Neytiri x Female Reader

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This book became a Neytiri one shots book lmao.
But who cares, we simp for this queen 😤💙

This was requested on Tumblr in my inbox, so this will definitely go there as well.

My Tumblr is GabiTheFanWriter
So feel free to check my works out there too, I just starting posting! Alas most of my works will be from here too!

I laid down on the tree branch, admiring the creatures from down below. I left my bow and arrows closer to the tree trunk as I admired the beauty of my home, Pandora.

In my eyes, only one could rival her beauty, and that was Neytiri, my mate.

Every single day I thanked Eywa for her existence.

I didn't need to turn my head to know that she climbed up on the branch I'm on, but I still did, looking up to see her. 

She smiled at me before sitting down, her hand over mine. She looked exhausted. I didn't ask her what was going on, I only got up and leaned my back against the tree trunk, with her quickly climbing into my outstretched arms, hiding her face in the crook of my neck, tangling her legs with mine. I smiled at her and kissed the top of her head. 

I absentmindedly began playing with her hair, until I remembered my gift for her. "Neytiri, can you please sit up?"

She reluctantly sat up, confusion on her face until I pulled out a bead from my hair, showing it to her. Her eyes widened when she saw me grab a bit of her hair, beginning to braid it into hers. She didn't move, her confusion slowly morphing into adoration and love, and when I was done, she sat in my lap and pulled out a bead as well, doing the same thing and grabbing some of my hair to braid it in. 

I smiled as she braided my hair, before lifting my face to meet hers, her fingers going over my lips. It always felt nice when she played with my hair, making me feel a certain way. I loved that gentle feeling. I gently grabbed her hands, smiling as I looked into her eyes. I leaned forward, capturing her lips with mine, one of my hands going to her lower back and pulling her close, to which she adjusted and sat in my lap. I felt her move her lips against mine, her hands instead opting to go around my neck and get closer before she pulled away, snuggling into my side.

We didn't do much after, mainly Neytiri snuggling into my arms. I gently kissed her forehead, her temple, her cheeks, her nose until I reached her lips once more, smiling as she only stared with love. "I see you," she whispered.

I smiled, a small sigh escaping past my lips as I felt her hands cup my cheeks, "I see you."

My tail wrapped around hers as I held her hands. She only buried her face in the crook of my neck, and I felt her gentle kisses on my skin. I smiled and only hugged her ever closer. 

And once again, I thanked Eywa for my beautiful mate, Neytiri, for without the beautiful na'vi in my life, I knew I would forever be alone and lost.

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