Neteyam x Female Human! Reader

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Requested by: WitchyW3irdo

I'm sorry it's so short, I have another human reader x Neteyam coming up, but I think it's more angst. This was the only fluff I could think of.

Also my fanfic writing has gotten rusty, oof.

"Shut it Norm," Y/n snapped, taking some samples, her mask slightly fogging up, blurring her vision even further. Times like these made her wish she had an avatar, helping her with her sight as she needed glasses for her blind self. She glared at him until he finally settled down, and she finally got her sample. Rushing back to the temporary lab, she quickly removed her mask and placed on her glasses, quickly studying it, feeling all giddy as she smiled to herself.

Y/n had no idea how many hours sge was experimenting, only knowing the light faintly dimming and the majority of the scientists had turned in for the night. She felt someone randomly jump on her back. She cried out in shock until she realized it was her (at this point godson) younger friend, Spider, behind him Kiri, Lo'ak and Neteyam. Her smile went from a small giddy feeling to a nervous one. She had always found Neteyam attractive, and it was with good reason to.

"H-Hey guys! What're you all doing here?"

"We came to check up on my mom," Kiri explained, and Y/n nodded her head in understanding. "And try to guess who her father is," Lo'ak added, breathing in through his mask.

"I still stand by my guess that you are Grace's reincarnation. A child of Eywa herself. That's my best bet after Jake told me everything about her death, Neytiri filling in some gaps to his story," Y/n declared. Neteyam smiled at her, and Y/n felt her face burn red. The others must've noticed, as they left Y/n alone, calling for Neteyam to head back as the lab was getting darker, with less people around, which meant that it was almost curfew for them.

"I'll catch up with you guys in a minute," Neteyam told them. Y/n looked up art him as he inhaled through the mask before he turned to her. "Y/n, I need to tell you something."

Feeling her gut fill with nerves, she looked up at him, feeling ridiculously small. She felt a small feeling of frustration as she grabbed a stable chair to at least be  taller, and she nearly reached eye-level with him. She loved the fact she had the tall genes from  her parents, which left her at a certain height right underneath his nose. Neteyam walked up to her, lowering his mask as he admired her features. "There are so many things I want to say, but I just don't know how."

Y/n felt butterflies erupt in her stomach. "Then... can I say something?"

Neteyam nodded. Y/n took a deep breath and began to speak her mind. "I really really like you Neteyam, and I know your mom wouldn't approve, I know I have no avatar, and I know that you and I are two completely different races, not to mention you need a mask from time to time in here, I need a mask all the time when out in the forests of Pandora. Yet, I still feel something specific towards you. I think I might have more than a crush on you. I want to be with you, if you are willing to have me Neteyam."

She watched Neteyam inhale from his mask before he angled his face downwards, capturing her lips with his and gently brushing her hair back. Her hands went to his cheeks, brushing away his braids and pulling him close. One of his hands wrapped around her back before he pulled away, inhaling from his mask, but making eye contact with her. She cupped his cheeks and leaned her forehead against his.

"I think you can say I feel the same way about you," Neteyam smirked. Y/n smiled breathlessly, her hair a slight mess as she adjusted her glasses. Neteyam smiled and let his hand rest on her cheek, and Y/n giggled as she saw his breath on her glasses. "You're fogging up my glasses."

Through her laughter, she leaned into his touch, her hand going over his as she turned her face, kissing the inside of it. "I care about you, so much, Neteyam. I see you."

"I see you," Neteyam replied, a smile on his face.

Y/n's smile quickly faded into a look of realization, to panic. "Oh, your mom is gonna kill me! It's way past your curfew!"

Neteyam chuckled, "I think we'll be fine, I'll protect you."

"If you survive your mom's wrath, that is."

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