Is this for real?

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When we hear Alice say that Bella puts her daughter onto Jacob's back and tells him to take care of her daughter. He takes off running. Some of Aro's clan are sent after them. Go with them. Bella tells me. But.... We'll be ok here go. She brushes my hair out of my face kissing my forehead. Go she whispers again. I transform running after them.

Alice meanwhile kicks at Aro, but then he tells his guards to capture her. At seeing this Carlisle yells at Aro to let her go, and ultimately gets his head ripped off, and the rest of his body is set to fire. After seeing this both our witnesses and the wolves charge into battle against Aro and his clan. Meanwhile, Bella tries to use her powers to shield Jasper against Jane but Alec attacks her, after that Jasper is affected by Jane's powers and another clan member beheads him.

Also during that time Seth is killed by a member of the clan. And as Jacob and Nessie run into the woods they are followed by some of Aro's guards the vampire guard goes to attack Jacob, but he ultimately ends up lunging at the vampire and killing it. MT: Keep going I'm right behind you. I call to him. As I begin to start catching up. After Jasper had been killed Emmett had killed Alec in retaliation.

Back on the battle field, Benjamin uses his powers to create a chasm, to which a lot of the Volturi fall into it and Esme and Edward almost do as well but they do not. Soon after we see that Edward then kills Felix, and Alice attacks Jane with Bella's help as she throws her into Sam's direction and she dies as well. Caius joins the battle just to be killed by Tanya and Kate. Aro joins the battle but Bella and Edward rip his head off and set his body on fire.

After that we appear back where we started everything and everyone are fine, there was no battle fought. This was the future that Alice had showed him and that I had also seen. Alice brings in her own witness who had been just like me and just like their daughter that he had fully stopped growing 7 years after his birth, that his diet was both blood and real food, that he poses no threat. And if you need more proof? Farrah? Yes sir? I address to Aro.

You grew, at a normal human speed. Our mother cuts in, while I still had my powers, I had them both, I didn't die giving them birth, she was raised as a human with no knowledge of the supernatural world or of her powers or that she had been a hybrid till my sister took her in as her own by the time she was 8 but she had always believed in our kinds of creatures. What is your diet? How old are you? And when did you stop growing? Blood and real food, mostly human food. The only blood I drink comes from animals, unless it's a dying person or an evil person.

I am in reality 19, my powers stopped being loosy goosy when I turned 17, I turned 18 still in my human form, around the time Bella met you for the first time, and I was turned recently after my niece was born as my brother promised me, he might not always like the rules and might not always want to follow them but he does no matter how much I begged, pleaded or cried he wouldn't turn me till I was 18.

No laws have been broken. What about the fact they have been consorting with the werewolves our main and worst enemy! Caius yells. But Aro won't hear of it, and decides there is no danger here and they all flee.

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