Chapter Six

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Amelia's P.O.V.

"Thanks Ethan. I'm going to go to the Principal's office to see my punishment. See you at dinner, well maybe," I said, walking off with my suitcase into the building.

There was a sign pointing to the Principal's office on the second floor. I walked up the steps and got hit on the shoulder by a passing boy.

"Hey watch where you're going!" I said, getting mad.

"I'll watch where I'm going when-" he began to turn around, and he looked me up and down, obviously checking me out.

"Woah you are gorgeous. I'll see you around, beautiful," he winked at this and sauntered off.

He wasn't bad looking himself. He had flaming red hair and blue eyes, with a slight French accent. French was the language of love after all.

I discontinued thinking about him and went towards the left, knocked on the door that read 'Principal's Office' and walked in.

"You probably met the guy coming out of here, considering how red your face is. He was a Vampire, and he will serve detention with you for the rest of the school year. You will have it right after dinner in the trophy room. You are to wax one trophy every single day for thirty minutes, and by the end of the year you will have waxed every trophy. Now good riddance," Ms. Eldridge made quick work of what she had to say.

I swiftly turned around and began to walk out when she added, "Girls dorms are to the right when you get to the top floor. To the left are the boys dorms. Your room will be marked and your key will be inside along with your room mate. Good luck at this school," she smirked evilly.

I ran up the stairs and walked to the right, noticing the time. Looking into my bag, I got my schedule out. Human Kindness first hour tomorrow. Dinner is at 5 until 6 and after that is free time until 10 except for on friday nights. Then, they have a sport or special game, unless it is a full moon.

It was 4:55 at the moment, if the clock on the wall was correct. My room was the first room on the right. My room mate was none other than... Jess. Oh God can this school year get any worse?

The door opened before I could twist the knob. "Oh boy can you believe it? Detention on the first day! I can't believe that we are in the same dorm! I also heard that there was another angel!"

"Jess can you please shut up? I'm going to straighten my hair and then go down for dinner. I'll talk to you after detention, alright?"

Her face almost immediately fell as she muttered what sounded like an alright. I took out my blanket, threw it on the top bunk, and took out my straigtener. I plugged it into the wall and began to watch as a slight smoke came out of it. After running it through my thin hair for about five minutes I was done, so I unplugged it and placed it into my bag.

When I arrived in the lunch room, I saw the different tables. There was meat for the werewolves, blood bags for the vampires, and regular food for the witches, wizards, angels, and demons. I walked up to the meat and put some onto my plate. I looked around and noticed that vampire from earlier, and Ethan were talking to each other.

"Is she your girlfriend?" the vampire asked.

"No she isn't but she could be one day," Ethan responded.

"Yeah right. Let's see who she sits with," the vampire said, smirking.

I walked up to them. "Hey guys what's up?" I asked.

"Hey Babe we were just talking about you," the mysterious vampire said.

"Wanna sit by me? You know we will be spending a lot of time together," he added, winking.

"Sure, but I'm sitting with Ethan tomorrow," I said, thinking about my other friend.

He placed his hand around my waist and we walked off, his hand suddenly began to trail a bit too low and I could feel the heat rising to my face. "Stop it. I don't even know your name," I said quickly.

"It's Benjamin, but you can call me Ben or Benji," he responded cooly.

"Well my name is Amelia. Amelia Für."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he said, placing his blood bag down and pulling out a chair for me to sit in.

The dining hall was beautiful, with low hanging chandeliers and massive windows, showing the sky outside. There were circular wooden tables with wooden chairs that matched the beautiful wood that they used for the walls.

His friends joined later, well most of the male vampires. I looked around for Jessica to see that she just arrived. She looked left and right, and when she spotted me she waved.

"Is that girl causing you any trouble?" Benji asked, noticing me cringe from sighting her.

"She's just an annoying angel of a room mate."

"Well you know you could always join me in my room. We might have to share a bed though," he said, winking.

The intercom came on and all faces turned to the lady speaking, Ms. Eldridge.

"Now is time for the rules. No males in the female dormitories, and no females in the male dormitories respectively. When with a teacher, you shall speak when spoken to or called upon only. In your free time you may be outside within the gates , and in any of the designated areas. The showers are open only during free time. Werewolves may hunt in the forest after hours only on full moon nights, and you may not change otherwise, unless need be for a school class. Vampires may only feast on the animal blood caught by werewolves, and on the blood bags. No fooling around with wizardry or magic of any sorts. Angels and demons may not harvest souls while they attend this academy. The rest are self explanitory. Have a nice day."

The speech was short. Ms. Eldridge left the podium but came back quickly. "We will have a capture the flag game tomorrow night in the forest if anyone may want to join. Werewolves may change for this special occasion. Since it is Thursday I would like for everyone to get a good nights sleep. Oh my look at the time. Detentions will be served now. Trophy room with me. Cemetery with Mr. Dubet," she then got off of the podium.

I stood up after eating a bite or two of the meat I picked up. It was very rich and raw, hard to eat without being in my wolf form.

"Sorry guys. I'll see you later for the party. Ms. Eldridge's classroom at 9:00 p.m. Time for detention with the pretty lady," Benji said before we walked off together towards Ms. Eldridge.

(Pic of Benji will be posted with next chapter c:)

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