She'll be safe here for now

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After Bella and I were sure to get the message from Alice and that we'd both seen it. But she made sure that no one else could as she threw it into the fire. The morning that followed, with things getting so crazy we had to make sure Nessie would stay safe. Bella and I (outfit 28)and we take Nessie and Jacob with us to dad's.

Once we get there dad stands outside, with the snow on the ground its probably close to Christmas and dad's began to decorate the house, also outside is this lady Sue, which I'm guessing is probably some form of S.O. for dad, or something like that. We told Edward, or really she told him rather that if we didn't bring her over to him he'd come over to the house.

Yeah, I know that's what you told him. Bella and I look to each other, realizing once again that Jake can see through us. Whatever, either way it's nice to finally get away from all those reeking bloodsuckers. Bella throws a glare at him. I just roll my eyes, smacking his arm. We'd arrived to be welcomed greatly by our dad, who was more than happy to see Nessie.

Sue said something about lunch, but Bella said we had to go and run an errand. We drove into the Seattle area to meet with this guy Mr. Jenks, about Alice and Jasper. When we got there, we told his person who was there that we'd been there to speak with him. He said this was the place he meets with people for private matters.

How long have you been working with Jasper? I've known Jasper and Alice both for a good 20 years, and my late partner knew Jasper 15 years before. Something about this makes me wonder if he knew our secret. Because that would've made them both like probably really somewhere in their 40s maybe. But somehow the fact that we all still look like we could be in our late teens, that's what made me think that.

I trust that Mr. Jasper is enjoying his vacation? He asked us. Bella and I looked at each other in confusion. They didn't tell you where they were going did he? No, he just said he was leaving when came to place an order. And do you have his order ready? He passes us an envelope it has 4 foraged and fake passports including myself, Nessie, Jake and if Jack was joining us then Jack.

My husband and I were under the impression we'd be traveling together. Mr. Jasper told me only 3 for sure would be traveling but asked me to make a forth. See, that's you Ms. Cullen, and this friend Jack of yours, and then he points out Nessie and Jake. Is there a problem Mrs. Cullen? He asks Bella. No, no sir thank you. Clearly disappointed we get back into the car.

It was now made clear to us both that Renesmee would have a future, just not with Edward and Bella involved in it. That this was to protect her, and maybe even me even though it was also possible I was their best bet. That even though I was more than fine to be able to protect myself, I knew this was for my benefit too. That when Bella thought she was gonna die giving birth to her daughter that she'd wanted me to take care of her like my own too, and that Jack would come with me since we were now engaged, and that Jacob would be going with Nessie, since they can't be apart.

It will be ok Bella, I know this isn't what we had in mind, or hoped for, but I'll take good care of her like she was my own. Just like you would've wanted had you past away and then stayed dead. I know you will, but I just thought that after being separated for so long that now that we had forever, that we'd always have forever. I had no idea this was gonna happen.

You and Jake will take good care of her, I know that you will, I know that Jack will help when he can be around when he's not working, but that for the most part, my sister and my best friend will be taking care of my daughter since Edward and I can't. But I hope this won't truly be forever, because our life will never end. We'll be ok Bella.

Time changes and at the house at dad's house we've got myself, Jack, Jake, Nessie, Edward and Bella, and even Leah and Seth. It's Christmas and the snow is beginning to stick to the ground. We're running out of time but we'd still have today. Dad tells us that it was present time as we all sat in the living room around the tree, in cozy festive clothing.

Bella turns her head to dad glad that he found someone to take care of him, but Edward had reminded her that no one has given up here. And I hope it wouldn't come to that. Jake passes a present to Renesmee, while the rest of us hand off the present for dad. A 5 day fishing trip for him and Sue, as far away as we could get them away from what was going on.

And Sue had even gone and set up the rest of it, that she'd dealt with his work and canceled any other plans so that they could go. ET: Farrah? I look over at him and frown. He nudges his head at me. And I get up and follow. We'll be right back. I whisper to Bella, and squeezing Jack's hand.

I know that you are more than capable of taking care yourself, to my understanding that's not why we're sending you away with them. You mean you didn't ask Jasper or Alice about protecting me or me going to help Jake protect Ness? We did talk about it, but I know that you'd be our best bet, but at the same time, with all the dark magic and their dark powers we don't want anything to happen to you that would otherwise turn you dark.

Edward I.... I know, I know it wouldn't be like that, but the truth of the matter is that it's not up to your or to any of us. If you're hit by dark magic, and enough of it as pure and as innocent as your heart is, you can still be turned. But what about the rest of you? That's just the thing, we can't be turned evil when naturally we're already meant to be, Jack is a guardian of childhood with a heart pure and innocent like yours but dark magic was able to change him.

Not enough magic, or Carlisle's medicine would be able to turn you back dark magic would kill off your heart, and turn it dark, he wants you for your power, for you to be just like them. That what everyone says is true you can either end the world and help make it plummet into darkness, just as Aro and his clan want, or can end all evil. That's not a risk we want to take. Jane and them will try and take me down first since I can predict their every move.

The rest of us wouldn't stand a chance against you. If we were against you. That would never happen. One could only hope, but its not up to anyone or you, its about magic, and what dark magic specifically is able to do. And I'd rather die than see that happen. If you turned evil against your will it would be the same to me as you dying, and then I'd lose all will to fight for anything.

I need you to stay safe, to be well protected, to not for or against your will to be turned evil, for nothing bad to happen to you or my daughter or Bella. I'm not going to lose you. To anyone or anything. This won't be forever, because we'll all live forever, but I know while Bella and I will be away that you will take care of your niece like she was your own. And you won't be alone because Jake will be there with you, but even if he weren't I believe that you wouldn't need his help.

Now in the words of your mom, with a bit of added words by me.... Enough with the heavy, it's Christmas let's celebrate while we still can, and tonight we're having our own bonfire. You, me, Bella, Jack, Jake, the fam, our extended family, and your mom. Snow is falling, and its sticking, we don't have much time, even though we have forever.

TTT part 5Where stories live. Discover now