Neytiri x Female Reader

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Neytiri wakes up to find her new mate is completely unconscious.

Meanwhile, Jake, Norm and the reader are escaping from Quaritch (Grace is already dead here). It's a mix between the final battle, and Grace's death?
I have no idea what I did.
Most of my requests are smuts, but I thought I'd some fluff/angst to post first to show I'm still active on here.

Neytiri woke up with a start, turning to see her mate asleep beside her. Only, something was wrong. Neytiri's ears went back as she realised how deep Y/n's breathing was, slowly shaking her awake. "Ma Y/n, wake up."

No answer.

Fear lodged into Neytiri's throat, panic visibly shown in her eyes as she tried to shake awake her mate. "Ma' Y/n! Wake up! Please!"

Running, Y/n was pushing Jake in his wheelchair forward, Norm and Trudy on either side. Grace, her adoptive mother, was dead, shot by Quaritch. Y/n held a gun at her side as Max unlocked it for them. "Max," Y/n said quickly. "We need someone on the inside, okay?"

Max nodded, giving her a hug before he watched them all leave.

Norm passed masks to Y/n, Trudy and Jake, adding his own. He and Trudy ran ahead to prepare the helicopter, Y/n helping Jake.

"I guess this wasn't how you planned to spend your morning, huh?" He asked in hopes to lighten the mood. Y/n let out a sigh. "No. I was hoping to wake up next to Neytiri today. It is the first day I would've woken up with a mate, and it would've been fun."

"I see," Jake replied. The copter about to fly off, Norm hoisted Jake on and grabbed the wheelchair, Y/n climbing up just as gunshots rang out. She turned her head to see Quaritch taking aim and jumped in the helicopter, Norm dragging her in.

Everyone cheered, except for Y/n, who groaned in pain. Looking down, scarlet liquid contrasted against her s/c hand and began staining her pants. "Shit."

Jake took notice. "Y/n's been hit. Get the trauma kit!"

Norm went to grab the trauma kit with directions from Trudy, and Jake went to put pressure on the wound. Meanwhile all Y/n could think about was her mate.

They flew somewhere safer, to a warehouse/shed where several pods were laid out. Y/n briefly explained that her stepmom had this as a backup plan. Jake and Norm quickly went into their pods, Norm waking up nearby in his avatar and running to get Y/n's human body as Jake woke up in the clan, looking for Neytiri.


The na'vi woman's ears perked up, still afraid for her mate as Jake entered her tent. "Jake, what has happened to Y/n?"

"Her human body has been shot."

Neytiri's eyes filled with panic. She didn't wait for Jake to continue as she grabbed her bow, arrows and called on Seze. Jake tried to continue, but his efforts were proven to be pointless.

"Listen, Trudy, you need to go to Max."

"I can't leave you here alone, Y/n," Trudy said. "I won't."

Sounds of helicopters were around. Trudy frowned as she knew that Y/n was right and she had to go back to Max. No one knew it was her as the pilot. She could work alongside Max and work on the inside until the time was right. Y/n pleaded with her eyes. Trudy scrunched up her face and sighed. "Fine. But try and keep contact."

"Yes ma'am," Y/n joking replied. Trudy gave her a look and flew off, leaving Y/n alone. She limped to the shed, but she heard rapid footsteps. Y/n looked down at her leg, where a bandage had been wrapped, and ultimately decided to run the opposite direction. If they were led away from the shed, Norm and Jake still had a chance to warn the tribe.

She ran through the tall grass, looking at the tall trees in hopes of seeing someone to help.

She was alone.

Running, she dared to look back. Several men had spotted her and were chasing her. Sweat rolled down her back as the ability to breathe became harder, every breath burning her throat, to her lungs.

She heard a flapping overhead, and decided to try and imitate the call Neytiri taught her.

With all the strength she had, as she ran, she called out.

Neytiri heard the call, seeing one of the sky people who said it, and immediately knew who it was. Her mate had made that call, the one Neytiri taught her.

She pulled knocked an arrow and took aim, killing several of the sky people that had guns at her beloved.

However, she still heard a gunshot. Her eyes widened in panic as she got closer.

Y/n couldn't run far with her limp, and was tackled to the floor, a soldier digging his leg into her wounded one. "Sorry, girl, the colonel wants you dead."

Fighting back, the solider was left without a knife and gun from the thrashing and fighting of Y/n, which left him one option.

He ripped off her mask in attempt to grab the collar of her shirt, and punched her back.

Without the mask, Y/n's vision blurred with stars. The lack of oxygen in the air made it near impossible to breathe, even as she tried to reach for the mask which was thrown farther away, and from taking short, rapid breaths as she looked up at the sky, she finally felt her eyes close, and her breathing—stop.

Neytiri, meanwhile, shot down the final soldier, jumping off of Seze and running to her mate. "Ma' Y/n!"

Holding the smaller frame, Neytiri saw the outstretched arm at a mask. The Na'vi woman reached out and grabbed it, positioning it onto her mate's face.

Y/n came to, slowly, bud surely. Adjusting the mask to let in oxygen, she felt herself in the arms of her beloved. Looking up, she smiled, seeing the face of her beloved. "Oel ngati kameie."

Neytiri smiled, "I see you."

Y/n tried to stand, however her leg was bleeding through the bandage, and she was losing a lot of blood. Y/n grunted in pain even as she was gently in her beloved's arms.

Neytiri climbed on Seze, holding on tight to Y/n, "Ma' Y/n, hold on tight to me."

Y/n nodded, wrapping her arms around Neytiri's shoulders as she flew them to the clan.

Blood was trailing down on Seze's wing, and Y/n was sure by now it was either infected, and was extremely close to an artery, which, with her movements the bullets imbedded itself in.

Neytiri was tasked with changing Y/n in more suitable clothes. Norm and Jake watched as Neytiri carefully carried Y/n to the middle of the tree of souls, where her avatar lay.

"It hurts," Neytiri heard her mate mutter. The Na'vi woman's heart tore, kissing her beloved gently. "You won't feel the pain. Not anymore."

Y/n smiled softly, closing her eyes as the prayers were sent, the chanting echoing around her.

Y/n saw Eywa herself, before she felt the familiar rush of transferring her soul from one body to the other, like it had done so many times, only this would be for the final time.

Neytiri was beside her mate, caressing her cheek, and a smile was painted on her lips as her mate's eyes opened.

Y/n was alive, Y/n was breathing.

Y/n was here with Neytiri.

And that's all they wanted. To be with each other.

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