eighteen: pressure

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"ohhh~ fuckkk tae" jungkook moaned out with closed eyes. right now they are under the shower in the college locker room. jungkook done his dance practice and taehyung decided to walk him home but that took a little longer, as you can see.

jungkook have wrapped legs around taes sides and arms put on his shoulders. his back are pressed against cold shower tiles while head throwing back with every slow thrust into him. "I told you we ohh~ we won't just stop at trying the new body-wash gel" jungkook said with silent moan and opened his eyes, taehyung was doing on his chest marks while slowly going up to jks neck. "I'm just checking if you taste like white chocolate " taehyung said against his skin.

"tae, enough. I'm already all in hickeys, people gonna think we're shameless" jungkook said making taehyung pull away from his skin, still continuing thrusts into the younger. "you don't like it?" taehyung asked, chuckling at seeing that jungkook rolled his eyes. "so stupid question" jungkook mumbled making taehyung thrust into him deeper, rising him with every thrust. jungkook cursed under his breath and bite lower lip.

"so?" taehyung said with huge smirk while leaning to jks neck, he started kissing her wetly also doing more hickeys. "ohh~ fuckk I like it tae, I really do" jungkook whispered last words making taehyung pull away from his neck and smile playfully. "that's what I thought" taehyung said making jungkook smile crazily. tae brushed their noses before closing gap between them completely. jungkook kissed back taes red lips while feeling that taehyung speed up his thrusts into him, that made him moan highly into heated kiss and run palms through taes hair.

in the meantime to the locker room entered yeonjun who sigh annoyed at hearing all the moans from the shower area. he immediately recognised jungkooks voice and cursed quietly. he started unlocking his locker but can't opened it, he jerked it annoyed making loud noise from slamming it in another locker. that made taehyung and jungkook broke the kiss, "you said that no one would be here" taehyung said confused. "shit, I forgot that yeonjun have after me booked practice" jungkook whispered nervously.

"fuck, he's starting to really get on my nerves" taehyung said while leaning to rest lips on jks neck. "that's my fault tae, sorry. we gonna finish it later now pull out, we have to go" jungkook said while grabbing taes face up by his cheeks to make eye contact with him. "but baby..." taehyung whispered while leaning to kiss jks lips, jungkook kissed back gently. "we can't continue tae, done ruffling shampoo from your hair. I'll go already wear something" jungkook said against his lips with little smile, he pecked taes lips quickly again before raising to help tae pull out, moaning at the lost.

taehyung put him gently down and kissed jks cheek before letting him go. jungkook quickly took towel and tied up around hips, he left the shower area and his eyes met yeonjun who was doing something on the phone. "hi, sorry I'm leaving already" jungkook said politely making him look up, his gaze met jks all in hickeys chest and neck. he met his eyes with furrow eyebrows making jungkook quickly take the closest shirt to wear it. that *grey* shirt was taehyungs.

"w-we were just taking shower" jungkook said nervously, he don't like situations like this when he don't have any control. it just feels awkward. "you always told me that you don't like shower sex" yeonjun said with little smirk making jungkook look down, all red from embarrassed. "um I didn't earlier" he said nicely to loosen up the atmosphere. it's not like he don't like yeonjun anymore, that's not true. he still treat him as a friend.

"sooo, I see you made out with taehyung" yeonjun said while standing up from bench, walking closer to jungkook who started searching for underwear. "yes, we did" he said with a polite smile. "are you happy with him?" yeonjun asked making jungkook say with a smile "I'm very happy, thank you". "yeah yeah that's good, I guess" yeonjun mumbled, he leaned against the locker next to jungkooks while jk was checking something on the phone.

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