twenty three: weak spot

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"you taste so sweet, baby" taehyung said against jks lips.

week passed and both of them are in taes dorm, jungkook stayed for night. right now is Wednesday 7am and he's sitting on taes laps, having hands on taes neck while taehyung have hands on his butt. both of them are just in underwear and oversize shirts. jungkook as a answer just breathe out with a smile, but suddenly his eyes got bigger and face showed discomfort and lost.

taehyungs expression immediately changed and said worriedly "what's wrong? are you okay?" while putting hand on jks chest. he felt fast beating of his heart but definitely not in normal way. "baby? are you okay?" taehyung asked to jungkook who blinked twice after some moments and whispered "sorry" while breathing heavily. "are you not feeling well?" the elder asked and jungkook stayed in silence for some seconds. "I'm fine It's just y'know, getting e-exited I guess" he whispered but taehyung still was worried.

"yeah, you should take day off from college. for your own good" he said while moving hands up and down on jks thighs. "I'm fine tae, really. let's just get going, we gonna be late" jungkook said with little smile and stand up from taes laps slowly. "you don't look well, kookie" taehyung said while grabbing jks jeans and helped him wear it, "it's just from stress, but I'm fine" jungkook said and leaned to peck taes lips.

they quickly left taes dorm hand in hand and made a way to college building. taehyung didn't say anything but felt that jungkook was walking a little crookedly and didn't have control over his body. he was still worrying about the younger but know that jungkook won't agree with him about the attendance at school.

"see you at 5pm here okay? text me if you feel not well or anything, I will drop everything and come for you" taehyung said while rubbing gently jks cheek under doors of their college. "I will, don't worry" jungkook whispered and connected their warm lips into gentle, slow kiss. "I love you" taehyung said against jks lips and pecked them again, "I love you too" jungkook said back with little tired smile and parted taes lips with thumb.

they went in different directions and entered to their own classes. jungkook for real was all day feeling terrible and weak, he can't even think probably and focus on what teacher was saying. that isn't first time when he feel like that but he didn't want to bother taehyung, that's why he didn't say the truth.

I got this, as always. hold on some more

he thought to himself while feeling that his eyelids got heavier. after about 20 minutes finally his all classes ended and carefully made a way to place where he should meet taehyung. he felt numb and didn't get any energy so he leaned on the wall with hand for support and started leaving carefully the building. he started looking for the edler but suddenly his view got blurry, his heart started beating faster and couldn't breath properly.

he never felt something like that earlier so started panicking. some people started looking at his behaviour confused and worriedly. before anyone could do something or ask jungkook what's happening, he lost his balance and started falling. luckily taehyung was already close enough and quickly catched his body, saying while sitting now on the ground "jungkook! hey, hey! baby. look at me, wake up. jungkook please!". the younger back are against his chest, head rests on taes shoulder.

jungkook after some moments slowly opened eyes and mumbled "t-tae?", "thank god" taehyung whispered and hugged jungkook from the back softly. "here, drink it" the edler said while giving jungkook water from his backpack, jungkook drunk some weakly.

when he does that tae carefully took jungkook up by his waist. the younger weakly wrapped arms around the elders neck and legs loosely around his sides, they started sliding down but taehyung catched them also to support his body and quickly started walking to jks dorm. "t-tae I think I'm gonna faint again, I'm sorry" jungkook whispered while closing eyes. "it's okay baby, don't fight it. I won't leave you" taehyung said and pecked jks lips before the younger hide face in the crook of his neck, he started walking faster.

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