sixteen: a nightmare

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1 week passed from the felix party. jungkook was all week stressed because of the college stuffs and also sad from not seeing taehyung at all. he can't stop thinking about him, even just for a second and that kiss? that meant world to him.

right now is 3 am and he's in a deep deep sleep while outside is big storm. he's hugging one of his pillows closely to chest while snoring into it preciously. suddenly his beautiful dream broke ringing from his phone. he opened his eyes but quickly closed them back, he's to tired to talk with anyone in the middle of the night and who ever it is, he can wait.

the phone started ringing again making jungkook sigh all annoyed. he whipped eyes and without looking at who it's, he answered it. "hello?" he said but heard nothing back, "hello?" he repeated confused. "j-jungkook?" he heard deep voice which he recognised immediately. "tae?!" he said in shock. "are you okay? what's wrong?!" jungkook said quickly and worriedly.

"c-can I come over? I had um a nightmare" taehyung said quietly making jungkook stand up quickly from the bed. "no, stay where you're. I'm coming for you" jungkook said while wearing a definitely to big black sweatshirt for him. "I- y-you don't have to, I'm under your dorm" taehyung said in time where jungkook opened the door to his and jins dorm.

taehyung was all wet from the storm in only grey sweatpants and oversize white shirt, his dark wet hair were falling on his forehead in a way that jungkook breathe out heavily. "c-can I sleep over here? I understand if y-" "of course!" jungkook quickly cut tae off while standing next to the door to let him come in. "thank you, jungkook" taehyung said with little embarrassed smile and quickly took his shoes off. jungkook let taehyung come in to his bedroom while closing door behind them.

he quickly gave taehyung comforter to warm him up before they sat on jks big bed with a little gap between them. "s-so do um d-do you wanna talk about it?" jungkook broke the silence while shyly looking at taehyung who sigh. "yes um, I had a nightmare and there y-you told me that you don't need me in your life and I'm useless to you, something like this.. I don't- uh that's embarrassing-" taehyungs voice broke and jungkook immediately noticed little tears from his eyes.

„oh my god, tae" jungkook said while leaning closer to hug the elder tightly by his neck. taehyung hugged him back by his waist while taking him closer to sat him onto his laps. jungkook immediately did that without thinking twice and sat there comfortably while never breaking the hug. they sat like that for some time, enjoying each others warm embraces again. they missed that so much.

"I-I'm so sorry tae, If I could- oh sorry" jungkook said, blushing madly at noticing their position. "I'm not complaining" taehyung whispered while tightening his grip around jungkook who just smiled a little but quickly his expression showed sadness. "I'm sorry for everything tae-" "shut up, you've done anything wrong-", "stop saying that! I ruined everything tae, don't you see? I-I'm so stupid fuck, I hurt you so fuckin much and you still are saying that I didn't do anything? I told you such a things even when you told me t-that lia lied to you. I don't think about you that way, believe me please I was so mad and shit- tae I love you so fucking much a-and I can't live without you. you are the most important person in my life and that is all my fault. please don't leave me"

jungkook said with heavy tears in his eyes while looking now into taes chocolate. there was silence for some moments, none of them didn't know what to say. jungkook whipped eyes and before he could say something felt taes plump lips on his own. he actually didn't kiss back from shock but that was something what he wanted, the only lips that he want to feel everyday on his own.

"I love you too"

taehyung said giving another gentle kiss to jks warm lips. jungkook was looking into his eyes, tears running down on his cheeks while never breaking eye contact with the elder. finally, he broke in tears and connected their lips into full of emotions kiss. taehyung immediately kissed back while moving hands up and down on jks lower back. they kissed each others lips slowly and gently. jungkook didn't know that he missed taehyung that much until they kissed again like that.

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