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Alice shows us to the house. Why do I need a key? So that you can come and go as you please. My brother says to me. You and Jack both. Well then its a good thing that the Cullen house is not.... That far. I frown. Really its just around the corner. I remind myself. It sure is kid.

I'm not that much younger than you. Yes you actually are. He reminds me. Help me show Bella around. Why? Yeah why, I thought that we'd some alone time together. We will. However, normally we'd never have to catch our breath or sleep or rest, but not with her around, in the Cullen house or not I've gotten used to it by now.

Sure you have. And its gonna be my rule too. But you hate that rule. I point out. Edward shows her the closet. Alice and Farrah stocked it for you. Clearly. Do you like it? It's perfect. A room for each of us. You mean for both of you? You two in one room and your daughter in a different room.

And two more. Two more? Sure why not one guest room when we have guests.... And.... The last one is a surprise from Bella and I she didn't know about this surprise but she did know about this last one. Sis.... She says taking my hand. You know how Edward said the key for you was to come and go as you please? He's not wrong, however that's still not the full reason.

What are you talking about? Bella we both hate surprises. You did this. I playfully scold Edward. Farrah we can never be apart, we've seen this, and our family knows this as does Jack and Bella. That when we three are apart something bad happens. I don't want anything to happen to either one of you. To you, he says placing his hands on my shoulders. So, instead of telling you, we're just gonna show you.

This guest bed has a queen sized bed. And a smaller one. Well yeah, sometimes Jack will sleep beside you other times you'd rather sleep alone you like sleeping alone and I like when I do sleep to sleep beside you and or Bella. But now she's my wife. But, this isn't a guest room. That key is more than just a come and go as you please. This is your key to the house, and this he says handing me a box....

Happy birthday.... E? I question. Open it. Well the first part is a hook for the door clearly. And? And, a sign.... That says what? It's got my name on it. I question, with a bottom part says room. So? So, it really says Farrah's room. I don't understand. Farrah, sweetie.... He tries to be as clear as day.... This is going over your head for some unknown reason.

Farrah, Bella says grabbing my hand, and pulling me to her, resting her other hand on his shoulder. What he means is that its exactly as it sounds like, this is your new room. But that you always have a room at the Cullen house. We wanted you to move in with us so that we could be one big happy family.

You really mean it? Would I lie to you? And for that matter would Bella ever tell a lie? I look between them both. As we all group hug. Why don't you go get set up, and Bella you and I will have some alone time. Ok, I'm gonna head back to the Cullen place and wait there. You do that.

What didn't like the surprise? Alice asks. They're gonna be worse than Rose and Emmett. You weren't around for that. No, but I've heard stories. They really do tell each other everything. Rose says rolling her eyes. I hear the phone ring. My stomach does flops and I suddenly feel sick to my stomach. When Bella and Edward come back it goes off again.

Bella its dad, he keeps calling every two days. Eventually we'll have to tell him you didn't make it Carlisle reminds her. He needs time to morn. Well I'm gonna miss this place the others start to agree. Wait but no one said anything about leaving. Jacob says. One people believe that Bella is dead we can't risk anyone finding her. But Edward mom knows our secret she's probably had to try and tell dad about her about us.

He already thinks he knows that something odd is going on in this family. He already knows something and Aro and his clan haven't bothered to look into it or bothered mom about it. For all we know Charlie already knows our secret. Jake runs off towards the Swan house. Dad has been going through hell. And he's worried about Bella and I. I run after him. Jake! But as I approach it's too late. He's already begun to take his clothes off. He starts to transform. Despite that I know he wasn't gonna hurt dad he would still be shocked. I had to something. I transformed too.

He told him that Bella is fine when he thinks she's dead, but he said in order to get better she had to change. He knew we'd be happier having him in our lives and not to mention he whole imprint thing. He couldn't let Nessie go. She'd have to leave with us. But now that he'd seen us both change he was reminded that he doesn't live in the world that he thinks he does and that stranger things happen everyday.

When he gets back Edward and Bella are furious that he went and did that. And you.... Before you yell at me I stop him, I went after him to stop him but in the moment that it happened I felt the need to protect, besides all he did was tell them about himself and that she had to change to get better, he has no idea what he means by that, but I know that dad already knows.

And not to mention that he's coming to see us both in about 10 mins. Alice gives Bella some contacts. And she practices moving slower. And that their daughter was a niece they adopted. He comes over. Hi dad. Hello Farrah. Good to see you human again. Where's your sister? She's right in here. Inside before he got there, they had told her to hold her breath, slouch, blink, move slower, move her shoulders.

Just watch me. I'm a pro at pretending to be human. Nut you were just turned too. So? I was already half. Look I just wanna say that.... Before anyone goes anywhere. Charlie pulls out a piece of paper. What's this? Your mom made me sign it a long time ago, she told me a while back ago sometime about all of this, and that if I didn't want to be turned that I had to sign it, and then she had me "turned" anyways there was that witch your sister Esme, he says to her, that with that she had take away her powers but will somehow still be immortal.... That took away my memory of remembering that, but I've been talking with her recently and that Government Clan of yours knows all about it.

But Bella I can't lose you girls again. I knew it was strange when Farrah had to go and live here and your mother not tell me she was here. I'm just like you except at the same time not. The witch did a spell on me that made me behave and look and grow like a human. But Bella I just watched a boy I knew growing up turn into a very large dog before my eyes and your sister too. Which means that she's your mother and Jake is just like his dad she told me that story too.

Hence the contract. Your mother knew everything from the start. I was reminded. It came altogether for me when the last couple of months had gone by if that. Every clue that I followed. The no sun, the fear of going to FL, being adopted by the Cullen's, all the mystery. I knew something was going on. But you don't also change into a big dog do you? He asks her. Bella shakes her head. No, she wishes she was that cool Jake smirks.

I told you Jakey, we really are just big dogs. The pack won't be pleased that I did that but they'll get over it I'm not really a part of it at this point anymore now anyways. I'm not even gonna ask. There are just two things that I need to know. That daughter of yours, she's really yours isn't she? And because there's only one of her she'll grow faster. That's also correct.

So I guess my other question is answered my next question would've been did you have her when you were getting married and that's why you had to get married a couple weeks ago if that? But I know now what really happened. You're being so good about this. I have a question. How come we weren't like that? How come we didn't grow as fast, why was I hybrid and Bella human?

Because one its about the witch partly, the not growing as fast part. Two because there were two of you and with two of you one of you was just like your mom and the other like me. Your mother was very worried that Farrah had her powers and was a hybrid. I uh brought you a little something. I don't usually save the blood of the animals I kill but I'm glad I did. You can have it. If you need it. Dad I was a hybrid before and I can still eat real food.

Can you? I'll prove it. I run off to go get a piece of wedding cake. See.... I'm fine. When everything is fine, we tell dad goodbye. Good job, that was great for a newborn. I don't think either one of them are really newborns. Don't get her started Emmett she's the second strongest one in the house now possibly the first. And you're the third, don't forget that Snow is both faster than me and stronger than you. 

TTT part 5Where stories live. Discover now