Neytiri x Female Reader •Smut•

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Warning: this chapter contains sexual content! I am not responsible of what you consume on the internet, you have been warned!

I...have no idea how Na'vi Smut works lmao. So I just went and try to redo what happened in the movie. Besides I am assuming the Na'vi have reproductive organs like us as we've seen Neytiri pregnant in the trailers in Way of Water, so yeah.

"Would you mate with a female?" Y/n asked worriedly. Neytiri looked at her as if she had grown a second head. "It's not uncommon in our tribe. Why? Does your planet not accept it?"

"Let's say my planet has killed the couples of the same sex," Y/n replied. She then faced Neytiri. Both made the bond with the tree of souls before looking at each other. Neytiri saw Y/n hesitate a small bit. "If you're not okay with it-"

"No no, it's just-" Y/n sighed. "I don't know how sexual intercourse is here on Pandora. I was a paramedic who was required to take an extra position, not officially a scientist or biologist."

Neytiri frowned as she looked down, "I want to do it with you, I want to be your mate. I know you are of the sky people, but I care about you. You... you're different than the rest, than Grace, than Jake Sully. Than even my own people. And I come to realize that I care about you, very much, and I want to spend my life with you, Y/n."

Y/n's heart raced, the feeling mutual as she walked up to Neytiri and gently kissed her plush lips, deepening the kiss ever so slightly, Neytiri pulled herself closer to Y/n, and they both then sat down, holding the ends of their braids together.

Neytiri and Y/n made the bond with each other. Both gasped in shock before Y/n hummed in delight. Neytiri got close to Y/n and kissed her, with Y/n pulling her by the thighs closer until Neytiri was seated in Y/n's lap, one of Y/n's knees pressed in between Neytiri's legs.

Y/n kissed Neytiri's chest, gently nipping and licking at some areas of her skin. Neytiri let out a soft moan. Y/n raised a hand and stroked Neytiri's nipple underneath her bra, and Neytiri let out a gasp, her grip on Y/n's shoulders tightening. Y/n smiled internally and gently gave a lick, Neytiri's moans turning louder.

When Y/n slowly brought her knee back, Neytiri let herself dig her nails in Y/n's shoulders, grinding herself down and hard on Y/n's thigh. Y/n smirked at how desperate she was. Neytiri continued rubbed herself against Y/n's thigh until Y/n pressed a thumb against where Neytiri needed it most.

"Oh-" Neytiri gasped, bringing Y/n's fingers down in an angle that she started riding them, forcing Y/n to add another finger in her. Laying her down, Y/n happily obliged and scissored her fingers in Neytiri, causing her to nearly scream, her tail wrapping around her now mate's leg as Y/n kissed down her mate's chest, slowly lifting Neytiri's top, her fingers playing with Neytiri's breasts, not slowing down, even as she felt Neytiri clench around her fingers, soon accepting her orgasm.

Y/n smiled as she saw her beloved come for her. Y/n couldn't help but get lower and line her face up to Neytiri's entrance.

Neytiri's body was on fire, each moan escaped her lips, her hands going to Y/n's hair, her ears going back, as well as her eyes. She felt Y/n playing with her, up until she began sucking on her clit, and Neytiri all but nearly screamed in pleasure. She has never been in such a situation, but she felt safe with Y/n, like it was the right time and right person.

To Neytiri, it was perfect. And it was perfect for Y/n, too, taking in all of Neytiri's juices. The sweet moans that escaped Neytiri's lips fueled Y/n to go even further, sticking her tongue deep into her mate and thrusting it in and out. When Neytiri had finished, when she had finally caught her breathe, she kissed Y/n passionately. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"I want you to feel pleasure too," Neytiri stated. Y/n blushed but shook her head, "It's fine, next time we can-"

But Neytiri interrupted Y/n, kissing down her neck, sucking a dark hickey onto Y/n's neck. Y/n whined at the feeling, her body now burning with anticipation and desire. Neytiri cupped her mate's breasts and leaned her face to lick one of them ever so gently, her hand going to Y/n's other breast and down to where the pressure was slowly being relieved.

"Oh-" Y/n gasped, holding onto Neytiri for support. Neytiri admired the way Y/n whined, moaned and every small twitch or movement she made from the pleasure Neytiri was giving her. Pressure building up in her lower stomach, Y/n beckoned Neytiri to go faster, trying to relieve herself of the built up pleasure, until she clenched down on Neytiri's fingers, the knot in her stomach snapping as she came messily all over Neytiri's hand, who only brought her fingers to her face and licked them clean before finally settling herself into Y/n's lap, kissing her mate fervently once more.

Both women were inexperienced, that was a fact, but somehow they knew which key points to pay attention to, which ones caused the most pleasure and took their time to explore each other's bodies, something that must have taken hours as they felt utterly exhausted by the end, quickly succumbing to sleep.

Inside her pod, Y/n's breath shuddered, and she willed her body to relax as she slowly got out with Grace's help.


The next day, Y/n tiredly got out of her bed and met with Jake at breakfast. He raised an eyebrow at her. "You look like you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. You look that tired, now the question is: what did you actually do last night? You stayed latest out of all four of us in your pod."

Y/n rolled her eyes, supporting herself against the wall before sitting down, racking her memory and smiling faintly, remembering last night with her now mate. She didn't realize when Jake was calling for her, and she finally snapped out when she heard Norm laugh at something Jake said. "Huh, what?"

"I'm saying you got laid, dude," Jake laughed. Norm laughed along, "So, who's the lucky Na'vi?"

"None of your business," Y/n replied, raising a glass full of water to her lips. Jake laughed even more, "It can't be the princess."

Y/n must've showed some odd movements as something gave her away, as Jake's eyes widened, and when Grace walked in, he couldn't help but share.

"Y/n fucked the princess!"

"Holy shit!"

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