twenty seven: feels like a first time

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9 years later

jungkook and taehyung are living together in big house, taehyung is big CEO in big company meanwhile jungkook is an doctor. they got married about 6 years ago after ending taes college, jungkook had to study longer and right now they have 2 kids together (chaeyoung and joonie - about 2 years old), they live in healthy, happy, good married. feeling safe and the happiest with each other also being supported by their friends and families as well.

jungkook slowly opened eyes and whipped them quickly before sitting up, taehyung got arm around his waist as well laying only in boxers while jungkook was in big oversize shirt and shorts. he leaned and kissed taes bready cheek before standing up, jungkook quietly checked their kids rooms to make sure they're okay and went to kitchen to make some coffee for him and his husband.

he sigh at seeing hour on the clock and whipped annoyed eyes at remembering how many clients he have today, he drunk some of his coffee and shake a little at feeling hands onto his stomach from behind. "good morning kookie" taehyung whispered into jks ear and kissed side of his neck, "you scared me, jesus" jungkook said and turned to face the elder, hitting his chest softy making taehyung chuckling a little too loudly.

"shut up, kids are still sleeping" jungkook said and gave taehyung his coffee, drinking more of his own as well "I'll be later today" he mumbled against his cup. taehyung nodded simply saying "I'm afraid me too but I can pick you up if you want to?", "I'm picking kids already from kindergarten" jungkook said and put cup away to put one hand onto taes shoulder and the other run through his hair "you want me to help you with hairstyle?".

"nope, I want you to say you still love me asshole" taehyung said and put his coffee away too as well, jungkook giggle a little and said with warm smile "I love you so much, you already know it". "you do?" taehyung asked teasingly and leaned a little closer to jks mouth who bite lower lip a little "tae, kids are sleeping", "then be quiet" taehyung said lowely before attacking jks lips immediately making him sigh at the sensation.

taehyung leaned the younger against the wall behind him and wrapped arms around his waist as well, jungkook wrapped his around taes neck to have him even closer. both of them absolutely loved it, it's not like they didn't kiss for awhile but miss being more touchy everytime they see each other. it's an adult life, it's normal but at the same time is always related to missing each other touch and everything. almost always they try to find time in morning or night.

"taehyung~" jungkook moaned quietly against taes mouth but that didn't stop the elder action, he grabbed jks ass and took him up to now have him in his hold. jungkook wrapped legs around his sides for support never breaking the kiss "you're always making me an complete mess, I can't resist you any longer" taehyung said now looking into jks eyes who put thumb onto his lower lip, parting her ever so slowly and invitingly.

taehyung breath out and connected their lips once more into needy, deep kiss which made jungkook only melt even more in his hold. they didn't kiss like that such a long time and both of them only dreamed to again feel themselves that way again. suddenly they heard little foot steps and that sweet voice of their kids "daddy?" joonie asked meanwhile looking at taehyungs back.

jungkook is quick to push taehyung away and jump off him before quickly running to joonie and chaeyoung behind them and hugging both of them "hi loves" he said cutely all breathless after having that heated make out session with his husband who was chuckling a little from behind at jks behaviour. "appa!" chaeyoung said happily and run to his other dad, taehyung is quick to hug her and take her up saying "good morning my princess".

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