Chapter Nine

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"Okay, listen up lower life forms! This is not just a game! Well it is, but I don't want to see any sitting around, chatting with the chicky-babes, or going home to kiss your mommy!"

The activities director, Mr. Coe, was pretty hardcore, yet very amusing at the same time. He was a short man, with P.E. shorts that mached his shortness. I could already tell that he was very in to physical fitness games.

"Allright, so this is how it's gonna go. I will divide you up in to two teams, so there will be an equal amount of creatures on each team. The object of the game is to capture the flag that the other team posseses. The red team must catch the blue teams flag. The blue team must catch the red teams flag. Got it?" He was very sarcastic. He spoke to us as if we were nine years old.

"So, here are the rules: Werewolves are allowed to change in to their wolf form, wizards and witches may use magic, Demons can do... whatever you demons do, and same goes for vampires. If any horseplay becomes harmful, you will be taken out of the game and be given detention for however long the I and Ms.Eldridge decide on."

"What about the angels?" someone in the crowd asked. It separated, to reveal a blonde, blue eyed kid, like myself. He was beautiful, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. He glowed, like me, and I realized he was also an angel. I stepped up to recieve the rules for us two.

"Well... Uh... Iv'e never had any angels before! Lets see... You guys don't like violence, do you?" We nodded. "Well, we have been short of supervisers... Why don't you two fly over the game, and watch over the game? You guys can heal, right?" We nodded once more. "Okay, it's settled! You!" He pointed at me. "Why dont you heal and help out those on the... red team, and you! This time, he pointed at the boy. "You will do the same for the blue team."

He then made two lines, and gave one line blue jerseys to wear, and the other team red jerseys. He also gave them devises that gave out a spark for us angels to see, if someone was injured. The sparks were colored, so we would know who was giving the signal Amelia, and Benji were on the blue team, and Ethan was on the red... not that I was watching. As the two teams split up, to find their bases, come up with a game plan, and pick a captain, The other angel and I scouted the area. It was about a mile long and half a mile wide.

The other angel decided to break the silence "So, I never caught your name." I almost jumped out of fright, but thankfully, I was already in the air.

"Oh, I'm Jessica! How about you?"

"Im Zachariah, but you can call me Zach."

"Oh! Were you already assigned a name when you... when you were...."

"Banished? It's okay, don't worry about it! And yes, I was assigned my name long ago. So what made you pick the name Jessica?"

"I don't know, I was just kind of drawn to it.."

"Etaf is very strange, isn't it?"


It was strange mentioning Etaf. Not many people know what it is, but it knows everyone. Most of those who knew of it were angels, and other high ranking creatures. I knew that Ms. Eldridge knew of Etaf because her aura was of high respect, and loyalty, despite the rumors of her being a douche.

Soon, Mr. Coe's whistle blew loudly, and we could see those who set out to capture the flag, go. Within minutes, a blue spark rose into the air.

"Well, that's me. I guell I'll see ya later!" He gave a wink (a very handsome one) and set off. Soon, I saw a spark of my own color, and set off.

Amelia's P.O.V.

My heart thumped as I raced through the woods. The red team's defense had found me, and were in pursuit. I was leading the team, and our goal was to get the red flag. Most of the team had stayed behind to protect the flag, but four parties of ten set separately, to surround the flag.

Six of my companions had already been stunned by a wizard, captured, or injured. I had know idea if the other three groups had made it to he spot. I was forced farther and farther to the east, away from the scent of the flag. Eventually, I was alone. Lost. I couldn't follow the scent of the flag, there were too many enemies over there.

I continued down a steam, in the opposite direction of the other kids, hoping to find others who strayed, but instead, I caught a familiar scent. It was that of Ethan's. I followed the smell, quietly. Finally, I caught sight of him. His fur was brown, and his eyes were bright blue, just like his human eyes. On his belt, which doesn't fit too well on a wolf, was none other than the red flag. He had his back turned to me, so I lunged for the flag on his side. He turned over and stuck his foot out, tripping me.

"So." I said, hoping to distract him. "How did you guys manage to hide the flags scent, and transfer it somewhere else?"

"The wizards have quite a skill. Let's just say that the rest of the blue team's out there chasing a stick." I laughed, it was actually a pretty genius idea. I wish I would've thought of it.

"Where's your backup, Ethan?" I walked a little closer, but he backed away.
"Stuck in traffic," he replied sarcastically. Jessica would've questioned this.

I pondered how to get the flag off of him. Finally, I decided i would have to wrestle for it. Although females tend to be weaker, I had alpha in my blood. I figured it was worth a shot. I lunged at him, tackling him to the ground. We wrestled back and forth, laughing. I finally ripped the flag off of his belt, and it turn a bright white. Everyone was teleported near home. Ethan and I were in the front of the crowd.

All I could hear were the cheers and applause from the blue team , and the half-hearted claps from red team. Jessica congratulated me, and Ethan gave me an approving smile. Part of me thinks he let me win. Oh, well. I got more claps on the back than I have ever had on my life! Part of me was uncomfortable about all of the attention , but a bigger part of me was excited to be the hero.

As we were all headed in, I heard yells come from behind me. "Erica? Erica! Erica, where are you?" Most kids ignored this, but Jessica and I went to check it out. The girl screaming was a freshman I had seen before only a few times. We didn't talk much.

"What's wrong?" asked Jessica.

"Erica! She's my roommate, and she was with me when we teleported back, but now she's gone!" Jessica went to get the teachers, and the whole forest was searched, but Erica was gone.

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