twenty: the only one

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in sunday taehyung as they talked, went to his family in visiting. almost 2 weeks passed from the last time where jungkook and taehyung saw each other. they were talking at facetime everyday and texting to each other while starting the day and ending, but of course that's not the same. jungkook can't stand being apart with taehyung, he missed so much his smile, voice, touch.

almost everyday after school he ride to taes places in the forest. he felt there somehow safe and closer to him, that's why he likes to spend time there. taehyungs parents right now have renovation so taehyung had a lot to help but of course find time for his boyfriend, that made jungkooks day every time he heard his deep voice.

right now is friday and jungkook ended his class, he's leaving college building with jimin. „so where are you going now, kookie" jimin asked while putting hand on jks shoulder. "I'll ride again y'know, to taes place" jungkook said while taking keys out of pocket. "cool, tae text to you? when is he coming back?" jimin asked while looking at jungkook who opened door to his car. "yeah, right now he's probably working. he is coming back in sunday" jungkook answered simply.

"oh right, cool. see you later, have a great time" jimin said politely while patting jks back. "see ya" jungkook said with a smile while entering to car. he played some music and started driving to the forest. to be honest, he also likes to spend time there because not a lot of people know about that this place even exist. so if taehyung isn't with him, he is there alone. right now, he quickly drove to make it for the sunset.

he arrived there after about 10 minutes, and checked his phone quickly. he saw messages from taehyung.


hey baby, how was the classes? ❤️❤️❤️

kookie baby❤️

not bad
how are you?


everything okay
I done already helping my dad doing bathroom

kookie baby❤️

that's great!
remember to rest tae


of course baby

kookie baby❤️

I miss you


my precious
I miss you too
we'll see each other very soon! I promise!
I love you 😘

kookie baby❤️

I love you too

jungkook sighed and pulled out keys. he left the car and went closer to better see the sunset. he was looking at it a little sadly because of the lack of taehyung next to him. taehyung really changed him, for better. he feel more open to other people and the most important he isn't closed anymore with talking about his feelings with taehyung. he always feels so happy and safe in the edler arms, nothing can change it.

he really missed talking with him and kissing his plump lips to death. both of them have really good connection with each other, when they're close they feel the safest. the only thing in jungkooks mind right now was 'taehyung', and unfortunately his mood got a little sadder because of that.

suddenly heard noises from behind, jungkook quickly turned around but saw nothing except the car. he worriedly started looking around and into the forest, but still didn't see anything. for feeling more safely he decided to sit in the car. when he was making there way, he noticed sheet of paper so slowly make a way and opened it. his heart skipped when he read what was written there.

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