fourteen: truth or dare?

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1 month later

"ohhh~ how tight! you feels so good kook!" yeonjun moaned into jungkooks ear while being between his legs, fuckin into him. they are in yeonjun dorm because they planned to study but that didn't go well, again. jungkook have put hands on yeonjuns arms while trying to relax. their lower parts are naked but both of them had shirts on.

jungkook closed his eyes and started thinking about someone who he had to forget. someone who isn't his anymore. taehyung. after the fight between them, they didn't talk. not even a one word, they barely saw each other. jungkook was regretting all his words to taehyung and can't thinking about how he hurt him. he is trying to forget about it through sex, just more often than he did before being in relationship with taehyung, but that doesn't help at all.

after he accidentally heard another fight of him and her, week after their fight, where he heard only insults on his side from her and defending with tae even after all, his heart broke even more. jungkook almost every night cried because of the situation. he missed kissing, talking, sleeping, hugging with taehyung. he miss his warm body next to him every time he close his eyes.

he tried to see good side of this. after all exams he thought that that's over and everything will be good, but no. he felt even worst. he feel that he disappointed taehyung, he knew that he totally disrespected him and feel everyday like the worst shit because of that. he tried to gather himself to apologize taehyung but is too sure that he hate him for his behaviour. he decided to avoid him.

"I'm so close!" yeonjun said while speeding his thrusts even more into jk. he was harshly and deeply thrusting into him. after having sex with taehyung, jungkook don't like that kinda of harsh thrusts into him anymore. he miss taehyung so much.

he slowly felt that he's close too so started thinking that yeonjun is taehyung, that made him cum immediately. yeonjun moaned and cum too into the younger, he pulled out and took off condom. "that was so good" yeonjun said while looking at jungkook who wear his underwear, he simply nodded. "see you tomorrow again?" yeonjun said while leaning to kiss jungkooks lips. he kissed them quickly but jungkook didn't actually kiss back.

"yeah, I let you know" jungkook said and wear his jeans. yeonjun bite his lower lip and said "today is a big party, do you wanna come with me?". jungkook was sitting on his bed, thinking how to say no because he don't have mood for that but also didn't want to be not nice so said "i-i'll go probably because jin said he is coming". „cool, see you there then? i hope" yeonjun said while smirking at seeing jks tight jeans looking that good on his ass. "see ya" jungkook said quickly and left his dorm. he sigh and made a way to his dorm.


he opened the door and saw jin on the couch, watching netflix. "sup kookie, how are yo- don't tell me you were with-" "I'm too tired for this conversation again" jungkook cut off jin and started taking off his shoes. "you have to stop jungkook, that's not ugh I don't know, healthy? why you guys just don't talk. that is taking too long" jin said while worriedly looking at jungkooks neutral expression.

"I-I'm trying jin" jungkook said while whipping his eyes from little tears. jin stand up and hugged the younger tightly. "hey, everything will be okay. I'm sorry for talking about that, I just want you to be happy jungkook" jin said and pat his back for comfort, jungkook just nodded. "come on, get ready to the party, maybe it will cheer you up" jin said while tickling him, getting some giggles. jungkook nodded again and went to his room to get ready quickly.

after some time they both left their dorm and made a way to the party. jungkook was wearing simple, tight black outfit. he didn't wanted to be in a spot, just go there and after 1/2 hours leave. "sup felix" jin said while entering to the house of his friend. "jin! welcome bitches" felix said with a smile making them chuckling a little.

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