eleven: locker room

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2 weeks later

jungkook and taehyung spent together a lot of time. they tried to always find time to each other and be close as possible while having classes. jungkook tried to always do his studies really quickly to go to the date with taehyung or just spend some time with him.

right now everyone ended their classes and jungkook is chilling in front of their college, reading a book needed for tomorrow classes.

"jungkook?" suddenly he heard a voice and looked up. "yeonjun? you're back!" jungkook said with a big smile. he stand up and hugged him. "how was the exchange?" jungkook said with couriers eyes. "awesome but half a year is too much, I'm glad I'm back" yeonjun said chuckling.

"so what's up in here?" yeonjun asked while pointing at the college building. "you know the same shit, a lot of stuffs to learn" jungkook said. "oh I got you" yeonjun said and grabbed jungkooks soft hand.

jungkook looked at him and smiled kinda confused but still politely. "you know, we can start learning together again" yeonjun said and moved hand to jungkooks waist. "um I-I prefer studying alone now" jungkook said nicely.

"oh okay, it's fine but if you want to, we can go somewhere together or do something fun, I can you know again show you what can I do-" suddenly yeonjun was cut off by taehyung who throw himself at jungkook and kissed his lips deeply, making him smile crazily into the kiss.

"hi babyy" tae said while having wrapped arms around jungkooks waist. jungkook smiled even more and said back "hi". "who is that?" taehyung asked while looking at yeonjun. "that's my friend yeonjun, he came back today from exchange" jungkook said politely.

"oh i see" taehyung said with a smug smirk. "y-you have now a-", "boyfriend? yes he have. time after school he's spending with me and also nights so he don't have time" taehyung cut off yeonjun with a dark gaze. "yeah right, I-I didn't just expect that sorry but see you later at dance practice jungkook" yeonjun said and walked away with a smile.

"what the fuck? you guys were thing or what?" taehyung said and tighter his grip around jungkook. "we had sex like 2 or 3 times but we weren't together, that meant nothing" jungkook said and wrapped arms around taes neck. "he was good or what that you fucked with him 3 times?" taehyung mumbled with a joules face making jungkook roll his eyes "is that really important? just a good sex that's all, like I said it meant nothing".

„damn and I'm called a fuckboy" taehyung chuckled. "the difference is that I was having sex more privately than you" jungkook said  innocenty making taehyung bite his lower lip. "yeah that's true" he mumbled and kissed jks lips, jungkook kissed back softly. "come on, let's go to my dorm" taehyung said and took jungkooks hand. "taehyung I have a practice in 1 hour, I have to get ready" jungkook said and carried his cheek. "uugghhh fine" taehyung said and escorted jungkook to his dorm.

"see you later" taehyung said under his door and pecked his lips. "see you" jungkook said and leaned again to kiss his lips. "don't tempt me babyyyy" taehyung said making jungkook chuckling. "bye tae" jungkook said while entering to his dorm. taehyung smirked and walked away.

1 hour later

jungkook quickly wear something comfy and went to his dance classes in college. he quickly went to the locker room and opened his locker to leave his things there. "jungkook!" yeonjun said while entering to the locker room.

"hi there?" jungkook said back. "jimin isn't here yet?" yeonjun said while opening his locker. "he don't feel well so he won't be here today" jungkook said and closed his locker. "oh okay, let's go" yeonjun said and both of them left the locker room.

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