four: space

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taehyung and jungkook came to taes dorm. rest of their friends are in the coffee shop including his roommate which is jimin, so they were alone there. taehyung opened the door and let jungkook go there first. he closed the door behind them and let jungkook go too his bedroom. they sat on his bed and started playing.

at first was little awkward but taehyung always tried to make conversation with jungkook and make him laugh.


"shit why you always win" taehyung said after x win of jungkook. jungkook just smiled a little and said „luck". „yeah sure" taehyung said chuckling and pat his back. jungkook just chuckled a little and started playing game again but taehyung took his consoler.

"what?" jungkook said confused and looked at taehyung. "can we talk?" taehyung said and pulled him closer. jungkook shyly sat opposite too him, and said "about?". "why are you like this?" taehyung said worriedly.

"how?" jungkook said with fake confused face. "are you kidding me? you're avoiding me like 1 week? why? that's because of that party?" taehyung said and jungkook just was looking at him not knowing what to say.

"kookie, you know you can talk to me about everything. you can just tell me what's wrong, you know that. tell me what's bothering you I'll not judge you" taehyung said and jungkook just sighed.

taehyung looked down sadly and said "i-if you don't want to be my friend a-anymore just tell me because I don't like having space with you if we are still having friendship, please... I miss you so much jungko-"

taehyung was cut off by jungkooks lips.

taehyung had his eyes open wide from the shock but slowly he relaxed and started kissing back, closing his eyes. jungkook pulled away and slowly opened his eyes. taehyung did the same and looked into jks dark eyes while jungkook bite his lower lip from the tension.

they were just looking at each other for some time, neither of them didn't know what to say. suddenly taehyung leaned closer to jungkook and pecked his lips softly, after that he leaned and kissed them more longer. jungkook sigh into the kiss and put his hands on taes shoulders, taehyung put his on jungkooks waist and pulled him onto his laps.

jungkook sat there slowly, never breaking a kiss and wrapped arms around taes neck. taehyung was squeezing his waiste a little while kissing him gently, sucking a little on his lower lip. jungkook parted his lips, slowly felling taes tongue, he sigh from the sensation and kissed him more passionately. after long make out, jungkook pulled away too catch his breathe, still hugging tae by his neck tightly.

they were breathing heavily, looking into each others eyes. jungkook shyly fixed his hair a little making taehyung lick his lip. "sorry" jungkook said and unwrapped his arms, putting them softly on taes shoulders. "for what?" taehyung said while massaging gently his thighs.

jungkook looked away with embarrassed face, knowing that he is all red. taehyung smiled and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him even closer, jungkook at that looked into his eyes. "that's why you were more quiet than usual?" taehyung said with a lovely smile. jungkook nodded and started from stress playing with taes shirt on his shoulders, avoiding his gaze.

taehyung chuckled at that precious behaviour and brushed their noses to peck his lips quickly. he knew that jungkook is always quiet and don't like too be really open to other people, but for him, he always was different. jungkook blushed and hide his face in the crook of his neck. taehyung chuckled and hugged him tighter. they sat like that for some moments.

"how long?" taehyung said while patting his lower back to get his attention. jungkook pulled away and whispered "long" but seeing taehyungs more curious eyes he added "2 years" quietly. taehyung did big eyes from a surprise words and smiled warmly "why didn't you tell me kookie" taehyung said with a worried gaze and jungkook said "I was scared that- I don't even know" sighing heavily.

taehyung smiled and leaned to kiss his lips softly. jungkook sighed into a kiss and put his hands on both of his cheeks, rubbing them with his thumbs gently. taehyung kissed him slowly and passionately while hugging him tightly by his waist, smiling into the kiss at his touch. suddenly they heard that someone opened the door and jungkook broke the kiss from surprises noises, still having his hands on taes cheeks.

before they could do something, jimin opened the door and screamed "fuck taehyung, I'll kill you! lia accosted me again saying that she wanted to fuck with you today. seriously? you guys literally fucked this morning, you have to st- oh" jimin started but noticed jungkook on taes lap.

"what the fuck?" jimin said in shock standing there awkwardly. jungkook turned to taehyung after earring his speech and angrily said "oh really!?" and slapped his chest, not hard enough.

he stand up from his laps and fixed his hair a little, avoiding jimins gaze he started leaving quickly taes bedroom. "thanks dude" taehyung said with ironic smile too jimin and run to catch jungkook. "you guys are together?!" jimin yelled in whisper while looking at running taehyung.

"kookie wait!" taehyung said grabbing his soft hand before he could open the door to leave the dorm. taehyung wrapped his arms around his waist, pressing jk against the door and kissed his cheek quickly, finding his anger in cute way. jungkook tried too pull away but taes strong arms made that impossible.

"let me go!" jungkook said, cutely patting his shoulders. "nope" taehyung said and pecked his jaw several times. "stopp!" jungkook said but not doing anything too stop taes moves. taehyung came to stop and said with a smile "I'm sorry kookie, don't be mad. let's meet later okay?". "no, I don't have time today" jungkook said and pulled away, he left taes dorm.

"see you tomorrow at math stoppers in your dorm!" taehyung screamed with a smile. jungkook just showed him middel finger, still walking away. taehyung chuckled and screamed again "I'll call you later!" and jungkook just smiled too himself. taehyung smirked and entered again to his dorm.

he smiled to himself while closing the door behind him but when he turned around, jimin said loudly in front of him "okay, now spill the tea!". taehyung chuckled and pushed him gently away.

"taehyung!!!" jimin screamed but tae ignored him. he went to his bedroom, closing door behind him and leaned on his bed sighing happily.

HI BESTIESSSS !!sooo what do you think besties 😏 I hope you guys like this story, I wanted too write every detail, and I hope I made that good 😭 but don't worry next chapters will be more interesting, can't wait to write them ✍️ they will be as fast as I can of course so wait for that shit ! I purple you !!

HI BESTIESSSS !!sooo what do you think besties 😏 I hope you guys like this story, I wanted too write every detail, and I hope I made that good 😭 but don't worry next chapters will be more interesting, can't wait to write them ✍️ they will be as ...

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I'm still here-

can't wait for concerts 🥲

see ya

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