five: car

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in the evening taehyung called jungkook but he can't talk, he had to study for next exams. right now is the next day and taehyung didn't saw jungkook yet. he decided to text him about his math stoppers as an excuse to meet with him.


where are you?
I was looking for you...
our meeting is current? ☺️


I was on the dance practice with jimin
I'll be there at 7pm as always


ok kookie, I'll wait for you
you still mad at me don't you?😓
                                   read 34 seconds ago

taehyung bite his lower lip and checked time. it was already 6.30pm so he quickly went to his dorm. when he came there, he quickly cleaned his room and sat on the bed waiting for jungkook.

after about 10 minutes waiting he heard knocking to the door. he quickly stand up, fixing his hair a little to make them more messy and went to open the door. he opened them and smiled at jungkook saying "hi kookie".

jungkook quickly said back and went to his bedroom, taehyung smirked and quickly followed him. jungkook sat on taes bed and started lecture necessary stuffs. taehyung smiled and sat next to him.

"let's start with reminder of what we did last time. you had long break so let's start from there" jungkook said and started talking about the topic. taehyung wasn't really focused on what he was talking about because he can't stop looking at him with adoring eyes.

he pout after some time and grabbed gently jungkooks chin to make him look at him. jungkook did that and blushed immediately. "what?" jungkook said shyly and taehyung smiled saying "why are you avoiding me again?".

he leaned closer to jungkook but he pulled away from him "go to lia, she definitely will not avoiding your person" he said, making taehyung chuckling from that cute jealousy behaviour. "is this really about her?" taehyung said playfully but jungkook ignored him.

taehyung smirked and pat jks thigh to bring his attention once again, saying "I didn't sleep with her after our kiss kook, I didn't sleep with anyone after that if you're curious". jungkook was looking into his eyes and said "t-that's good, now focus" pointing at the book.

taehyung smirked and leaned to peck his lips quickly making jungkook bite his lower lip from sudden move, shyly looking down. taehyung chuckled and leaned again to kiss his lips longer. jungkook slowly started kissing back, putting one hand on taes cheek and after some moments he broke the kiss, blushing madly and biting lower lip.

"n-no more" jungkook said, still having hand on taes cheek, making him smile even more. „why?" tae said while taking some of jks hair behind his ear. "because I'm still mad at you" jungkook said and pat taes chest, making him chuckling.

tae kissed his cheek quickly and said "come on, I want to show you something" and helped jungkook stand up. "no tae, we have to end the math" jungkook said not sure. taehyung smiled and kissed his lips once again saying against them "we'll finish it another time" and pulled jungkook with him.

they left taes dorm and went to his car. "where are we going?" jungkook asked while sitting in the car. "you'll see" taehyung said and ‚on' the car. they drive not long, and jungkook didn't had any idea where they are going. he noticed that taehyung drove to the forest and that made him even more confused.

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