ten: dance practice

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next morning


their beautiful dreams broke jungkooks alarm, right now is 11 am. taehyung had blurred face into jungkooks chest, hugging him by his waist (wearing only boxers) while jungkook had arms loosely wrapped around his neck.

jungkook slowly opened his eyes and leaned to off the alarm. he sigh sleepily and again leaned next to taehyung who also started waking up. "good morning" taehyung said and kissed his marked collarbone. „morning" jungkook said back and leaned to peck his lips.

"ohh I see. now we're kissing on the lips in the morning?" taehyung said with a smirk making jungkook roll his eyes. "shut up and just kiss me before I change my mind" jungkook said and immediately felt taes plump lips on his. they kissed slowly and deeply, smiling into each others mouth at cute biting.

suddenly someone knock to the door "taehyung! jungkook! pack your bags! soon we're leaving!" jin screamed making jungkook broke the heated kiss. "coming!" jungkook screamed back and tried to sat up but taehyung blocked him. "nope we aren't, now we're having morning kisses session" taehyung said and leaned to kiss jks lips making him smile even more.

slowly taehyung leaned jungkook more on his back and placed himself between his legs. jungkook was smiling the whole time, having hands on taes cheeks and slowly rubbing them with his thumbs. after some time they broke that long make out session  and slowly pulled away to look into each others happy eyes.

"sooo I was thinking that we could go somewhere when we back. what do you think? little date" taehyung asked while leaning to jungkooks neck. jungkook felt taes wet kisses and sigh at the sensation, saying „i booked a room for dance practice tae, after that i have to study some more" and wrapped legs around taes sides.

"sure, you can show me what you got there" taehyung said against his skin. jungkook moaned quietly and took taes face up by his cheeks. "tae I have to practice there, really. we have new choreography and I don't know how to dance some parts yet. I have to learn it for tomorrow" he said and brushed their noses. taehyung sigh and kissed his lips quickly, saying against them "i hate when you're busy". " I've always had so many activities tae" jungkook said, smiling warmly.

"i know and i hate that shit" taehyung said and helped jungkook sat up. "trust me, I prefer more be with you than studying. I'll try to do everything quickly and spend time with you" jungkook said and pecked his lips quickly but taehyung leaned for more, taking him closer by his shirt.

"seriously?" jimin said chuckling at their behaviour. they broke a kiss and started smiling all embarrassed. „guys we want to leave soon" jimin said and walked closer to taehyung. "are you okay now? or feel better at least?" jimin said and touched his patch. "yeah I'm good, we'll tell you guys everything in the car" taehyung said with his boxy smile.

jimin nodded ale left the room. taehyung and jungkook started packing their bags and quickly wear something. after that they quickly ate breakfast and went to the car with the other.

2 hours later

"see you guys tomorrow in classes!" hobi screamed and made a way to his and yoongis room. "see ya" rest of them said back. "see you later maybe?" taehyung said and grabbed jks waist to pull him closer. "yes please" jungkook said and put hands on his shoulders. taehyung leaned to him and kissed his lips gently making jungkook sigh into his mouth and stand up a little on his tippy toes to be on the same level as him.

they slowly pulled away and taehyung quickly kissed him on the cheek before walking away. jungkook smiled at him and entered to his dorm where jin already was.

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