Bigger, better, stronger, faster

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So, let me get this straight.... You think between the 3 of us, me, Bella and your precious little angel that Bella and Farrah are both stronger than me? Have we ever tested that? Hey smart one you're the one that trained her in that area. Edward teased. Whatever, we'll figure this out the same way we tested Farrah. Emmett we tested Farrah when she was like 8 years old. That's what makes her so special she's got all our powers and is a shield, and does what our daughter does she can transform and change outfits as well her special ability is cloning.

Not herself, unless we met a vampire that could do that but her powers she sees them done once and she can do them. She can even "fly" like Jack. She's the strongest out of all of us and the fastest. I watch him turn and smirk at me, and instead of running away or hiding not to be tormented, I shift and growl at him. Relax will ya? I wasn't really gonna do anything. Shift back.

I do as I'm told. So, come on let's test this theory take a seat Bella. Emmett jesters to the rock like seat. She sits down across from him. Don't hurt yourself Emmett. Edward reminds me him. With one hand behind each of their backs, they arm wrestle as Bella not only wins but breaks the rock table they were using.

Bella goes around and crushes more things she is happy with her new strength. As Bella and go to go up against each other to do the same, there's the whole thing of.... My time as a human was over, but I never felt more alive, I was born to be a vampire. She has beat Emmett but I'm special for a reason no one can beat me. Which is a good thing that I'm on their side not Aro's.

And speaking of.... I was in the living room with Bella, when a package came for us. Our new status as full fledged vampires had made it's way to him and his clan. Gifting us both each individual rather expensive (necklaces)he only new enemy left was time.... Bella helps me put my necklace on. I never take off either of the others. But this one is a choker so it should be fine.

Nessie kept growing, they'd have very little time to spend with her as a small child. She is about 6 or 7 years old now and she should be only maybe a couple weeks old. She was growing too fast. It is winter now. Bella and Edward are planning a trip to Brazil since there were tribes that might know something. Something she says. Sam and Jake have made up sometime before.

Now we four were outside in the snow. I helped Nessie get all bundled up to go outside. Hey Ness wanna see something really cool? Come over here. I motioned to her. Don't go far! Bella called to us. We won't I giggled as I called back. I ran up her the top of near by hill. And I told her to cup her hands to the wind so that we could call Jack down. And he appeared.

Whose this? This is my boyfriend Jack Frost. He's the one that created all this fun winter and snow. He's also the guardian of fun. Cool. She smiled. And who is this little girl here? My name is Renesmee she said holding her hand up to Jack's cheek. He held it there with a smile on his face. I wish I had one of my own. I spoil her rotten. I know you would. I smiled running my fingers through his hair.

Hey Nessie watch this. I flew up with Jack and caught a snowflake. Wait I've got the perfect idea. Jack said. What is it? Nessie wanna see another really cool trick? Sure uncle Jack. That's something I'll have to get used to. Snow give me that snowflake in your hand. Sure. Now I'll take this bit of snow and rub it between my fingers and wield my magic to make it what I want from it. It turns into a chain.

I'll hand you that part, and I'll do it again to the snowflake, and there we go. We place the now newly made charm onto the newly made chain and we've got ourselves a magically made snowflake necklace for my niece. She's.... He covers my mouth with her hand. Sh, sh.... We have much to discuss. Alright Nessie your turn. Nessie catches a snowflake but for her in a natural form, and runs off back to Bella and Jacob to show them what she caught and her new necklace.

While she goes away to show them that Jack and I walk away to talk privately near by. Uncle Jack made it for me. She giggles smiling with glee. And aunt Snow taught me how to catch snowflakes. Ok sweetie very beautiful why don't you go play and keep catching snowflakes. I'll be right back she whispers to Jake.

Meanwhile.... Just before that. What's wrong Jack? I frown as he pulls me away. Nothing's wrong. So why..... I wanted to wait until everything started settling down, but I see that's not gonna happen anytime soon and I couldn't wait any longer. So here it goes, he gets down on one knee and purposes to me with a beautiful (ring) that he had made himself and slides it onto my finger after I say yes that I'd marry him and as my happy tears turn to ice he picks them off my face and we kiss.

Well, well, well I was gonna come after you two to give you a sly smirk about my daughter calling you her uncle but now I can see in this moment I'd be wrong. How long have you been standing there? Not long just long enough to watch him slide the metal onto your finger. Aw, my little sister is getting married. She coos teasingly. Hush up I tease back. And since we just had a big wedding recently we want to just have a small family only wedding.

Which does include you Jacob. Now this wedding I can get behind. Hush up Bella nudges him. Then we see a cousin. Who was that? Nessie asks us. Bella pulls her daughter closer to her and then myself to her side. It was a cousin. Irina. But Irina was gone before we could talk to her. We went back inside the Cullen house.

Who wants good news and bad news? Bad news first please the good news will be all that more refreshing afterwards. We tell them what Irina saw. Carlisle thinks because she's family she'll come around and that to Esme seeing Jacob was a little much for her. I've moved to the piano with Nessie and Edward she was sitting between us as we sat and played. After purposing Jack had to fly off and get back to his job but that he'll see me soon.

Where did uncle Jack disappear to aunt Snow? Nessie asked me. Uncle Jack? Edward questioned. Lifting an eyebrow. Everyone else turned to hear what she said. She's not entirely wrong. I mumbled. So what is this good news of yours Snow? How do you know its mine? What more good news could Bella give us? She and Edward are happily married, and have a beautiful daughter.

Jack came down to see us. He gave Nessie a beautiful necklace that we watched him make with his snow powers. And he gave me a gift too. Also from his snow powers. He wanted to wait till everything settled down but it looks like that won't be happening anytime soon and well.... I smile with joy putting out my hand. He purposed. All the girls jump around and squeal like we're a bunch of teenagers.

Except Bella. *Ug* Farrah please you squeal so high pitched in a frequency dogs can hear very clearly of. Jacob groans in a teasing tone. The girls push their way to front to grab my hand and look at the ring. Congratulations sweetie Esme and Carlisle tell me with a nod of their head. And Jack is right once everything dies down we can have your small little family only wedding.

You already knew?! I playfully scolded Edward. I said nothing. You have very loud thoughts. But I'm happy for you little sister. Looks like Nessie had the right idea. I say brushing back her hair. Bella you didn't seem very surprised. No, I sorta overheard him purposing. She laughed. What a beautiful ring.

We remember the good news, but Carlisle was wrong when we really wished he hadn't been for Irina was now in Italy thinking they had a new born. She was going straight to tell Aro and his clan what she had witnessed. This was not gonna be good.

TTT part 5Where stories live. Discover now