Neteyam x Female Reader

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I promise I'll do Neytiri, this is just stuck in my drafts.
You're from the Metkayina Clan.


Instead of Ronal's spirit sister, it's yours.
I kinda changed the characters and scene here, so...

I've read somewhere similar, but I wanted to change it. So it's similar but not entirely.

The shriek Y/n let out as she saw her dead spirit sister was the most tragic thing anyone from the group had ever heard her let out. Her cries, her sobs were painful to hear, and it made Neteyam want to vomit as his heart clenched. She urged her ilu to get closer, getting off and reaching out to feel the rough skin as she stared into the dull, dead eyes of the tulkun she had a connection with. Tears fell down her cheeks, her eyes closed as she prayed to Eywa to hear even the slightest of a heart beat.

But no heart beat was heard.

"Who would do this, ma sempul? Who would do this?!" The screams that tore from her throat, heart breaking, gut-wrenching made everyone's skin crawl, her voice breaking as more sobs overwhelmed her. Ronal swam up to her daughter, who was still clutching onto the dead tulkun body. Y/n still clutched on, unwilling to let go. "Kehe! That's my spirit sister!"

Ronal struggled with pulling Y/n away, so when she turned to see Neteyam getting closer on his ilu, she watched him slowly pulling her away from the corpse of her spirit sister, a wave of sadness passing over them. Neteyam cradled her as she clenched her fists and began hitting his chest, trying to reach back out to her spirit sister, but he held her close and tight, and soon she only buried her face in the crook of his neck and shoulder, clinging to him by the belt that went over his chest.

The swim back was silent, excluding the the wails and broken cries of Y/n. She felt as if a piece of her died with her spirit sister, and to a certain degree--she did. Neteyam held her close, whispering in her ear and hugging her tightly as she continued sobbing.

From beside them, Tonowari and Ronal watched their daughter sadly, with Neytiri and Jake feeling bad for the poor girl, riding back until they finally reached the village. There, Ao'nung and Tsireya ran to meet them, but when the siblings saw their sobbing older sister, the thrashing, crying eldest child, Tonowari didn't need to explain when Tsireya tried to calm her broken sister, but Y/n was gripping onto Neteyam so tightly, she refused to let go. Tsireya felt the pain Y/n radiated and did not go further, instead going beside her older brother and going to him for comfort while letting her older sister cry into Neteyam's chest.

Neteyam felt her pain, soothing her, kissing the top of her head as he ran his hands along her arms and back. Tsireya nodded at them sadly, retreating to her parents, leaving Neteyam and Y/n with the other Sully's.

"Neteyam, she was extraordinary," she sobbed, tears still running down her eyes like a strong current. "She was perfect. She was so happy to hear of my adventures. She was so happy to meet you and your siblings."

Jake muttered to Neytiri, both getting off the ilu and walking to the rest, with Jake speaking up at a somewhat safe hearing distance, "It's the Sky People, I know it."

Neytiri, looking at the grief-stricken girl, did not say a word, only walking over and gently patting Y/n's head in a comforting manner. The young Na'vi kept crying in Neteyam's arms, her only current source of comfort, and she couldn't get away. She needed to stay in his arms, until she felt a wave of exhaustion from all her crying.

The pain was still there, but her head began pounding from all her crying, and soon she began feeling dizzy.

She didn't know when, but when she and Neteyam fell to the ground, onto their knees, she rested her forehead onto his shoulder and closed her eyes, slipping into darkness.


Awakening in her tent, she realised she wasn't alone in her makeshift bed. She turned to her right to see herself still clutching onto Neteyam. He was still asleep, but she began to notice how calm he looked, unlike how he usually is.

It was then she realised it.

As the eldest of her siblings and learning to become the next tashík, she probably embarrassed herself with the crying in front of her people. Her heart clenched at the idea. Her family saw her in a moment of weakness, something she swore she'd never show, yet she failed and broke her promise to herself.

She closed her eyes and tried to forget those thoughts, and instead opened her eyes once more, taking a glance at Neteyam's features.

The sparkly white details he had were stunning, like shining stars beneath the small shadow casted over his face. Y/n felt her heart clench at the thought. They had shared one kiss when he arrived, and that was when she and he both were alone and they finally talked and shared their struggles as being the eldest siblings with big expectations from their parents.

But right now, she only searched for comfort with him, which he felt happy he could give. 

She snuggled deeper into him and closed her eyes again, falling asleep once more in Neteyam's arms.

Ma sempul = father

Kehe! = no

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