell like a vampire still and still have my powers.

You have my powers, which is probably why Aro never bothered me. I'm on my way. Bye mom love you. Love you too send Bella and the boys and my sister and well everybody my love. I'll use one of my sister's fast passes to get me there as fast as I can get there. I'll just leave a note for Phil he's out of town right now doing baseball stuff. He left yesterday.

Soon mom arrives. The others are surprised to see her. Mom makes 19. With Cora here, it's like a celebration. I call Nessie back over. I bought this for you, wasn't sure if you ate human food or vampire food. Thank you aunt Snow. It's my Wednesday usual. Farrah? I hear Edward's playful scolding tone.

You didn't need to do that. I told you that's what we were doing. No one's been hunting and the family can't hunt on the land. Cora made us all every kind of meat, brought over O+ blood for us all to share like fruit punch its even in a punch bowl. I can see that. You know this isn't a party right? There's no reason why it can't be its more like a family reunion. And since it is now a party, and the house smells like meat I will be coming down every so often to get more blood, but Jake and I will be in my room.

Why me? You wanna hang around a bunch of blood suckers? Point taken. Let's head up. Then there's another knock on the door. I rush down and answer it. Mom what a surprise. Bella announces. The cousins don't take notice of her. She looks around and sees if she notices anyone. Most of them she does. They all welcome her in. Did I hear correctly my sister is home? Esme asks approaching.

Esme. Sis. They embrace each other welcoming each other. You still smell like one of us. I still have my "powers" even if I got my powers taken away. I'll still live forever young. We'll be sisters till the day we don't die. They both life. It's good to see you. But why are you here? I was invited to be a witness my daughter thought I might be of some use. I'm sure you will we need all the family we can get.

How many do you recognize? Most actually, its been a long time but I still recognize most. Where's that Phil of yours? Out of town for baseball. Man if he were a vampire he'd love playing vampire baseball. Come, come have a drink with us. Do you still drink? Does a vampire typically sleep during the day? You got me there. Cora brought it over come have a glass or two. Join the "party." It's good to see you again Jacob. You to Renee.

Well, it's good to see you mom, but don't mind us if you don't see us for a while, too many vampires for Jake's taste too much awful smell of meat for mine, the smell is making me sick to my stomach. Both: Have some blood you'll better sweetie. Alright moms. They look at each other and laugh. I'll be coming up and down for some but I ate at Cora's before we came back.

About an hour or so later, there's another knock on the door. Who could that be? I question. I can sense it's Renesmee over by the front door.... I worry by who it is on the other end until she opens it. Hi uncle Jack what are you doing here? Your aunt around? Her and Jake are upstairs. I *sigh* in relief when I hear who it is. I hear a knock at my door. Come in Jack.

How'd you... Not gonna finish that question. He wraps his arms around me. Sorry I took off so fast after that. Not a problem. You have a job to do, I'm surprised to see you here. I'm not busy now, I figured you guys could use all the help you could get. Well aren't you noble? I tease. Yeah, yeah. He kisses me then pulls away.

Well this is gonna be a long adventure. Jacob shrugs. I'd say weekend or even week, but I leave it at adventure since Alice's only clue was that they'd be here when the snow starts to stick who knows when that will be? Probably really soon then if Jack's already here. You never know what's gonna happen when I'm around. I'll try not to make a mess. I don't wanna be the reason why ya'll are in peril. But it's still my job to make the snow. Not your fault. It's all nothing but a misunderstanding if nothing else.

And now that we're all here, in the next chapter Bella will learn about her surprising shield power. Wish her luck. And Jake is right this will be one long adventure.

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