Neytiri x Female Reader

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This is from my Random One Shots book, but an edited version. It will be published on my tumblr, so please check it out!
You can find me on Tumblr as GabiTheFanWriter

I was running, and running fast. I jumped from one tree to another, until I slipped and fell. I screamed as Neytiri pounced on me, and started tickling me. "I got you. What are you going to do now?"

"What, should I do something to you?" She laughed, her tail going around mine.

I kissed her passionately. And with that same passion, she kissed back. "We should head back to to the others." I said after a while. I mean, she had to go and train the newbie, Jake Sully. "I don't want to go. I want to stay here with you!" She whined, I just laughed.

"Let's go," I said. We went all the way back to the Home Tree. When we reach there, Mo'at was relieved. "It's about time. Where were you Neytiri?" Mo'at asked. "We were out training." I said, calmly. Mo'at seemed to visibly relax at my words, nodding her head with a sigh, "Neytiri, the dreamwalker is waiting for you."

I walked with Neytiri until we reached Jake, where I saw him stare at Neytiri with a look of happiness, and when I saw what he was doing, I wanted to smack his head.

He couldn't even shoot an arrow with a bow.

Neytiri laughed as she walked over to him, calling over her shoulder to me. "I'll see you later, Y/n."

I waved and walked away, realizing how low of a chance I'd ever have at becoming her mate. She had a whole line of suitors, mainly Tsu'Tey as she was promised to him after Sylwanin.

I simply nodded, thinking over it. The more I thought about her and Tsu Tey, the more I realised I have no reason to hate him, as he never really showed interest in Neytiri.

The dreamwalker, Jake Sully on the other hand... He worried me.

I went to the tree where Neytiri and I usually are, and that's when I saw the first bows we made as kids. Some arrows still beside them. I felt some tears fall from my eyes. "Y/N!? Where are you? " I heard Neytiri yell. I began panicking. She can't see me like this. I thought to myself. I started running and climbing the trees. I went down and started walking around the stream. "What's wrong? Why were you running?"

"Why aren't you with Jake Sully?"

Neytiri looked at me confused, "What?"

I kept walking forward, which made me realize I subconsciously made my way back to the treehouse, with Neytiri on my tail.

"I saw how comfortable you were getting with him, I know he likes you, and you seem to enjoy your time around that idiot."

Neytiri cupped my face turning my head to kiss me, "I do not care about that idiot, Y/n. I care about you. I want you, I need you in my life. I want to be with you only, I want to mate with you. I see you."

I couldn't speak, the only three words coming to my mind were the only response she needed. "I see you."

I kissed her again, holding her close, my tail wrapping around her thigh as I held her close. I let my hand wander gently to in between her legs, grazing a certain part of her as I supported her back against a tree. The faint moan she let out was music to my ears. I kissed down to her throat

Neytiri laughed, walking up closer to me and kissing me, and I passionately kissed back. I deepened the kiss and grabbed her by the waist. "Jump."

She did as instructed, wrapping her legs around my waist as I got on my knees, still kissing her. Deepening the kiss, I dared to go further, to which Neytiri smiled and nodded for me to continue.


As we finished, we finally bonded, and we were mated for life.

"I see you," I whispered those words once more, caressing her thigh and cheek, as Neytiri kissed me passionately once more, again climbing into my lap. Neytiri smiled, "I see you."

Walking back to the tribe, our hands entwined, we saw the Na'vi stare at me weirdly, but Neytiri then got closer and clung to my arm. "Do not focus on them, we have to go to my mother and father. The tribe has definitely seen females mate with females, and males mate with males, so they shouldn't have a big problem with us."

I smiled at her, but held my distance. I wasn't overly fond of PDA, but if Neytiri clung to my arm like this for the rest of my life, I could get used to it. I ended up getting the approval of her parents, and they welcomed me with warm open arms, and I felt happy.

Needless to say, I spent the rest of my life with the Na'vi I love most, my beautiful mate: Neytiri.

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