Neytiri x Female Reader

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Reader is Jake's paternal half sister.
It is mentioned she is female and has hair long enough to cover her face (as in at least shoulder-length, but hair type is not mentioned)

I fought hard.

I wasn't going to lose my only other sibling. Not if I can do anything about it.

Quaritch was tough. His machine was hard to break. I fought alongside Jake, but then I saw the Colonel grab Jake and toss him aside. I saw him go over to the small mechanical area and saw him trying to break his way to our human bodies.

I hissed and fought, with Jake's help, I got launched into the air and delivered a strike from the air. I was thrown away. Then I saw the Colonel grab Jake tightly, looking for the human body. I cried out, pain in my ankle as I saw Neytiri fight through. She saw me, and got alarmed.

She was my mate, and here I was; bloodied and bruised.

When she got close enough, I looked her in the eye, limping over to her. "Get Jake out of here."

Neytiri shook her head.

"Get him out of here. Please!" I cried. I heard more crashing, and begged Neytiri with my eyes before running to fight. I jumped in the small factory where all the pods were just as Jake fell limp. "JAKE!" Neytiri and I called out.

Inside, when he opened the pod, I immediately gave him a mask, to which he thankfully placed on. The colonel fought and broke more of the area, glass falling on Jake and I. I saw Neytiri from the corner of my eye bringing Jake's avatar to safety.

He gasped for air. I didn't have time to take in the moment as I was yanked back roughly. I cried out in pain.

"Y/N!" Jake called out as Neytiri saw me fly back into a tree. I kept fighting the Colonel long enough to distract him.

"Time to wake up, Y/n." He smirked and brought his giant arm down on me, full force, and I then saw darkness.

When my eyes opened, I was opening my capsule. I got up, but the closest box of emergency items had one mask, the other ones had more, but I wouldn't make it in time. I tried to not breathe in as much, but I was already gasping for air from the pain I just felt earlier, and now I had more difficulty breathing.

Just as I reach the second nearest security mask, I fell to the floor, grabbing some of it with me, breathing rapidly until I fell unconscious, the sirens continued blaring in the background, but I didn't focus on them when I was brought back to the realm of darkness.

3rd P. O. V

Just as Neytiri brought both Jake's human body and avatar to the side to safety, she loaded her bow and took the opportunity as she saw Y/n's limp avatar dangling from Quaritch's grasp. Neytiri felt herself fill with rage. Her tail curled just as she let go of the arrow. The colonel gasped in shock as he saw the arrow sticking out of him, dropping Y/n. Neytiri shot a second arrow, which killed him finally, and she walked over to Y/n's body, hissing at the colonel and protectively standing around her beloved.

Quaritch finally fell as he finally died.

After that, Neytiri turned to Y/n. "Y/n. Y/n!" She whispered out, caressing her mate's cheek and trying to wake her up.

No reaction.

Neytiri then heard the sound of a siren, and turned around.

She jumped towards it, but was stopped by the glass. She grunted and then went through the broken window, stepping over the broken glass shards and  saw a human body on the floor. H/l h/c sprawled all over her face. E/c eyes tightly shut. Neytiri grabbed and cradled the body of her beloved, slowly shaking her, which made the hair fall from her face.

"Y/n, my Y/n!" She cried out. She found the mask that was falling, and quickly placed it on Y/n's face. She silently begged to Eywa to let Y/n live. Her mate had to live through this. Her eyes were wide in fear, as the woman she loved was here: right in front of her and barely breathing.

Y/n then felt as if her heart started beating again, but was being suffocated. She struggled for a second before she adjusted it fully, letting her breathe normally. She gasped for air. The masked slowly fogged up, but she smiled as she saw Neytiri there, who was smiling back at her.

Y/n hesitantly raised her hand to caress Neytiri's cheek, and when she placed it on Neytiri's cheek, Neytiri smiled and placed her own larger hand over the small human's.

This was the first time Neytiri saw Y/n's human form, which made Y/n feel a tad bit insecure, but she shook off the feeling. It somehow felt...intimate.

Y/n smiled again, and Neytiri mirrored her. "I see you," Y/n said lovingly.

Neytiri let out a small chuckle. "I see you."


Jake survived his permanent change into his Avatar body.
Y/n's turn was next. Neytiri placed Y/n's human body on the grass gently, next to the Avatar.

Jake looked worried at his sister. "She'll be fine," Neytiri said from beside him. She placed a reassuring hand on her, as humans say, brother-in-law's, shoulder. They were close enough to consider each other family.

Neytiri cupped Y/n's human body's cheeks, kissing them before kissing her forehead. She then went to face Y/n's avatar. Neytiri lovingly caressed her cheek and watched as Y/n's green eyes opened.

With a gasp, Y/n jumped and sat up, breathing heavily. Jake immediately hugged his sister before letting Neytiri hug her as well.

Y/n knew that from now own, her life would be better.

Because she had found her family.

She and Neytiri became the next leaders of the Omaticaya Clan. Jake stayed close with his sister and sister-in-law.

The three of them made the humans go back to Earth, making sure each human had left.

After that, Neytiri stood in the Tree of Souls. She heard Y/n walk from behind her and hugged her. Neytiri smiled in the embrace before turning around. She kissed Y/n's lips and let her forehead rest against her mate's.

Y/n let her arms drape around Neytiri's.

"I see you, Y/n."

"I see you, Neytiri."

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